
Summary: During the pilot episode Dawson asks Joey to come to the movies with him, Jen, and Pacey so Jen won't feel awkward. So this is my way of spicing it up. 

Warning: Some parts may be racey, read at own risk.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13

“It’s Friday the 13th isn’t it?” Joey asked after a quick gasp hanging a plastic skeleton by the string over her index finger.

“I think so,” Jen said counting the days in her head before eyeing the strange Halloween apparel.

“Beware of Dawson’s cheap tricks and his ever so present partner in crime trying to scare the crap out of us all day,” Joey said with an eye roll hanging the skeleton back on its hook where she found it. 

“I should have known the movie buff would be into the clichéd Friday the 13th superstitions.”

“Oh this, this is nothing,” she replied with a crazy tone, “it gets oh so much worse, especially at his little jamboree, which contains him, Pacey, and I eating pop rocks and coke just to go against your generic urban legends. They’re our walks on the wild side.”

“Sounds exciting,” Jen replied dryly hugging her binder to her chest.

“You wanna come? We could always use a little more estrogen at our little gatherings; sometimes the he-man cock fights really get to me.”

“I don’t know,” Jen cringed, “things between Dawson and I are a little weird right now ever since the whole Billy debacle.”

“Oh come on,” Joey begged shutting her locker and pouting her lip, “Dawson’s harmless, just a little needy at times but once you get past that…”

“The important thing is if it’s okay with him,” Jen cut in.

“He’ll be fine, besides if you’re trying out this ‘just friends’ thing it’s healthy to do friend type things like hang out with your friends and attempt to scare the crap out of them to such an extent that said friend really should never speak to you again,” Joey said with a joking smile.

“I don’t know,” Jen smirked, “going by your definition of friends Dawson and I would have been fucking weeks ago.”

Joey raised her brows in surprise before breaking into another smile, “See, friendly joking around is always a good way to continue a friendship.”

“You’re an endless valley of advice aren’t you?” Jen smirked following the tall brunette down the hall.

“I’d like to consider myself that way, yes, it helps keep the ego in check,” she nodded.

“At a very unhealthy level that is.”

“Well we can’t all be perfect.”


“I don’t want to go,” Pacey pouted resting his head against her head board.

“It’s tradition,” Joey argued leafing through her closet.

“There’s only so many times a guy can handle Scream and I Know what you did Last Summer, let’s face it, the movies weren’t that good.”

“It’s one of the few days that Dawson looks forward to with the exception of his birthday.” Joey countered picking out a sweater, “Besides Jen’s going to be there and to leave them by themselves would be cruel.”

“Or it could be considered positive reinforcement, we can put those two crazy kids back together without so much as lifting a finger, they’ll get pissed at us realize that they share a common interest and get back together, leaving us isolated for more one on one time. And I meant that literally not figuratively.”

“Pacey!” She said sternly tossing a ball of socks at his head.

“This?” he asked holding the neat cotton mound in his hand, “This was your weapon to correct my inappropriate diatribes?”

“I’m sorry I was out of the sharp objects I keep in my sock drawer to cut my fingers when I absently rummage through it,” she said dryly.

“I’ll have to get you more.”

“I was kidding,” she said crossing the room to her bed and smacking him in the head.

“So was I,” he said catching her hand and pulling her down on top of him. Rolling them over so he was hovering over her he brushed his lips against hers waiting for her to part her lips before he distributed his weight more evenly above her his fingers tangling quickly with her silky strands of hair.

She moaned into his mouth snaking her arms around his neck pulling his lips closer to hers as his tongue ran slickly along her lower lip. “Do we still have to go?” He whispered huskily.

“Go find your shoes,” she said squirming out from underneath him as he flopped stubbornly onto his back releasing a heavy groan.

“But Friday nights are our nights!” He whined.

“Except when they fall on the 13th of any month,” she countered tying up her sneakers, “Now come on you big baby it’s time to go.”


Jennifer Love Hewitt must have screamed for the eleventy billionth time, and even though that wasn't a real number it certainly applied in this case. It was now 2AM and they had sat through the classics, the cult followed and now the cheesy gore filled ones. Pacey had fallen asleep twenty minutes into this 'horror' flick and a steady stream of drool escaped the corner of his lips pooling beside him on Dawson's carpet.

Feeling a feather like touch against his forehead he scrunched his nose, fighting off the incentive to sneeze before he drew his hand up to bat away what ever sensation was dancing against his skin only to be met by a cool wet fluffy substance all over his brow.

Snapping up from his resting position he was met by three pairs of eyes laughing uncontrollably as he wiped the whipped cream from his face licking up some of the remnants, "Mature guys, real mature."

"Oh come on Pace, you were snoring and everything, we had to perform some sort of cliched sleep over traditions," Dawson joked throwing him a washcloth. 

"I'm tired of this sitting around in the dark watching movies thing, let's do something active," Pacey pleaded wiping off the last remnants of the white fluff.

"And what pray tell are you suggesting?" Joey inquired tucking a strand of hair behind her ears.

"That we put some urban legends to the test," he said rubbing his hands briskly together.

"Like what?" Jen asked folding her arms over her chest.

"Like saying 'Bloody Mary' three times in a dark bathroom, or eating shrimp with vitamin C pills, or watching Disney films and uncovering all the graphic sexual references, or we can go down to the cemetery and take a wafty breath, see how many spirits we can catch."

"Sounds appealing," Joey said dryly.

"Do you have a better plan?"

"Suddenly my nose is itchy," Joey continued in her sarcastic tone.

"That means somebody's thinking of you," Jen smirked glancing at Pacey.

"No it means that I'm going to kiss a fool," she said eyeing the brunette across from her, "funny how the world works."

"So what do you want to line up a row of ladders and run through them are something?" Dawson asked ignoring the innuendo.

"No what I'm saying is that you and Lindley," Pacey began pushing them out of the bedroom and down the hall, "need to go in here say 'Bloody Mary' three times and tell us if your face gets cut off because I've been dying to know if it would."

"Pacey wait," Jen said but was cut off when the bathroom door slammed before her face.

"What are you doing?" Joey asked with an amused smirk as Pacey propped a chair beneath the door handle.

"Playing match maker by locking them in small confines," he explained.

"Right," she nodded a few times folding her arms over her chest and leaning against the hallway wall.

"I'm beginning to believe in those superstitions though," he said stepping towards her.

"And why is that?" She asked before her lips were captured by his.

"My complexion is fine; can you let me out now?" Jen yelled banging on the door.

"Fine," Pacey sighed breaking away from Joey and removing the chair. "So are we going to dig up those old Disney classics or should we put our health to the test and raid Dawson's fridge?" 

"Actually I was thinking it was getting kind of late, and I told Bessie I'd be home some time before daybreak," Joey said dragging her tongue over her bottom lip.

"Oh come on, the fun's only begun," Dawson complained happy to spend a good five minutes locked in a bathroom with Jen.

"I don't need to be told twice, Joey I'm driving you home," Pacey cut in heading for Dawson's room to grab his coat.

"Wait, what? You guys it's not even 3 yet," Dawson whined following them down the hall.

"I should go to then," Jen added shyly, "Grams is probably freaking already."

"Fine, everyone go, ruin our Friday the 13th traditions," he said dramatically.

"I knew you'd understand," Pacey said patting him on the back and chasing Joey down the stairs while Jen waved goodbye heading out the window.

Climbing into the old blue Chevy Pacey glanced over at Joey; "You don't really have to go home do you?"

Rolling her eyes she glanced out the window and then back at him, "At some point in time yes, but I think I can manage another six to seven hours before making an appearance."

"Good," he grinned, "very good."

Back to Part 9 | Continue to Part 11