
Summary: During the pilot episode Dawson asks Joey to come to the movies with him, Jen, and Pacey so Jen won't feel awkward. So this is my way of spicing it up. 

Warning: Some parts may be racey, read at own risk.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13

Filing through his tapes he fast forwarded through the one he shot last night. The audio hadn’t picked up and it looked rather amusing with him and Jen talking animatedly him leaning into kiss her and then her spotting the camera. That was a rather dumb move on his part he had realized but the kiss they had shared under the cobwebs was not, that was special to him. 

Moments later there were two different people in the shot, the male’s white tee shirt blocking most of the female behind him as they kissed passionately and began removing articles of clothing, “What the hell?” Dawson asked himself squinting to get a better look. 

It was then he began trailing kisses down her jaw line, ravishing her neck and revealing the female as Joey before they fell out of the frame. 


“Hey,” Pacey said swinging behind the counter as he helped pour coffee for a few people waiting on the bar. “What did you want to see me for?” 

“I,” Joey began packing up a food order, “have the house to myself this weekend.” 

“How’d you manage that one?” He asked sipping at his own mug of coffee. 

“Bessie and Bodie are going to some culinary institute or something out in Albany and I, I just can’t fall behind on my schoolwork so I am staying home,” she explained proudly. 

“So are you planning for any sleepovers?” He grinned slyly setting his mug down and leaning his elbows on the table that she was working on. 

“Yeah, I think Jen and I are going to crimp our hair and paint our toes,” she said dryly handing over the order. “Then maybe we’ll strip to our skivvies have a pillow fight and end with an erotic make out session.” 

Pacey’s imagination ran away from him as he stared off over her shoulder before shaking out of the trance, “I get to come too, right?” Turning around he scooted himself onto the table grabbing onto her hands and drawing her towards him. 

She twitched her nose taking in a deep breath, “I don’t know the guy always gets in the way during ménage a trios.” 

“You’re killing me, Josephine,” he said resting his forehead against hers. 

“No I’m Joseph if your parents ask where you’re going tonight,” she smiled wickedly, her tongue peeking through her teeth. 

“I love the way you think, I’ll get supplies,” he said absently kissing her on the cheek, “I’ll be over later.” 

“Buh bye,” she said waving at his retreating form. Running her hands through her hair she turned back to the customers, “Can I get you anything else Mrs. Hall?” She asked the elderly woman who was picking at her chicken salad. 

“No I’m good dear,” she addressed peeking up at the young teen through her thick rimmed glasses. “You and that boy seem awfully friendly,” she said lightly. 

“Oh me and Pacey, we go way back, very sordid past,” Joey dismissed it quickly. 

“I miss those days being young. I remember meeting Mr. Hall right after high school and I always miss the way he looked at me when we first started going steady.” 

“What was that look exactly,” Joey asked leaning over the counter. 

“Well the way you look at that young boy, you’re quite smitten with him, I can tell,” Mrs. Hall said through a large smile. 

Joey laughed it off, “No, we’re just friends.” 

Mrs. Hall eyed her knowingly, “You’ll notice the way you look at him when he starts looking at you that way too, and that’s when you know you’re in love.” 

“I’ll keep a look out,” Joey said absently leaning back against the table staring off at the ground. Falling in love with Pacey was not something that she considered doing on a daily basis, he was rude and crude and annoying, yet suddenly she wasn’t overly disgusted with the thought. They had the physical elements, they had the communication, but there was something missing. 


“Hey Dawson what’d you want to see me for?” Pacey asked coming through the door. 

Dawson looked at him nervously, “I have to show you something.” He turned on the TV playing the video he was watching before. 

“A tape of you trying to kiss Jen,” Pacey nodded, “it was worth a shot but she’s smarter then you think so you get shot down,” he finished still watching the tape. “So Jen knows you’re a perv couldn’t you have just told me that?” 

“No, no, I kissed her off screen it was good, but that’s not it,” he continued. “This is what the problem was.” 

Pacey suddenly froze taking a sharp in take of breath, “Look I can explain,” he blurted out quickly. 

“Explain what? The fact that Joey’s sleeping with some goon?” Dawson asked obliviously gesturing towards the screen. 

“You don’t know who that guy is?” he asked falling into an ease. 

“No, do you?” Dawson inquired. 

“No, no, no…” he trailed off, “I have no idea.” 

“See he’s wearing a generic white tee shirt so it’s not like we can match wardrobes,” he explained playing the movie frame by frame. “There aren’t any distinctive markings on his back, and his hair is so average it could be anyone,” he pointed out on the screen, “hell it could even be you.” 

Pacey perked up choking on the lump on his throat, “So Joey’s getting some action it’s none of our business.” 

“But who is it?” Dawson obsessed, “I mean have you heard her talking about any guys lately.” 

“No, and if she wanted us to know she would. So don’t act like you usually do and constantly interrogate her until she cracks, it’s a rather personal factor in her life and I can completely understand if she wants to keep it private,” he blurted out quickly feeling the condensation of sweat forming around his temples. 

“Pace are you okay?” Dawson asked through furrowed brows, “You aren’t jealous of this guy are you?” 

He looked around nervously, “Why would I be?” 

He shrugged, “I don’t know you and Joey have been spending a lot of time together lately, and I was just thinking maybe you were growing a thang for her.” 

“That’s interesting because I was just thinking that you were growing a thang for crack because that’s the only way you could create such a ludicrous theory,” he dismissed quickly, perhaps too quickly. 

"What do you think I should do with this?" He asked ejecting the tape. 

"Burn it, destroy it, I don't know anything," Pacey tripped over words. "Get rid of it before Joey finds out that you have her sexual experiences stored in your personal porn collection." 

"And how do I talk to Joey?" 

"When she's ready to tell you, be ready to listen," Pacey shrugged, the room still closing in on him. 

"What if this guy is trouble?" 

He shrugged tensely, "Joey's a smart girl I'm sure the guy's a perfect gentlemen." 

"By taking her to the ruins? A reasonably public piece of private property." 

"It seemed romantic," Pacey argued gesturing out his arms. 

Dawson stared at him warily for a moment before letting out a sigh, "Who would have thought little Joey Potter would be the first of us to take that giant leap." 

Pacey pursed his lips fighting off a smile, "Funny how the world works now a day." 


“You’re late,” she began grabbing onto his hand and pulling him into the house with her. 

“I’m sorry but your personal booty call had to go take a little detour,” he mumbled already against her lips. She quickly dismissed it clawing at the buttons of his shirt, “Jo we have a problem.” 

She stopped in mid-motion eyeing him strangely, “What?” 

“Dawson knows.” 

“You told him?” She asked incredulously shoving him forcefully. 

“What? No!” He replied staggering back a few steps, “He got it on tape.” 

Her eyes widened as she sunk down onto the couch, “Oh God how embarrassing.” 

“There’s one more thing,” Pacey began sitting beside her, “he doesn’t know it’s me.” 

She sighed deeply, “What did he say?” 

“Well he was analyzing our porn debut like some movie critic trying to figure out who you were bumping and grinding with.” He explained allowing his head to fall against the edge of the couch. “I told him to get rid of the tape and wait for you to approach him.” 

She nodded licking at her lips nervously, “Okay, alright I can fix this.” 

“Look if you want to end this,” Pacey trailed off reluctantly. 

“Well if you want to I understand,” Joey said hesitantly tucking her hair behind her air. 

“But I mean you’re the one he’s onto so it really is you’re decision,” he argued. 

She nodded her head, “Though this was your plan so you should be the one dictating it.” 

“I’m a firm believer that the woman should be the one to make the decisions in a relationship,” he countered. 

“Well this isn’t a relationship, remember?” She replied, “So you, you knock yourself out.” 

He let out a heavy breath of air, “This is getting us nowhere.” She nodded in reply as he locked eyes with her just staring into their depths for a long moment. Practically flying over the length of the couch he started kissing her hungrily. Her fingers quickly tangled between his short brown strands raking through them desperately urging his tongue deeper into her mouth.

He settled between her legs discarding his shirt in one clean swipe before diving back onto her. Joey’s hands ran smoothly over his sleek skin, the surface boiling under her strong touch. Pacey practically ripped the buttons off of her blouse tossing the flimsy material to the side. “Shouldn’t we get to my room,” she panted between kisses.

“It’s a long night, we’ll get there eventually,” he replied his lips smothering hers again trailing down the column of her neck. He flicked the clasp of her bra open the weight of her breast falling into his hands. Discarding the sheer lace he circled his tongue around her erect nipple biting gently at the tip before he circled his mouth around the mound. His hand kneaded her other breast, teasing the rosy bud with his thumb. Joey arched her back towards him pleading for more contact her soft pant egging him on.

“God, Pace,” she groaned as his tongue continued to flick over her pert nipple mercilessly. She pulled his face back to hers; delving her tongue into his mouth her blood on fire like it always was when she kissed him.

Limbs entwined, moans uttered, and a struggle with a belt buckle left them on the floor with a thud. 


Joey eased into his warm length his light breath tickling her neck sending tremors through her spine. His warm hand rested gently against her hip and as he stirred in his sleep he drew her closer his nose nuzzling the soft skin of her back. She reveled in the closeness she felt resting in his arms and if she knew that it felt this good she would have relocated her sleepovers to Pacey’s house years ago. 

There was a hard knock at the door and Joey reluctantly climbed out of bed wrapping her robe around her she opened the door and found Dawson waiting impatiently on the other side. “Dawson what are you doing here this early?” 

He eyed her strangely, “It’s almost noon,” he gestured towards his watch. 

“Oh,” he could tell she was distracted as she swung her arms against her sides, “do you want to talk or something?” 

“Could we?” He asked stepping towards the door. 

“Let’s do this outside,” she panicked pushing against his chest off of the porch. 

They settled on a bench the afternoon sun high in the sky as he clasped his hands nervously, “My mother’s having an affair,” he said simply. 

“Oh my God, how’d you find out?” Joey asked settling her hand over her mouth. 

“Jen and I saw her and Bob the anchor kissing at the studio.” He paused, “I know I joked about it but seeing it? That was a smack in the face.” 

She took in a sharp intake of breath, “Does your dad know?” 

“Not that I know of, but I seem to be in the dark for a lot of things going around this town lately.” 

She felt her heart rate rise as a pink color tinged her cheeks, “I know how you feel, the betrayal that two people who promised to love and cherish one another could possibly tarnish those vows.” 

“I guess relationships aren’t as respected as they once were,” he said coldly. 

“Are you trying to get at something Dawson?” 

“No,” Dawson replied, “Unless there’s something you’re not telling me.” 

She bit at her lip nervously, “You saw the tape didn’t you?” 

“You knew the camera was there?” He questioned cautiously. 

Panicking now she realized that she had to come up with something good, “Well Dawson, through your treks of romantic overtures you sometimes go a bit overboard.” 

“You know me too well,” he sighed running his fingers through his hair. 

“Craig, you know the guy who works at the Icehouse, and I got off early,” she began nervously, “and I decided that I would uh, I would – teach you a lesson about – about tarnishing valuable memories or even personal privacy.” She stuttered, “It was all innocent,” she continued with more confidence, “and absolutely nothing happened.” 
His face fell, “Well it’s good to see that one of the females in our little clique is still pure.” 

“What do you mean?” 

“Jen seems to have a long twisted sordid past including drinking, drugs, and a list of sexual liaisons that would put Marilyn Monroe to shame.” 

“Jen, the self proclaimed virgin, Jen?” Joey asked through knitted brows. 

“That’s the one,” he said somberly. 

Joey bit back her pride, “But I mean if you really like her and you like her for her and not her sexual history, then what’s the problem?” 

“What if that’s not all that she’s keeping from me though? With you I know everything about you because I’ve been there along side you experiencing it with you. But with Jen, there are fifteen years missing from the picture and now that I’ve heard a brief recap of the past three I’m afraid to hear the rest.” 

“Maybe she’s trying to change,” Joey offered. For the first time in a while she was offering him genuine advise without letting her personal feelings get in the way, for the first time in a while she was talking to Dawson as best friend and not unrequited love. “She’s not that person that she used to be, she’s the person that you know now.” 

He nodded his attention focused on his hands, “Thanks Joey.” He glanced back over at her, “Where have you been lately, I never see you anymore.” 

“I’ve been hooked to the ball and chain at the Icehouse, working insane hours,” she said rolling her eyes. She then looked off into the distance a smile twitching at the corner of her mouth, “And I’ve been spending a lot of time with Pacey. It seems that we have more of a friendship then low jabs and weak insults.” 

Dawson chuckled, “Be careful I think he’s got the hots for you.” 

Her face lit up and she covered it with a weak protest, “Nah, Pacey’s a doofus, he only goes for silicone blondes.” 

He glanced at his watch, “Well I’ve got to get going back to the Cunningham house of lying and shameful sex,” he sighed. “And please no more fake pornos, you nearly gave me a heat attack thinking you were screwing some random guy.” 

She forced a smile, “Next time I’ll make sure he isn’t random,” she called out after him. 


“Was that Dawson?” Pacey asked, casually walking around her kitchen in only a pair of boxers. He glanced at the window every so often as he made a sandwich. 

“Yeah,” Joey said breathlessly staring at the length of his back the lines and subtle contours of forming muscle. She closed her eyes shaking it off, these sudden attractions she was feeling for him scaring her. “I fixed everything,” she continued clearing her through, “I’m now back to Joey virginal Potter.” 

He turned to face her watching her pull her robe tighter around her, “I’m sorry you had to lie.” 

“No, it was my decision, if I wanted to tell him I would have,” she nodded reassuringly at her statement, “But Dawson has enough on his plate right now then to know what’s going on between you and me.” 

“What do you mean?” Pacey asked through furrowed brows taking a bite from his sandwich. 

“Not only is Gail having an affair with Ken doll co-anchor Bob, but Jen is actually a NYC sex goddess.” 

“Ouch,” he replied cringing. “So Dawson’s pure and innocent dream girl isn’t as pure and innocent?” 

“Third year party animal,” she replied dryly. “And I feel bad because where Dawson now thinks that she’s the only one getting any, in reality he’s the only one not.” 

“Like I said before we can end this if you want too,” he said reluctantly. 

“It’s not going to change anything,” she dismissed quickly locking worried eyes with his. She saw a hopeful smile cross his face a spot of mustard peeking at the corners. Joey scoffed her gaze switching between his soft blue eyes and curvy pink lips realizing that she had just broken one of the rules. Her emotions were involved now, and even though it wasn’t quite love yet it was something hovering rather close. 

She crossed the room kissing him softly the subtle remains of spicy mustard and dull wheat bread hitting her taste buds. Her hands ran along the flat surface of his chest, melting like wax below her feathery fingers. He snaked his arms around her waist still slightly off guard as he bunched the thick material of her robe between his fingers moaning softly into the depths of her mouth. 

Breaking away slowly she half smiled, “I think we should just take a shower, run to Screen Play, pick up some videos and go over to Dawson’s to cheer him up.” 

He nodded, “Well sure that’s the good friend thing to do, but back to the shower thing, when you say we, do you mean together?” 

Moving out of his embrace she smiled playfully pulling him after her by the waistband of his boxers, “Oh yeah.” 

He rolled his eyes back in ecstasy following her obligingly as a harmonious grin played on his lips, “I love the benefits!” 

Back to Part 3 | Continue to Part 5