
Summary: During the pilot episode Dawson asks Joey to come to the movies with him, Jen, and Pacey so Jen won't feel awkward. So this is my way of spicing it up. 

Warning: Some parts may be racey, read at own risk.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13

The brisk winds of Hurricane Chris began to wreak havoc on the citizens of Capeside. They were well trained in the art of tropical storms however and all closed up the town flawlessly with a nearly effortless system. 

“Alright Joey, the hat or the shoe?” Dawson asked holding up the small silver Monopoly pieces. She sat across from him and Jen at his kitchen table glancing over his shoulder at the dark gray sky periodically through the small window over the sink. 

“Whatever you want,” she shrugged shivering from the cold of the storm and the building of her nerves. Dark dreary settings weren’t her idea of fun environments and she admitted that a few loud crashes of thunder could make her squirm. 

Pacey flew through the back door straightening his muzzled hair pulling a small twig from behind his ear as he tossed his jacket over a chair. “Hey kiddies,” he announced sliding into the chair next to Joey. 

“What are you doing here Pace?” Jen questioned. 

“As appealing as being locked in an after school special for the entire afternoon I figured I’d crash you’re guys party here.” 

“Where you can enjoy this Lifetime original,” Joey replied dryly as another shout was released from Bessie defending herself and Bodie to Grams. 

“At least Dawson has popcorn,” he shrugged. 

Joey twiddled the hat through her fingers studying the silver piece intensely instead of looking over at him as he picked up the little Scottish terrier piece trotting it along the edge of the table making little barking noises. The last time she, Pacey, and Dawson had played monopoly they had been twelve, he had done the same thing and she had hurled the tiny green houses and red hotels at him until he surrendered in a fit of laughter. Glancing over at the box still resting on the table she noticed that only a few green houses remained, the rest still probably scattered throughout Dawson’s closet, hidden in the radiator, or long gone many vacuum bags ago. 

The four played for nearly an hour Joey quickly taking the lead with many smart financial choices and strategic moves. Dawson slipped a few catty comments in Jen’s direction still not quite over her most recent revelation. Another crash of thunder rumbled the house and Joey jumped yelping softly in the process, “Always the skittish kitten,” Pacey teased rolling the dice with his left hand as his right found her thigh stroking it soothingly from under the table. Her lips twitched into a half smile at the comfort as she glanced over at him warmly while he continued to play his turn of the game finally removing his hand from her as he handed over a couple of bills to Dawson. Jen furrowed her brows glancing at Joey questioningly as the scene played out before her and Dawson’s eyes. 

The wind whirled around the house with a loud howl whistling as it whipped past the windows. The branches clashed against the white panel of the house now at a rhythm they all recognized far too well and with a final crash the house went dark, the only light offered from the deathly gray sky. 

“Dawson!” Gail called out from the living room. 

He rolled his eyes frustratingly as he shot up from the table, “I guess I’ll go find some battery operated lights from my filming equipment.” 

“I’ll go with you,” Jen said eagerly still trying to mend their ailing relationship. 

He locked his jaw nodding slightly, “Jo can you get some candles from the closet?” 

“Yeah,” she answered standing from her chair running her hands through her hair. 

“I’m not staying here by myself,” Pacey announced following the others up the stairs. 


"Can you get that?" Joey asked shining a flashlight up at the top shelf and then down at the small step stool. 

"That's all I'm good for," Pacey shrugged positioning the stool in the small restraints of the hall closet. Stretching out his arms he swished them aimlessly over the highest shelf waiting for contact with the desired box, the light stream of light Joey offered creating little to no assistance. A small box of videos crashed to the floor with a loud thud as Joey jumped against the door avoiding the fall. 

"Smooth move spazway," she said sarcastically pulling on his sweatshirt as he climbed down the stepladder an adorable 'oops' face across his face. 

"I'll get it," she surrendered handing him the flashlight as she climbed up the stool. "Hold it still," she directed as her legs moved shakily on the top step. He wrapped an arm around her legs in support while he adjusted the flashlight over his head. "Here, give me the light," she reached down grabbing the light from him as he stepped behind her holding her waist still. 

"Are you sure they're up there?" He asked quickly becoming distracted by the long bare sliver of skin between the hem of her jeans and shirt. 

"Last time I was here during a power outage yes they were." 

"Why would people store a box of candles on the top shelf of a dark closet when their main purpose is to be quickly accessible during situations without power?" He questioned brushing his nose against the small of her back inhaling her berry scent. 

“Pacey stop that,” she grimaced the heat of his body becoming a reality around her. 

“I’m not doing anything,” he mumbled as he glided his lips along the velvet skin of her back his hands sneaking up the hem of her shirt with small caressing circles. 

“Pacey,” she moaned, weakly pushing on his wrists as she tilted her head back with a small smile. 

“Come here beby,” he groaned guiding her down the ladder forcing her to face him. She sat back against the top step allowing him to rest between her legs her hands snaking up his arms and closing around his neck. 

There was another clash of thunder and she jumped releasing a gasp. “Are you scared of the thunder?” He teased his breath hot on in the crook of her neck as he nipped at the delicate skin. 

“No, I’m afraid of you, I’m just using the thunder as a cover up,” she explained fiddling with the hairs at the nape of his neck. 

“Do I really scare you,” he cooed trailing kisses down her jaw line. 

“We can’t do this, it’s wrong,” she lectured holding his face away from her barely seeing the shadows of his eyes in the dim light. “This is Dawson’s house, Bessie and Bodie are both here, and Jen’s excruciatingly religious grandmother is right down stairs.” 

“Remove your head from the gutter, Josephine, there are other things we can do besides sex right now,” he explained running his hands along the rough denim of her jeans. 

“Who are you and what have you done to Pacey Witter?” She asked through furrowed brows. 

“I’m desperate to kiss you,” he whispered smothering her lips with his. She couldn’t resist him quickly falling into their rhythm, his tongue soothingly exploring her mouth, her fingers involuntarily fiddling with the buttons of his shirt. He groaned deeply from the back of his throat pulling her flush against him as his fingers tangled into her long auburn locks. 

“You guys,” Jen’s muffled voice vibrated through the door, “we found the box of candles.” 

Pacey jumped back readjusting his shirt pulling the closet door open, the glow of Jen’s flashlight shinning brightly against them as if they were in an interrogation chair. “Good, good,” his voice cracked as he nervously ran his hands through his hair. 

“Pace, your buttons,” Jen pointed out shining the blade of light down his chest where the buttons were sloppily closed in the wrong holes. 

“It—was hot—in there, needed a breather,” he stuttered as he slipped past her stalking away towards the bathroom. 

“Hot it was,” Jen smirked strolling into the closet shinning her flashlight around the small disheveled quarters. “Care to explain Joey?” 

She wiped at her lips tucking her hair behind her ears, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She stood stalking out of the room but stopped when Jen caught her arm. 

“You look different Joey, since the first time I saw you,” Jen shrugged. “It’s like you’ve got this glow to you.” 

“Could you quit dancing around a bush and just get to your point,” Joey sneered ripping her arm away from her. 

“Are you having sex with Pacey?” 

Joey glared at her through slit lids. “You know Jen, you seem to be glowing too, maybe it’s still leftovers from all that New York sex?” She spoke with venom. 

“Ouch,” was all she could muster for a reply. “I’m not trying to lecture you Joey I’m trying to be your friend.” 

“Then could you stay out of my personal life?” Joey finished regretting her harshness as she stammered down the dark hall. 

Back to Part 4 | Continue to Part 6