
Summary: During the pilot episode Dawson asks Joey to come to the movies with him, Jen, and Pacey so Jen won't feel awkward. So this is my way of spicing it up. 

Warning: Some parts may be racey, read at own risk.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13

“So you’re not talking to Jen,” Pacey began, “why is that.” 

“Because she accused me of sleeping with you,” Joey replied exasperated.

“And what part of that statement is not true?” 

“It’s the principal Pacey, you don’t ask people those kinds of questions, especially when you’re kind of sort of dating their best friends.” 

“I’m sorry I forgot to read the rule book, I’m guessing it’s an even bigger sin if the person is actually sleeping with their best friends other best friend right?” 

“Exactly,” she nodded walking up the steps to the school. 

“So what happens now exactly?” He asked following after her. 

“Well I continue giving Jen an attitude, you however have to act normal, or then it will get suspicious,” she thought it over again. 

“Wait do we still get to have sex?” 

She arched a brow, “Why wouldn’t we?” 

He cleared his throat not wanting to put any other ideas in her head, “No reason.” 

“Did you guys hear what Kenny and Laura did in the parking lot last period,” some random student spit out running up behind them excited to spread some gossip. 

“Do I look like I care?” Joey asked looking away. 

“They had sex on Mr. Milo’s car!” He continued anyway. 

“Sure,” Pacey replied amused, “and I had an affair with the English teacher.” 

“Oh my God which one?” He asked intrigued. 

“Mr. Kasdan,” Joey chimed in, “he’s getting a head start on AP English for senior year, and I mean literally.” 

“Haha,” Pacey said wryly, “I hear Joey’s got a new beau of her own, he’s really sexy according to the rumor mill.” 

“Really I haven’t heard,” the gossiper shrugged, “care to add any comments?” 

“He’s a real doofus,” she explained eyeing Pacey with daggers, “and I think he’ll be going through a long dry spell.” 

“At least he has the English teacher,” the gossip guy snarked picking up on their subtle comments before trudging away. 

“Shit,” Pacey exclaimed simply dropping his head to his hand. 


Joey dropped her tray onto the table uncomfortably sitting alone at the round table. “Joey I don’t know if you’ve heard this but—.” 

“Pacey and I are having sex?” Joey cut off Jen before she could finish. 

“You’ve heard haven’t you?” The blonde cringed taking a seat next to her. 

“Misses Tringle gave me a box of condoms for safety,” Joey explained burying her face in her hand in frustration. 

“I know I’ve asked you this before and it was completely out of line, and it probably still is…but…I mean…are you?” Jen stuttered out. 

Joey looked up at her, her eyes giving away everything before looking back down, “I don’t know why people care anyway, I mean a lot of people are having sex in this school I don’t know why Pacey and I are some sort of gossip du jour.” 

“Maybe because you’re self declared enemies and people like those kinds of love stories. Or maybe it’s the Sheriff’s son meets drug convict’s daughter in a Romeo and Juliet way,” Jen offered. 

“There’s no love story, it’s rather boring actually,” Joey sighed her attention still directed towards her tray. 

“Does Dawson know yet?” 

Joey scoffed, “Even if he did he wouldn’t believe it, he likes to blank out the things he doesn’t like, it’s a part of his perfect reality script.” 

“I guess that’s why I’ve been written out until I’m virginal and pure again, huh?” Jen sighed sipping at her drink. 

“Wear white or something, it’ll help,” Joey joked a smile tingeing her lips. 

“Was that Joey Potter being friendly towards me?” Jen said with mock shock. 

She shrugged, “I am going to be joining you on the cutting room floor once this gets to Dawson, and there are only so many bitch fights I can handle in one sitting.” 

“So now that we have a shred of friendship, would it be out of place for me to ask you what’s going on exactly between you and Pacey?” 

“Probably, but I think I’m going to tell you anyway.” Jen smiled this sudden connection something that she wanted to keep. "We started a beneficial friendship and I've been sleeping with him for nearly three weeks now." 

"It started that night at the movies didn't it?" 

"Sort of," she dramatically dropped her face into her hands, "I don't know." 

"Well is it more then sex now?" Jen questioned at her reaction.

"To him, yeah," she chewed helplessly on her lower lip. 

"But to you it's turned into more," Jen finished washed over with understanding, "you should talk to him." 

"He already told me that he wasn't looking to pursue a romantic relationship, we agreed when this started that it was entirely physical." 

"You've changed you're mind haven't you?" Joey nodded dumbly, "Who says he hasn't either?" 

Joey thought about it for a long moment her lip curling into a smile before she quickly dismissed it, "It doesn't matter, I have to end it now, there are to many emotions involved now and too many people will get hurt." 

"Who is there besides you?" 

"Hey guys," Dawson said sinking into a chair at the table, "Joey I heard the funniest thing about you and Pacey today." 

"Can we not mention that," Joey groaned sifting her fork through her spaghetti. 

"Actually I wanted to talk to Jen," Dawson continued easily suede by Joey's words. 

"Don't let me get in the way," she replied gathering her things, her voice surprisingly lacking the bitter edge. 

"Hey Potter, I saw Witter waiting by his truck, probably looking for a good time," some football player called out, met by Joey's glare before he sunk back into his crowd. 


"Hey," Pacey mumbled settling on the school steps next to Joey. 

"Hey," she replied solemnly back. 

"In case you haven't heard, we're fucking in the janitors closet right now," he chuckled settling his eyes on the parking lot. 

"I'll keep that in mind." 

He let out a heavy sigh, "So where are we now?" 

"Over our heads," she replied softly. "Dawson doesn't know, or at least he doesn't want to." 

"What does it matter," he countered bitterly. 

"We've already lied to him before," she explained still staring straight ahead. 

"I’m guessing this thing is over," he said rather disappointed. 

"I just feel dirty knowing that the rumors are true." 

He cracked a small smile, "Well at least I can say at one point in my high school career I had a healthy sex life." 

"That's what I'm here for," she sighed dryly. 

"It was good while it lasted," he shrugged. 

"Really good." 

"Do you think you'll miss it?" He asked hopefully glancing over at her in the corner of his eye the early fall air dancing leaves past their feet. 

"Definitely," she replied simply. 

"Do we still qualify for ex-sex at all, I mean even though we never dated?" 

She smirked, "Maybe every now and then." 

"Would it be pushing it to try for a little fair well nookie?" 

"Yeah," she nodded, "I think it would." 

"Hey it was worth a shot," he tilted his head before climbing back to his feet. "Let me walk you home." 

Joey looked down at the ground and then back up at him, "Don't try anything," she warned grabbing his offered hand as he helped her off the steps. "I'm already onto your game." 

"I'll keep my hands where you can see them," he responded defensively. She giggled their intimacy evident as she hip checked him off the sidewalk. He playfully shoved her into a tree as they descended onto a new road back home. 


“Bessie we’re out of tuna,” Joey called over her shoulder. Bessie leaned against the door frame heaving as she cradled her overly rounded stomach. Rolling her eyes Joey directed her attention back to the cabinet she was sifting through, “Alright Bess, we get it you’re pregnant, enough with the dramatics already.” 

“I think I’m in labor.” 

Joey turned back to her arching a brow, “Are you having contractions.” 

Pulling her sister towards her by the collar she sneered, “Does it look like I’m having contractions?” 

“Why don’t I go call for an ambulance?” Joey said sufficiently intimidated. 

“Good idea.” 


Grunting Pacey fished the counter fumbling with the ringing phone before hitting the talk button. “Hello?” 


“Jo? I knew you’d snap, see you in five minutes,” he muttered quickly about ready to hang up the phone. 

“It’s not about that Pace,” she said rolling her eyes. 

“Why are you calling me then?” He questioned furrowing his brows as he sunk into a kitchen chair. 

“Bessie had the baby, a boy, and I wanted some one to talk to.” 

“Is she at the hospital now?” 

“Yeah, but Alexander was actually born on a Leery chair by Mrs. Ryan,” Joey said still wrapping her head around today’s events. 

“So where’s Dawson then, could he not come up with some deep life Spielberg analogy to tie you over for the night?” 

“No, him and Jen are in the process of getting back together, I think. Nothing that interests me.” She sighed, “I was just lonely here by myself and I thought you would be too.” 

“Well the Witter house is severely lacking in any source of entertainment, I guess I can spare a few moments from my watching bread mold for a little while.” 

“How kind of you to put others ahead of decomposer,” she said dryly. 

“I’m feeling generous,” he joked. “So what do you want to talk about?” 

“I was just thinking,” she released a deep breath, “today with the baby thing, it was just amazing you know, all this time that heap on Bessie’s stomach really was a little living creature.” 

“And now it’s going to be a little screaming sleep depriving creature and you won’t find it quite as amazing anymore.” 

“Still bitter from when Carrie brought her first born home for assistance.” 

“She made fifth grade a living hell,” he confirmed. 

Joey absently ran her hand over her stomach as she rested her feet on the coffee table, “It just finally hit me that what we were doing, we could have made a little life—.” 

“Hold up hold up,” Pacey cut off, “maybe in about ten years I’ll consider honoring you with my Witter genes, but for now let’s not get carried away.” 

“The birth of my nephew hasn’t given me maternal fever,” she reassured him, “it’s just I’m beginning to appreciate the miracle of life.” 

He chuckled, “Easy Potter you’re beginning to lose your cynical edge.” 

“Pacey can you promise me something?” She asked after a long pause. 

“What’s that?” 

“That no matter how twisted a history we’ve formed over the past month, that things won’t get weird between us.” 

“Although I think we’ve passed the point of no return,” he shrugged, “I guess I’ll try to stay friends with you, you know when I’m bored.” 

“There’s that generous mood peeking through again,” she scoffed sarcastically. 

“Well it is your nephew’s birthday, speaking of which welcome to the Aunt and Uncle’s club. It’s a tiresome and thankless job, you however are lucky because you’re automatically the designated favorite.” 

“And what are the job requirements?” 

“Hmm,” he thought for a moment, “Get a pool, send money for birthday’s and Christmas, and always have gum.” 

“I’ll keep that in mind,” she smirked. 

“I should get going,” Pacey sighed glancing at the microwave clock. 

“Okay, then thanks for talking to a loser like me when I was bored.” 

“Thanks for calling a loser like me while I was bored,” he countered. “I’ll have to come over some time, you know teach you how to take care of little kids, maybe me and the little man will have something in common.” 

“Like an IQ?” 

“Okay I set myself up for that one, I admit it.” 

“Bye, Pace.” 

“Bye, Jo.” 

Back to Part 5 | Continue to Part 7