
Summary: During the pilot episode Dawson asks Joey to come to the movies with him, Jen, and Pacey so Jen won't feel awkward. So this is my way of spicing it up. 

Warning: Some parts may be racey, read at own risk.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13

"I am so bored," Abby huffed leaning against the railing of the loft. 

"You know people have died falling over the edge of those," Jen said judging the distance from the upstairs to the ground. 

"Right," she said wryly swinging back and forth before she nearly slipped, "on second thought." Jumping off the railing back onto the floor of the loft she walked down the stairs slowly. "How about we all play a game?" 

"May I suggest pin the tail on the hobag?" Pacey said, "I may not have needles but I can muster up a pretty sharp pencil." 

"Great idea but it's so hard to pick out the ho," Abby said eyeing Joey who blushed shadowing her face in her palms. Scratching her chin she paced back and forth, "Hmm, how about truth or dare?" 

"Truth or dare?" Joey questioned amused, "What are we ten?" 

"I guess I could tell Mrs. Tringle how rowdy you all have been, instead of sitting still like good little children with your boring studies," she feigned innocence, "I'm sure she can find some book cards for filing." 

"Fine," Joey rolled her eyes; "it does beat suck and blow." 

"Ooo! Good idea Joey, we'll have to play that one next." Abby said gathering the group between two rows of bookcases. "Alright Pacey, truth or dare?" 

"Whatever I don't care," Pacey sighed resting his chin in his hands. 

"Okay, truth," she decided contently, "are you a virgin?" 

"No," he mumbled inaudibly. 

"Excuse me?" Abby asked perking up. 

"I said no, I'm not," he repeated. 

Dawson's eyes widened sitting up, "Wait Pacey, when? Who?" 

"One question at a time Dunston, and I don't believe it's your turn," Abby said smiling, already happy with her manipulation for the afternoon. "Pacey, continue." 

Pursing his lips he thought for a long moment, "Jen, truth or dare?" 


"Could you just bitch slap Abby really hard?" 

Jen smiled, "Gladly," she said walking over to the petite brunette. 

"Cardinal rule of truth or dare," Abby piped in backing away from Jen, "no physical harm, only emotional, that automatically designates it my turn." 

"Since when?" Pacey spat out. 

"Since now," she teased back. "Okay then, Joey, truth or dare?" 


Abby smiled wickedly, "Are you and Pacey having sex?" 

She glanced at Dawson quickly who was eagerly anticipating her answer, locking eyes with Pacey she shook her head, "No." Which was partially true, although they had had sex, as of now they were not she told herself. 

"Right, and I'm the Queen of England," Abby huffed disappointed with her answer. 

"Dawson, truth or dare?" 

"What?" Dawson asked shaking out of his trance, Pacey wasn't a virgin, Abby was questioning Joey's sexual endeavors, and he was completely clueless, "Truth." 

"Who was your first crush?" 

His cheeks turned a slight shade of crimson, "When I was like seven, I had a crush on you Joey. It was completely innocent and that's why I started inviting you over for sleepovers, because I thought if you started to we would get married eventually, you know by the fifth grade." 

"That's nauseating," Abby stated dryly. 

"Aw that's sweet," Jen smiled brushing her boyfriends arm. 

"Adorable," Pacey said with a bitter role of his eyes. But he wasn't jealous he decided quickly, he had no reason to be jealous, no matter how much the story annoyed him. Or the warm gleam in Joey's eyes as she laughed excitedly, that definitely did not bother him. 

"Pacey," Dawson directed his attention towards his friend, "truth or dare?" 

"Um, Dare." 

"I dare you to kiss Joey," Dawson decided, he wanted to see it himself, and judging by their reactions he was sure he would find out. 

"No way," Pacey shook his head. 

"Why would you want me to kiss that, that thing?" Joey questioned trying not to let Pacey's quick dismissal get to her. 

"To prove the rumors wrong, now if you have nothing to hide, just kiss each other!" Dawson reasoned. 

"And the games finally getting good," Abby smirked stepping around Dawson to get a better view. 

"This is ridiculous," Jen piped in folding her arms over her chest. 

Pacey watched Joey carefully before throwing his hands in the air and letting out a sigh, "Fine, whatever." Stepping forward he stood parallel to Joey the three onlookers watching intently. Wetting his lips he steadied her face between his palms leaning towards her and kissing her softly. He only intended on doing it quickly, a quick peck and be done with it, but as his lips brushed against hers he was already gone, "I don't think I can stop," he whispered huskily in her ear before capturing her lips with his again. He quickly parted her lips with his tongue tilting her head up to him as he explored her familiar crevice, missing the taste and the feel of her tongue on his. 

Abby cleared her throat her smile menacing as she glanced over at the blond, "Find your answer?" 

Pulling away his eyes bore into hers tenderly, a new look in his eyes that scared her, you’ll notice the way you look at him when he starts looking at you that way too. Drawing her fingers to her lips she looked over at Dawson guiltily, "See Dawson, nothing." 

He stared at her with disbelief, refusing to comprehend what he saw, "I knew everyone else was full of shit," he said confidently but his eyes still trained on the two of them questioningly. 

"Well I've had enough of this game," Jen said breaking the tension, "how about we take another one of those jailbreaks?" 


"Pace what the hell is going on?" Dawson demanded as the bathroom door swung close behind him. 


He shook his head incredulously, "I keep on convincing myself that these rumors are crazy, but the more I think about them the more I begin to believe them myself. First you become surgically joined at the hip, then you begin this strange flirtatious banter, next your freaking out when I think Joey is having sex, the whole school begins to tell me that your screwing, and finally you kiss her with much more passion then a platonic friend." 

"Dawson I'm not going to lie to you," he began resting a hand on his shoulder. He was going to tell him the truth, no more lies. But suddenly he had trouble mustering the words; it became harder and harder to break the news to him, because somehow he knew that deep down Dawson had feelings for Joey, too. Feelings that were so deep he hadn't even realized it, "At this moment in time, Joey and I are definitely not having sex." 

He didn't catch the twist around the truth, the only words ringing in his ears not having sex. "Alright then." 


They lounged in a circle around the couches slowly drifting to sleep listening as the second hand took forever to tic a full cycle around the clock. "Jen do you have a tissue?" Dawson asked lifting his head from the cushion he was resting on. 

"Yeah sure," she began furrowing through her bag, setting aside a compact and lip-gloss as she searched through the small sac. 

"Good lord woman how much do you keep in there?" Pacey watched intently. 

"The necessities," Jen explained dumping the rest of the contents onto the floor, "Aha," she exclaimed handing Dawson the pack of tissues. 

"Breath mints, makeup," Pacey began tiredly sifting through the junk, "sanitary products, wallet, I can understand all of this. But the socks are a little excessive," he said holding up the rolled up ball. 

"I have this curse of always stepping in some nasty concoction whenever I remove my shoes, these are for backup," she said snatching it away and shoving it back into her bag. 

"Every girl has those sorts of fetishes," Abby explained searching through her bag pulling out a bottle of pills, "Example I take aspirin like vitamins." 

"Way to take a walk on the wild side," Joey said sarcastically. 

"What about you Joey? What do you keep in your bag besides pepper spray?" Abby inquired. 

"That's none of your business." 

"C'mon Joey," Dawson nagged pulling on the leather strap, "I think we've all seen a tampon before, it's no big deal." 

"You know what a girl keeps in her bag tells a lot about her," Abby began, "got something you want to hide?" 

"No I just don't feel like engaging in this bonding activity," Joey sneered. 

"Jo what's in there you don't want us to see?" Dawson questioned still tugging on the strap. 


"You can tell us, we won't mind," he said pulling a little harder. 

"No thanks," she said pulling harder as he knowingly let go watching the bag as it flew to the floor the contents slipping out. Dawson's face dropped, as he looked at one object in particular. 

"And it finally gets interesting," Abby smiled picking up the condoms that had fallen from her bag. "Whatchya doing with these Potter? Pacey can't fit enough in his wallet?" 

"No," she lied shoving them back into her bag. 

"If a woman feels she wants to be responsible in case she ever finds herself in a sexual situation I think that's totally respectable," Pacey said trying to lighten the sudden weight on Joey. 

"Not helping your cause Pinocchio." 

"Joey what are you doing with a bunch of condoms in your purse?" Dawson asked his voice cracking. 

"I gave them to her," Jen cut in trying to help the cornered girl. 

"What why?" 

She searched every inch of her brain for an answer, "You know Grams, she's gotten so paranoid that I'm reliving my past that I'm sure she's been searching all my things." She stepped closer to Dawson fiddling with the buttons on his flannel shirt, "I wanted to make sure that the moment we were ready, we'd be prepared, so I got Joey to hold onto them until I knew that you were stocked." 

Abby let out a disbelieving laugh. "You mean you've been thinking about it?" Dawson asked hopefully holding onto her hand. 

"Sure I have," she shrugged, "why wouldn't I be?" 

"Phew," Pacey said wiping a fake layer of sweat off his brow, "now that that's figured out what should we do? I have a short attention span, and I'm terribly bored." 

"Wait Pace, why are you here anyway? I mean we know Jen had her classroom spat, Dawson and his voluntary nostril slaughter, Abby and whatever twisted story she came up with. I slugged Grant Bodine, but you, you’re a mystery," she said folding her arms across her chest. 

"Wouldn't you like to know," he snipped looking away. 

"Actually yeah I would," Dawson chimed in. 

"I don't have a problem with finding out," Jen added. 

"Um, you see…well…" he began to stutter, "I cut third period, that's it, and Mrs. Tam is a stickler to those ditchers." 

"What would you cut third period for?" Abby asked glancing at Joey who only returned a death glare, going fully noticed again by Dawson. 


“It’s killing you isn’t it?” Abby leaned over the table Dawson was sitting at, his eyes trained at the two brunettes on the opposite side of the room huddled over a book talking animatedly every so often. 

“What’s killing me?” He questioned still not looking away. 

“That you took her for granted that all this time you had her and didn’t even realize it.” 

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he snuffed closing the book that he himself was resting on. 

“But that’s not the worst part, because now that you actually want her, she doesn’t want you.” 

“I have a girlfriend of my own, I don’t need to lust after my friend,” he dismissed. 

“Fair enough,” she sighed hoisting herself on the edge of the table, “but does it bother you that your two best friends are quickly pushing you out of their little circle for their own little coitus activities?” 

“They’re not,” he protested weakly. 

“Oh honestly Dawson, can you truly look at those two and not see this new founded intimacy, they’re dipping with some sort of post sexual glow.” 

“And you expect me to believe your accusations over their word?” 

“Believe what you want,” Abby shrugged sliding off the table, “no matter what it’s going to hurt in the end.” 


“It’s true, you’re such a Molly Ringwald,” Pacey accused as they leafed through some random book. 

“Am not,” Joey shrieked laughing it off. 

“You’re the epitome of every character she’s played, popular outcast trying her hardest to fit in, also able to woo character ranging from the future serial killers of America, the heart throb foot ball player, to Richie Rich.” 

“I’ve never been able to woo anyone from the opposite sex once,” Joey challenged scanning the page that they had turned to, to distract herself. 

“Right,” he smiled knowingly. 

“What the hell are you two doing?” Dawson asked stomping towards them. 

“What?” They asked innocently. 

“Why won’t you two just tell me the truth, that you’ve been seeing each other behind my back?” 

“Because we haven’t,” Joey chocked out. 

“More lies,” he accused bitterly, “are you incapable of telling the truth now?” 

“There’s nothing going on Dawson, sure maybe Joey and I are friends now but that’s it,” Pacey defended. 

“So tell me Pace, why are you really here, why are you in detention, and don’t give us another half assed cliché.” Dawson said as Jen and Abby joined the bickering. 

“If it will get you off my back, fine,” he sighed pursing his lips nervously. “I was caught in a rather compromising position.” 

Arching her brows Joey leaned on her elbow curiously, “What kind of position Pace?” 

Taking in a sharp breath he continued, “Let’s face it, the cheerleaders here are hot.” 

Joey’s expression fell as she leaned back in her chair. 

“And they’re also very considerate for wrongfully injured parties,” he explained throwing a glare at Dawson for the wound on his nose. “So anyway let’s just say I was really thankful for all of their help, and I mean really.” Jen smiled wiping her hand in front of her mouth to hide her snicker. “I was feeling really tense after that and I went for a little release. Coach came into check on my nose and well…” he trailed off feeling the heat of his flushed cheeks. 

Dawson bit back his laugh, “So they do hand out detention for doing that in school.” 

“Too much information,” Abby said disgustingly covering her ears. 

“Yeah,” Joey muttered absently, it shouldn’t have bothered her that he was attracted to other woman but she was jealous, so much so that she even felt protective when he talked to Jen. 

“So if everything else I’ve told you today hasn’t helped, there’s just another piece of evidence that I’m still flying solo.” 

“Literally,” Abby added. 

“I’m sorry Pace, that I’ve been so paranoid lately,” Dawson apologized, “but I guess now I know.” 

Pacey nodded guiltily, “Yeah, now you know.” 

Back to Part 6 | Continue to Part 8