
Summary: During the pilot episode Dawson asks Joey to come to the movies with him, Jen, and Pacey so Jen won't feel awkward. So this is my way of spicing it up. 

Warning: Some parts may be racey, read at own risk.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13

"Joey," Pacey began briskly walking up the ramp of the Icehouse. "I need you to do me a favor."

She let out an exhausted sigh batting away the loose tendrils of hair that fell from her messy ponytail before returning to the bar and picking up another order. "Hello, Jo, I'm asking you something," Pacey said waving his arms.

"I know I chose to ignore it," she explained gliding around the patio.

"Please Joey; I need you to go to a party with me."

"And why would I do that?" Joey asked collecting the tips off a table and wiping it clean.

"Because I have no one else to go with," he shrugged.

"What an attractive offer, thanks for making me sound so appreciated," she said wryly passing by him to the bar again.

"Come on Potter, loosen up, have some fun."


He pouted his lip scanning the restaurant until his eyes fell upon, "Bessie! Tell Joey that she needs a break."

Through the steam of the kitchen, Bessie popped her head out glancing at the two, "Go ahead Jo, Sarah's coming in a few minutes anyway."

Joey's eyes pleaded with her sister before: “You know I really don’t appreciate you befriending my sister.” Finally she surrendered yanking off her apron and reluctantly following him.


Hoards of teens stammered drunkenly across the sandy beaches rolling their bodies subtly to the loud music blasting through the crisp early fall air. Joey hoisted herself onto the edge of the porch railing leaning against her hands for support as she observed the embarrassing behavior of her piers.

"Want some?" Pacey asked offering her a sip of his punch.

"Ha, ha, ingest that keg water fruit concoction? Right," she said dryly glancing at the plastic cup and then back at the partygoers.

"Don't have too much fun there," he answered matching her tone as he slipped past her.

"Where are you going?" She asked sharply grabbing onto his arm.

"To mingle, Kelly Margo is looking all kinds of cute right now," he grinned wickedly drawing his cup back to his lips.

"You brought me here to pick up chicks?" She interrogated incredulously.

"That may have been part of the reason," he explained.

Joey shook her head disapprovingly, "Go have fun with the shutdowns," she sighed and he smiled giving her a wink before he hopped down the porch steps. Reaching for a lose cup of punch she quickly chugged it down looking around the crowd for another one.


She couldn't tell if the world was tilting or if it was just her, but suddenly everything was getting a little blurry. After watching some blonde chick laugh at one of Pacey's horrible yet adorable jokes she had taken a long hit off a beer bong. It drove her crazy that she was jealous because she was not a jealous person, or at least that's what she told herself. Stumbling through the sand she wondered why it felt like Jell-O, and why her legs felt like Twizzlers.

"Hey there," some husky guy with long blond hair said. If he was in high school he was most certainly a nark she told herself hiding her laughter, that or a fifth year senior. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Pacey glance at her watching her closely giving her a glimmer of hope that he was jealous too.

"Hey yourself," she slurred, her tongue suddenly far too long for her mouth.

"You wanna dance," he questioned smirking at her wobbling stature.

"Why not?" She shrugged intensely her shoulders hitting her ears.

He pulled her body against his; his large arms circling easily around her as he rolled against her to the booming hip-hop beat. She giggled wrapping her arms around his neck her forehead resting against his suddenly too heavy to hold up on its own. He stopped his movement taking advantage of her intoxication by leaning into kiss her.

"Excuse me but may I cut in?" Pacey asked tightly tapping roughly against the blonde's shoulder.

"No, we're dancing," he replied.

"Really," he nodded forcing a smile. "Joey would you like to dance with me?" He asked ignoring the large jock.

"I'm already dancing silly," she explained lightly.

"Come on babe," the blond began leading Joey by the small of her back, "let's get out of here."

"Babe," Pacey said faking a laugh, "alright really Jo, let's go." He decided yanking on her hand.

"What are you doing?" He asked stepping up to Pacey towering him.

Without thinking Pacey sent his fist into the stout male punching him in the stomach as he keeled over. Pulling on her arm he dragged Joey down the beach escaping the blonde's wrath before he could recover.


"What were you doing?" Pacey asked panting slightly when they were on the outskirts of the crowd.

"I already told you," she said dumbly, "I was dancing."

"I understand that what were you doing before that?"

She pursed her lips tapping her index finger against her chin, "That is a good question Mr. Witter because after I got drunk it all sort of blurred together."

"Why'd you get drunk?"

Her eyes widened, "Drunk? I'm not drunk!" She giggled lowering her voice as she leaned towards his ear, "don't tell anyone but I am."

"Okay," he agreed leaning into whisper in her ear, "as long as you tell me why."

"I may have been a tinsy bit jealous," she explained swaying slightly in the wind as she demonstrated with her forefingers.

He smirked, "Of what?" 

She ran her hands seductively along his chest her fingers clawing at his button down shirt, "Of every other girl here."

He cleared his throat as she nuzzled her nose in his ear nipping at his earlobe, "Why would you be jealous of other girls?"

"Because I want to be with you," she explained her words sobering, "you and only you."

"I'm that good, huh?" He inquired lightly melting into her touch.

"No," she explained kissing the juncture between his ear and neck, "we are."

"You know," he said backing her away from him, "I think my dad may have a night shift, and my mom is visiting Gretchen up in college."

"Sounds like a plan," she smiled lacing her fingers through his as they stammered quickly across the beach.


Snuggling against his chest she stirred stretching out her shoulders as she began to sit up, "Where do you think you're going?" Pacey asked still groggy with sleep trapping her between his arms by pulling her flush against him.

"I've got to get home, Bessie's going to kill me," Joey explained making no attempts to struggle.

“I can’t consciously let you leave in your condition, hangovers can be killer,” he said softly watching her headache finally hit her.

“I’m fine,” Joey mumbled rubbing her temples.

"Tell her you were sleeping at Jen's," he insisted nibbling on her neck.

"She's not that stupid.

He sighed reluctantly releasing his grasp, "If you must."

There was a muffled knock at the front door but Pacey chose to ignore it, his eyes trained on Joey as she glided gracefully around his bedroom picking up discarded articles of clothing, her hips moving in a hypnotizing rhythm with each step.

"Pace?" He heard the rumble from the other side of the door accompanied by a light tapping.

Joey's eyes widened by the familiar sound of the voice struggling with her shirt scanning his room for a quick escaper route. Pacey frantically slid on his boxers and threw on a tee-shirt, gesturing towards the window as he called out towards the closed door, "Just a sec, D."

Patting down his mused hair he pulled open the door allowing his friend entrance, "What brings you here this hour of the morning?"

"The door wasn't closed all of the way," Dawson explained, "I wouldn't have normally just let myself in but I was worried."

"Thanks for the concern," his voice cracked nervously.

"Um, I'm not sure why exactly, but you left a pair of jeans down on the stairs," Dawson said motioning his thumb towards the staircase.

Pacey nodded tightly remembering how they got there. By the time they had made it to his house they were already kissing sloppily falling against his front door, pressed against the wall of the entranceway, and finally stumbling up the steps. After tripping the third time on their descent up the staircase they gave up, going at it on the rough carpet of the steps.

"Must have fallen out of the laundry," he shrugged.

"Yeah," Dawson said sitting on the edge of his desk.

"You may not want to sit there," Pacey warned.

He looked at the surface, which was covered by a thick layer of junk that had fallen from the shelf above it, "Yeah it's a little cluttered."

Pacey bit back a laugh, that wasn't my reason he thought to himself as flashbacks from the night before flooded his thoughts. Joey's legs hooked around his waist urging him closer as he attempted to climb onto the desk with her bumping the shelf off the wall with his back dismissing it quickly before returning to the gorgeous brunette before him.

Dawson sunk down onto the chair and Pacey decided that he just didn't care whether or not his friend sat on his christened furniture anymore, "So what brings you here?" He repeated.

"Jen and I broke up," he sighed.


"Yeah," he replied sadly.

"What happened?"

"Billy," he said simply. Pacey gave him a knowing look, "and me too I guess."

"That's what I thought," he nodded approvingly, "so what are you going to do about it?"

"Get her back?"

"Right, and how are you going to do it?"

"Through your wise and expertise advice?" He asked playing along with Pacey's game.

"Good, I think we're finally getting somewhere."

"What's the first step oh great powerful master?"

"Quit being ignorant, then we'll be ready for step two," Pacey explained simply offering him a playful smile.

"Thanks Pace, I think?" Dawson said backing towards the door, "I'll let you get back to your sleep."

"Good luck, D," he said waving as he disappeared down the stairs.

Falling back against his bed he ran his hands through his hair.

"That was close," he jerked up looking at the petite girl climbing through his window.

"I thought you left," Pacey answered a smile curving his lips as he saw her.

"True, but it seems that your house doesn’t have the luxury of a ladder and I haven't developed any spider like skills so I was stranded," she explained bouncing onto his bed.

"Well it's not like I was complaining."

She smirked, "So what did Dawson want?"

"Him and Jen broke up again."

"I guess we should do that friendly movie thing again," she sighed sinking into the mattress.

"As long as we get the shower thing again," he added receiving a light punch in the arm followed by an accepting nod.

Back to Part 7 | Continue to Part 9