
Author’s Note: This story takes place near the end of Swan Song in fact a lot of dialogue is lifted from that episode. Basically, what if Pacey stayed in Capeside with Joey for the summer and so on and so forth.

Italics are flashbacks from prior seasons.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 
Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 

Time was a never ending cycle and summer was almost upon them, actually summer was already there but the deadline was approaching, Dawson was leaving, Audrey and Jen too and everything was left so unfinished. Joey sat under the bright blanket of stars, the familiar blanket that Capeside had always provided; the handwriting scribbled on the page a strange sense of nostalgia. She and Dawson had said goodbye, numerous times all with different endings at that and yet words of closure sent a tingle of fear down her spine. She swung her feet loosely in the salty summer wind dangling a short distance above the glistening water the faint holler of yacht members off in the distance, but she was in a whole other world entranced by the words on the page. 

“Hey,” Pacey’s booming voice lifted her from her reverie. 

She looked up the small frown etching her lips lifting away. “Hey,” she replied quickly tucking the letter back into the envelope. 

He brushed a hand through his hair cracking a slight smirk, “May I?” He asked gesturing towards the cooler she sat upon. 

She chewed back her bottom lip smoothing the envelope between her hands, “Yeah, but you really don't want to get too close.” 

“Head lice?” He asked settling next to her. 

“No,” she smiled in spite of herself, “I seem to have fallen victim to the Capeside disease.” 

“And what is that exactly?” 

She sighed, “Feeling trapped, feeling sorry for yourself, sort of general inability to see the future.” 

“You mean being a teenager,” he nodded dumbly. 

Joey dropped her head, “You know what, Pace?” She began, “And don't take this the wrong way, but, well, despite your pension for sugar-coated cereals and Saturday morning cartoons, you may be the most adult person I know.” 

Pacey chuckled furrowing his brows for an explanation. 

“You never look back, do you?” She asked. 

He thought for a moment, “Why would you look back? The future's out there,” he said gesturing out beyond the water. “And whatever it is, it's gonna be great,” he finished his voice almost distant. 

She looked at his profile his gaze directed towards the darkness, “You really believe that?” 

He glanced at her in the corner of his eye, “Sure, I do.” 

She redirected her gaze to the horizon, “Just not for yourself?” 

His head snapped towards her, “Come again?” 

Joey grinned teasingly, “Pace, you're pigheaded, and don't bother trying to contradict me because I've earned the right to say these things. Pacey, you need to believe in yourself more.” 

“Ok, point taken,” he said muffling a grin. 

“Good." She paused letting the silence consume them before she spoke again, "You miss her, don't you?” 

Pacey rolled his eyes, “Audrey? I don't really think that's an appropriate conversation for last year's class couple to have, do you?” 

She narrowed her eyes at him, “Fine, but I miss her. She changed my life, you know.” 

“Yeah, I know,” he shrugged, “Of course, there's always the other option.” 

“Hmm?” She arched a brow. 

“That you changed it.” 

“Fine,” she sighed, “I guess I did.” 

He nodded, “I guess you did.” He looked down at the envelope in her hand, “And although I have no idea what was in that letter you were just reading, I have this funny feeling you were sitting here, in true Joey fashion, wishing that you could unchange it.” 

She pursed her lips, an idea brewing in her head, “No, I don’t. Let's go.” 

“Go where?” He looked at her strangely as she hoped off of the cooler. 

“We're not just gonna sit here,” she huffed placing her hands on her hips, “We're gonna go.” 

“And I would ask again, go where?” He asked again more aggravated this time. 

“You want her back, don't you?” She asked him knowingly, he didn’t respond, “Well?” 

He chewed back his lip thoughtfully the impulse to stop Audrey from leaving not even a consideration, “Jo, it's a little late for all that, don't you think?” 

“No,” she said yanking on his hand, “We're gonna go, we're gonna go to the airport, we're gonna find them, and we're gonna say everything that we really want to say to them.” 

“And we would do that because...” he trailed off shrugging his shoulders. 

“Because we can,” she said determinately, “Come on,” she finished dragging him up the dock. 


The red mustang sped down the road its final destination Logan Airport approximately one hour and thirteen minute drive Joey thought quickly in her head. “So what are we doing exactly,” Pacey asked focusing on the dark winding road. 

“We’re going to say all the things that we’ve meant to say all along, that’s been at the tip of our tongues for nearly this entire year, and we’re going to make them listen,” Joey explained still full of determination. 

“See I know you and Dawson still have novels and novels to proclaim to one another, but me and Audrey…” he trailed off, “there’s not much left to salvage.” 

She furrowed her brows, “What do you mean by that?” 

“Audrey and I, we had fun, we had sex, it was good but the relationship thing wasn’t working out the way either one of us anticipated. Maybe the whole Alex thing was just a sign that we were both making a huge mistake.” 

“You can’t mean that,” Joey shook her head; “after all the two of you went through you’re just going to give up?” He nodded, “What happened to the guy who went against Andie’s father to keep her home for the summer?” 

“She went to the clinic anyway and cheated on that guy,” he replied flatly. 

“How about the guy who convinced an uptight neurotic straight edge to sail away with him for the summer?" 

“Do I even have to tell you how that story ends?” He asked glancing at her quickly before returning his gaze to the road. 

“That’s beside the point, Pacey,” Joey rolled her eyes, “the point is what happened to that romantic who didn’t let the little bumps in the road veer him off his path?” 

Pacey set his jaw, “I guess he got his heart broken a few too many times.” 

“Pace, Audrey’s leaving,” Joey continued, “she’s going to LA for the entire summer and she’s going to release all that anger and resentment by hooking up with random guys.” 

“Whatever gets her over it,” he shrugged. 

She narrowed her eyes, “Don’t you care about her at all?” 

“Yes, Jo, I do,” he shot back, “but I don’t see the point in pursuing something that’s going nowhere, do you?” 

He looked at her coldly causing her redirect her gaze out the window. “I’m sorry,” he sighed under a low mumble. “I wasn’t talking about you and Dawson,” he offered. 

She shook her head, “There’s no reason to be sorry when you’re right.” She licked her lips, “It’s just, Dawson and I have always been ‘destined’ to be together and every shot we get together, one of us mess it up.” 

“And you think that this is your final chance that fate has been working against you this entire time so you feel the need to stop it.” 

“Yeah,” she nodded, “it’s stupid I know, it’s just there’s such a feeling of closure and that scares me.” 

“Maybe that’s your heart telling you it’s over.” 

“I just have to say something though,” she said looking at his profile, “if I don’t I’ll be forever stricken with the ‘what if’ disease and I can’t live my life that way.” 

“Do you know what you’re going to say?” 

She smirked, “I’m hoping it will just come to me in the moment.” 

“Good luck,” he said turning into the parking lot, “because in T- minus 8 minutes you’re going to have to say something,” he finished pulling up to the curb. 

“You’re not coming with me?” She asked looking at him sadly. 

“I already told you, there’s nothing left for me to say.” 

“Just come with me,” Joey said pulling on his hand, “maybe when you see her you’ll change your mind.” 

He sighed heavily, “Alright, let me park the car.” 


"What do you mean I can't get through without a ticket?" Joey practically screamed at the security guard. 

"Due to security regulations we can not permit you to cross this line without a ticket," The guard replied flatly. 

"I just need to go talk to a friend and—," Pacey's hand muffled the rest of the words. 

"You're not helping, darling," he said through gritted teeth dragging her off of the growing line. 

"Pacey what are you doing we need to get through," she whined gesturing wildly at the security post. 

He placed a hand on each shoulder leveling his eyes with hers, "Joey, calm down," she took a deep breath. "They say we need a ticket so we'll buy a ticket." 

"I can't just toss out loose change for a plane ticket I'm never going to use, I don't have those kind of luxuries." 

He placed a finger on her lips; "I've got it covered." 

"What do you mean?" She asked. He grabbed her hand dragging her through the swamped airport to the ticket booth. 

"Do you know what airline their flying with?" Pacey began, "Wait, does that even matter?" 

"Wow Pace," she replied dryly, "you're quite the professional at airline travel." 

"Do you want me to go wait in the car?" He snapped back, "Because I will." 

"Next," Joey nudged him forward. 

Pacey plastered a fake grin across his features, "Hello, how has your day been," he squinted reading the plaque on her uniform, "Molly." 

Joey slapped his arm, "Could you stop hitting on her and get to the point." 

"Destination?" Molly cut in. 

"Ah yes," Pacey nodded draping an arm over Joey's shoulder, "we're newly married and I promised the wife a honeymoon, but turns out the paycheck barely covered the ceremony as it is so I was wondering what the cheapest flight is that you have or maybe something refundable." 

"Cheapest flight?" Joey asked incredulously, "that's all I'm worth to you?" 

"All purchases are final and non refundable,” she said in a standard tone. “I can get you two tickets to Islip which leaves in about thirty minutes for $499.27," she said flipping through the computer index. 

"Where's Islip?" Joey crinkled her forehead. 

"Long Island," Molly explained. 

"$500 to get to New York?" She turned to Pacey, "That's like a 5 hour drive Pace I’m not letting you spend that much money." 

"Is cash okay?" 

Joey's eyes widened, "Pacey." 

"We prefer credit card," the attendant cringed. 

"Pace," Joey repeated. 

"No problem," he smiled filing through his wallet. 

"Any seat preferences?" She asked swiping the card. 

"Nah, it's a short flight, right?" He winked. 

"Pacey, stop I can't let you do this," Joey said trying to swipe the pen from his hand. 

"You need ID, right?" He asked pulling out his license, "Jo," he gestured at Molly. 

"No," she shook her head stubbornly. 

"Jo," he repeated sternly. 

She sighed heavily pulling out her passport, "Fine, but I'm paying you back." 

"Tickets," Pacey grinned holding up the envelope as they headed back towards check in. 


“This summer is going to rock,” Audrey said excitedly bouncing on her heels as they stood on line to board. “You’ve gotten to show me the finer sides of Capeside and now I will show you the truly rocking atmosphere of Los Angeles, the only way it should be experienced, with me.” 

“Can’t wait,” Dawson forced a smile. 

“Oh great, you’re not going to be all sad and depressed too?” He lowered his gaze, “Are all of you people near suicide?” 

“Only on weekends.” 

For the oddest of reasons his eyes scanned across the airport, the sea of strangers filling his view people with their own lives, their own dreams, their own vast disappointments. Between them all he could feel her presence. 

“Dawson,” he practically jumped at the sound of her voice. “Dawson,” the voice rung out again. 

“Bunny!” Audrey shrieked. 

Audrey absently searched the crowd a blink of hope flickering through her mind that he had come to stop her too. Her eyes settled on his familiar uniform, the sky blue button down security shirt that stoke out like a sore thumb amongst the standard costume of airline security. "Dick boy," she muttered under her breath. 

Their eyes met for a brief moment her lips involuntarily curving into a smile before he looked away, the hope gone, the reality crushing through, Pacey Witter didn’t love her. “I’m going to go take my seat,” Audrey said sadly giving Joey’s hand a squeeze before boarding the plane. 

“What are you doing here?” Dawson asked as her roommate slipped past them. 

Her eyes pled with his, “Why are you saying good-bye to me? What happened to you? When did you become the fatalist?” 

“Right about the same time I went to kiss you and you turn your head like you're on a bad blind date.” 

“I was scared,” Joey pled with him. 

“Of what?” 

She chewed back her lip, “Of going backwards, of never growing up.” 

“That's what I represent to you?” He narrowed his eyes in disbelief. 

“No, not you. Us,” she tried to explain, her attempts futile. “I started this year thinking that I had to say good-bye to you, but I was wrong. Dawson, you're a huge part of my life— past, present, and future— and I have to start getting used to that because... you make my life better, not worse.” 

Words and speeches sound great, but they don't add up to anything. 

He cracked a grin, moving on the first impulse, “Then come with me. Right now, come with me, Jo.” 

"I want to come with you," she said taking another step towards the True Love growing with confidence. 

"What?" Pacey asked in shock, "Are you crazy?" 

She shook her head taking another tentative step forward. "I want to stop standing still, I want to move forward, I want to come with you," she repeated. 

The words sounded all too similar the opportunity the same. She had taken that leap of faith years before, when she knew it was right, when she knew it was the only choice left. The impulse here was lacking however, she had nothing left to prove or perhaps lacked the will to leave. “I can’t, I won’t, going to California is your journey, not mine. And if we really mean to each other what we say we mean to each other, then...there's nothing to worry about. Everything will work itself out, I guarantee it. Besides, I think I finally figured out what that kiss meant.”

“Care to share?” 

She kissed him, the only thing she could think of when put in this situation, whenever they were forced to say goodbye, the only way left to hold on was a kiss, one that promised more then they were willing to give. When she was going to Paris he kissed her and she stayed, when he was leaving for USC she kissed him and he came back. The kiss was their last tie, their last hope. 

“Damn it,” Dawson breathed catching his breath. 


“Damn it,” he repeated. 

“What?” She asked warily. 

“Damn it. You have this annoying habit of making me not want to get on planes.” 

She offered him a crocked smile, “You're gonna get on this plane, Dawson, and you're gonna go make movies. Because that's your dream, and you're gonna be good to everyone you meet along the way because that's who you are. And if you ever get lost, you remember.” 

“What?” He furrowed his heavy brows. 

“I love you, too.” 

The final flight attendant headed for the gate stopping by Dawson, “Sir? Sir, will you be flying with us today or what?” 

“Yes, he'll be flying with you," she said before he could protest. "Go on, rain man. Your life awaits,” she smiled widely shoving him towards the gate. 

“Yours too, you know,” he nodded before heading towards the plane. Joey stood firmly in place watching as he disappeared in the doorframe. 

“I know,” she mumbled turning towards Pacey his arms folded across his chest impatiently as he waited for her. 

“So are we done here?” He asked arching a brow. 

"I'm sorry I made you do that," she frowned. 

"What," he cocked a brow, "get death glares from my ex-girlfriend while the other makes out with her other ex and my former best friend?" 

"Something like that," she cringed. 

"It's like a soap opera Jo," he grinned, "and you know how much I love those." 

“Well that's the last drama worth action, our summer of deteriorating in Capeside officially begins today,” she sighed glancing at the plane one last time before heading across the airport with him. 

He shrugged his shoulders, "What do you say we use those plane tickets?" 

"To go to Long Island?" She rolled her eyes, "There's absolutely nothing on Long Island except for rich snobs and light houses and I think we can get plenty of those on the Cape, thank you very much." 

“You know Potter,” he smirked wrapping an arm around her shoulder, “I think this may be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” 

She rolled her eyes, “Cut the crap Ric and take me home.” 

“Yes Miss Daisy,” he nodded heading out to the parking lot, their entire summer awaiting. 

Continue to Part 2