
Author’s Note: This story takes place near the end of Swan Song in fact a lot of dialogue is lifted from that episode. Basically, what if Pacey stayed in Capeside with Joey for the summer and so on and so forth.

Italics are flashbacks from prior seasons.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9| Part 10 

The sun still hung low in the sky the soft song of some obscure bird filling the heavy air off in the distance. Folding up the last linen from the line, Joey absently dropped it in the basket by her feet sighing heavily as her eyes scanned her surroundings. Capeside Massachusetts, her personal kryptonite. 

Last year she had promised that she would change, that she would become a new person, grow from her former townie chains. She had promised that she would find herself, fulfill dreams that she had yet to dream. Dawson had acquired his with his film with Oliver. He was only a step away from movie stardom with the producer in LA who saw his potential. Jen was mending ties with her parents, a chance she was hoping to receive since the moment she set foot in Capeside. Jack had spread his wings finding friends in new places while securing permanent bonds with the old. Pacey had finally found his passion in life, he had more direction then anyone she knew and suddenly his future seemed a little brighter. 

And then there was her, Little Josephine Potter, the one with direction and the perfect future. The girl who had beat every single odd to get where she was. But where was she exactly? Nothing had changed; even a year trying to erase her past couldn't shake her destiny of rotting in this summer tourist trap. 

She sighed heavily tucking her hands in the pockets of her denim shorts as she headed down her lawn stopping at the edge of her dock. Her rowboat bobbed melodically in the water, a swish swash echoing in the air, the nose pointing downstream. Her eyes followed its arrow pointing beyond the curves and turns of the creek that etched the town beyond the trees that led her home. 

But could it be considered home anymore? A widow in mourning with a child she hardly knew, a house leaking with memories both wonderful and heart wrenching at the same time. Perhaps even the faint glimmer of a dream boy that would never meet her in reality. The Leery home which had once offered her comfort only left her with more questions, more confusion. 

Her eyes continued to drift along the dock, her mind filing through all the ‘what if’s. What if she went to LA with Dawson? 

I don't want to know you. 

Her father never wanted to see her again because of what she did for Dawson. Instinctual promises made between a father and daughter that she had tarnished all for a boy she had thought she loved. 

Sucking her bottom lip between her teeth she sat down on the edge of the dock swinging her feet freely over the cool air emitted by the water. 

It's a new year, who knows, you and I might even become friends. 

A faint smile crept across her features as she smoothed her hands along the rough wood of the salted dock. 

"It's like the reverse of It's A Wonderful Life;" She said smoothing her hands over her dull pink skirt, "everyone's better off without us." 

"Except for each other," he added. She grinned widely unable to tame the urge to kiss him. 

"Hey Jo, you ready to go?" Pacey called out climbing out of his red Mustang. 

She jumped twisting her neck back to see him. Her voice caught in her throat, "As much as I'd love to join you at Valentine's House of Making me Miserable, I've got the day off." 

He furrowed his brows, "Is that even possible?" 

"I was a little thrown myself." 

He smirked plopping himself down next to her, "So what are you going to do on your day of rest?" 

She shrugged, "Work on my tan, hit on the guy in the Blue Room, clean the muck from the stove, finish the laundry, work on the account books, start my summer reading, shop for some groceries, develop the cure for the common cold, save a puppy from a tree, you know normal 18 year old hijinx." 

"You're an old soul Miss Potter," he said patting her on the shoulder. 

"Pacey, oh good you're here," Bessie said racing down the lawn handing him a spatula, "I need you to make breakfast, some girl said poached and I got flustered." 

"It's a boiled egg, Bess," he said flatly still holding up the utensil. 

She slapped the back of his head, "Just do it." 

He groaned climbing to his feet as he headed back towards the B&B. "That boy is so difficult sometimes, I don't know how you put up with him," she said folding her arms over her chest. 

Joey smirked, "I truly wonder where I built up that tolerance," she said sarcastically. 

Bessie rolled her eyes, "We'll see how that wit holds up when I begin renting out your room." 

Joey rose to Bessie's level patting down her shorts, "Maybe I'll go help Pacey with breakfast." 

"Good idea," she nodded after her. 


“Alright where was I?” Pacey asked setting down a plate in front of her. 

“The mermaids,” Samantha, an 8 year old from Iowa staying in the Green Room with her mother said. 

“Oh right, the mermaids,” he exclaimed triumphantly waving a wooden spoon clad with drips of pancake batter in the air. “So I was sailing along the coast, warm tropical sun, and water so clear that you could see straight to the bottom when this mysterious bump hit the side of my boat. I was a little jostled to say the least so I check over the edge and I see just the slightest flicker of the waves.” 

“What was there?” The little girl asked enraptured by his story. 

“Nothing but water,” he continued, “so I stood there for a moment, eyes fixed on the water willing for something to appear, anything so I knew I wasn’t going crazy. Then suddenly there was this tap on the other side of the boat, so I race,” he said mocking a dive, “over to the other side and see these glorious purple fins waving at me.” 

“Was that the mermaid?” 

“Yeah,” he nodded reminiscently, “she soared slickly through the waves about ten feet away from my boat breaking through the surface. Her hair was a long streaming auburn that was never wet, always smooth and silky and her eyes had a twinkle that could never be defined. She smiled at me and let me tell you my entire body went week my knees buckling out, my head suddenly ten pounds to heavy and the softest undulation sent me splash,” he described clapping his hands together, “right into the water.” 

“Did she come and save you?” 

“Well I was floating, treading water near the surface my eyes scanning the horizon just searching for her, the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, but there was nothing there, just the endless sea.” 

“Did you ever see her again?” 

“Actually off in the distance just as I had given up hope, I saw her sparkling purple fins poke out of the surface and wave to me, I’ll never forget that moment.” 

Joey stood in the door way grasping the frame as she puked her head into the kitchen watching as Pacey animatedly told his story to the young girl. 

“Why do you think the mermaid left?” The girl asked scooping a soggy clump of syrup drenched pancake into her mouth. 

“Because she was scared,” Joey cut in stepping into the dining room, “see her father was the king of the sea and there were strict rules about going to the surface. But the mermaid longed to see the world, and to look beyond the water so she’d sneak past the surface every so often when she saw a fishermen’s boat bobbing through the water and tease them with her tricks just to get a glimpse of the outside world.” 

“Did she ever get to see it?” 

Joey glanced at Pacey knowingly, “Once or twice I believe.” 

Checking the time on the microwave Pacey set the spoon down on the counter, “I’ve got to get going. I’ll be back to whip up some dinner and with another story to tell,” he addressed Sam as he headed towards the door. 

“I like him,” Sam stated smashing another clump of pancake into her mouth. 

Joey smirked, “You like his stories?” 

“No,” she shook her head, “he makes really good pancakes.” 

Joey headed towards the counter serving herself her own batch and taking a seat across from the girl, “He does doesn’t he?” 

“Are you going to marry him?” She asked abruptly. 

Joey nearly choked on her bite, “Excuse me?” 

“Well mommy said that when you find a man who can cook you marry him as soon as possible.” 

She grinned, “There are other criteria on that list,” she added. 

“Like what?” Sam asked propping her elbow on the table. 

“He’s got to make you smile, kiss you hello every morning, and remember your birthday.” 

“What did he do wrong?” 

She bit back her lip, “Forgot my birthday every single year, the man is horrible with dates.” 

The little girl giggled as Joey swiped her plate heading back towards the sink, “You want more sweetheart?” 

“No thank you,” she said politely hopping of her seat and heading back towards her room. 

Joey watched the little girl skip down the hall a faint smile curving her lips. Glancing down at the counter she noticed a watch sitting next to the various pots and pans. 

I did what you asked. All ghosts locked firmly away. Except for the ghost of Christmas future. And there's really no reason... 

Scooping up the watch she headed towards the door passing Bessie along the way, “Jo where are you going?” 

“Yacht club,” she explained heading towards the truck. 

“But you’re not working,” she called after the descending automobile. 


“Is the lunch crowd over yet?” Drue asked impatiently swiveling around on the bar stool. 

“My break starts in…” Pacey trailed off glancing down at his wrist, “Where’s my watch?” 

Drue shrugged, “When’s your break?” 

Pulling Drue’s arm across the counter he checked the time, “Twenty minutes.” Heading back towards the kitchen he grabbed a few more plates throwing on the final touches, “What are you so antsy about anyway?” 

“If you hadn’t noticed all of our alum from the class of ’01 don’t have the fondest memories of me and all my buddies up in Boston are spread sporadically amongst their respective homes so that, my friend, leaves you Pacey Witter.” 

He rolled his eyes, “I’m honored. What’d you want to do anyway?” 

“Go sailing.” 

“I’m listening,” Pacey said perking up, “so what you have some women lined up as your escort?” 

Drue arched his brows, “As well as a seaman here to pilot it.” 

“I’ll think about,” he said dinging the bell and setting the orders on the counter. 

“What if I told you I had a sexy blonde lined up for you in the mix?” 

Pacey grinned, “Keep talking.” 

“That’s my boy,” Drue patted him on the back as he stood up from his stool heading towards the door. “Meet me on the dock when your break starts, I’ll pick out a boat.” 

“Yeah sure,” he shot back heading back into the kitchen. 


Tossing his apron into his locker he headed out of the yacht club descending down the steps. “Hey,” Joey caught up with him watch in hand. 

Pacey eyed her strangely, “I know you might still be a little confused Jo, but you’re not working here today.” 

She blushed, “I know it’s just,” she held up the watch, “I thought you may need this.” 

“Oh that’s where I left it,” he slapped himself in the head. 

“Are you two keeping something from me?” Drue asked heading towards them from the marina. 

Joey turned to him nodding somberly, “Yes Drue, while Pacey isn’t being employed by your mother at Capeside’s Yacht Club, he’s been sneaking around at the B&B making breakfast for innocent 8 year olds.” 

“Bastard,” Drue sneered through gritted teeth. “Well as long as you’re here Potter you minus well enjoy the afternoon on the sea with us men.” 

Pacey furrowed his brows, “What about those girls?” 

Drue sucked in a sizzling breath, “Yeah turns out, they don’t like me very much.” 

“What’d you say to them?” 

“That bikini tops weren’t optional, they were in fact forbidden.” 

“And they didn’t find that charming?” Joey asked sarcastically. 

“I’ll never understand you women,” he shook his head, “so anyway I got us a boat some Thompson/Ross affair type thing and their owners are out for the day and their keys just so happen to be in my pocket.” 

Joey shrugged her shoulders, “Why not, I have nothing else to do, right?” 

“Now we’re talking,” Drue grinned, “Witter after you,” he led the two down the marina hopping aboard a generously sized yacht with Pacey following suit. 

”I think I’m in love with you,” she exclaimed digging her hands deeply into her pockets. 

He froze refusing to look at her, knowing that he would throw his heart away again in a second if he turned around, “You think or you know?” 

She extended her hand still shadowing her view from the sun, “Permission to come aboard?” 

He chuckled meeting hands with hers, “Permission granted,” he said hoisting her off the dock. 


The warm rush of air brushed across her bare skin and the faint call of seagulls mended with David Grey as he wailed a duet with the approaching static. Her eyes drifted open lazily adjusting to the glare from the low hanging sun. Propping herself on her elbows she caught sight of his form watching the coastline intently as swells of land rose and dipped into the horizon. 

The salty wind caught in the fabric of his atrocious Hawaiian print shirt letting the open folds dance loosely in the wind the bronzed skin of his chest peeking through. His eyes drifted back towards her stretched out on the deck of True Love, her legs hanging freely over the edge swinging in the misty air. A smile curved his lips when their eyes met the smile she had become accustom too every morning when she found him on deck watching the sunrise. And every evening, like this one today, when she would lounge under the setting sun and he would sit there marveling at her beauty, wondering how a woman like her could ever choose a loser like him. 

“What time is it?” She slurred lazily, still heavy with sleep. 

“6:30,” he shrugged climbing around the vast ropes and gadgets till he was by her side. 

“We’re getting farther from Chesapeake,” she murmured groggily gesturing towards the radio. “We’re barely getting reception from the station anymore.” 

He brushed his fingers across her warm forehead still baked from the hot summer sun, dusting away the loose tendrils that sprinkled over her view allowing his fingers to linger in her silky mop of hair. “I could put on a CD if you want,” he cooed softly, his words drifting away with the sea breeze. 

“I’ve had enough Zeppelin, thank you very much,” she smirked, her eyes fluttering open and shut under his touch. 

“So you’ll have to remember to bring your own music the next time you act on another impulse,” he shot back his other hand drifting down her side along her flat belly dipping into her navel before traveling back up her velvety abdomen. 

She rolled her eyes, “These impulses are hard, maybe I should call Bessie and have her pick me up,” she joked tangling her fingers through his short crop of salty brown hair. 

“Or,” he cut in replacing his fingers with his mouth trailing sloppy kisses along the contours of her stomach, “I could pick you up a few CD’s when we’re in town.” 

Joey grinned widely arching up her back to meet the patterns he traced with his tongue, “We do have an anniversary coming up.” 

“Already,” he joked nuzzling his nose into her skin brushing it against the rough edge of her bikini top. “How have I put up with you for that long?” 

Her tongue peeked through her teeth playfully, “I’m just lovable that’s all.” 

He swung his arm so it rested on the other side of her the upper half of his body hovering over her their breath mingling, “You are aren’t you.” 

David Grey drowned in the sea of static; they drowned within one another. Fingers laced together, moans escaped through their sporadic breaths, their tongues slipped past one another with practiced ease. 


Joey smiled faintly as her dream danced in her memory leaving her with a free flying feeling before her body crushed with a cold pool. Quickly jumping back into consciousness she recognized her position in the open Capeside waves and began frantically kicking her limbs back to the surface. She shook the salty droplets from her drenched hair treading water as she floated next to the boat a scowl plastered along her features. 

Drue and Pacey stood smugly on the edge of the boat grinning widely as their soggy friend bobbed on the surface below, “I hate you two!” She screamed hooking her slippery fingers on the edge of the yacht attempting to channel all her strength in her arms as she hoisted herself out of the water. Pacey met her half way grabbing onto her forearms and lifting her the rest of the way back in. 

She shook off his touch as she regained her footing ignoring the shivers down her spine that weren’t caused by the temperature of the water. “Let it not be said that I am a man who passes on golden opportunities,” Drue said feigning innocence. 

“Let it not be said that when some unsuspecting fisherman drags out your body with his daily catch that I was near the crime scene,” she sneered twisting her soaking hair in a waterfall of salt water. 

Pacey laughed, “Don’t act so smug,” she bit pointing an accusing finger in his direction. “They’ll never find your body.” 

“Aw, come on Jo,” Pacey said running his hands briskly up and down her arms offering her warmth, “You know you love the open waves.” 

“Not without any warning!” She shot back still trying to ignore the contact that sent jolts through her entire body as she rung the lose droplets of water from her tank top that now hung tightly around her body. 

“Don’t worry we’re almost back to the port anyhow,” he said resting his hands on her shoulders, “You’ll be dry in no time.” 

She narrowed her eyes at him biting her lip between her teeth. 

“You know what continually amazes me, Pacey?” She asked shaking her wavy hair from her eyes. 

He cocked his head, “And what's that?” 

“How long you've lasted without being thrown off this boat,” she teased. 

He grinned adjusting the brim of his baseball cap, “Well finally! Something that we can both agree upon.” 

Her tongue peeked between her teeth as he grabbed onto her hand making a dash towards the edge of True Love with her closely behind, the fishing net still hanging out to catch their fall as they splashed into the large pool hand in hand smiles plastered across their features. 

Shaking out of her memories her eyes focused on the dock where a petite blonde woman stood by the edge with arms firmly folded across her chest. “Who’s that?” She asked Drue warily. 

He cringed following his gaze, “My guess would be the owner of this vessel.” 

Pacey guided the yacht easily back into its port before maneuvering around to join them his eyes falling on the woman at the end of the dock his face suddenly brightening, “Melanie Shea Thompson?” 

“Pacey J. Witter?” She matched his tone as he hopped off the edge of the yacht clearing the gap between the boat and the water and smothering her with a hug. 

“Who’s Melanie Shea Thompson?” Joey asked Drue hugging her arms across her chest nervously. 

Drue shrugged, “A friend of Pacey’s I can only assume.” 

“What are you doing here?” Pacey asked her excitedly. 

“Taking a quick stop in Capeside,” she explained, “I thought you were still in Boston.” 

“I was but my job at Civilization fell through with the management so I came home,” he said pulling her into another hug. 

“Hi,” Joey said awkwardly, stepping off the boat. 

“Right, right,” he said pulling away, “this is Melanie,” he explained gesturing towards her, “and this is Drue and Joey.” 

Melanie arched her brows, “Joey, Joey?” She asked. 

“The one and only,” she shrugged shyly offering a hand. “So where do you two know each other?” 

“Pacey gave me the summer of my life on my Uncle’s boat last year,” she explained a smile still etched across her lips. 

“Oh,” Joey said growing more uncomfortable, “so you’re uncle is the Dean of Worthington right?” 

“That’s him.” 

“So you two dated?” Joey continued. 

“We had a little summer fling,” she shrugged, “Pacey here taught me how to have a little fun.” 

Summer flings are the way to go, that’s my new outlook on life. 

“Josephine, why aren’t you in your uniform?” Misses Valentine asked trotting down the dock. 

“I have the day off ma’am,” Joey explained still looking nervously between Melanie and her boss. 

“Well since you’re here get in there, one of my waitresses just started puking in the bathroom, she’s been like this for days, I’m sure that one of those Ross kids knocked her up,” she rolled her eyes dramatically. 

Joey forced a smile, “Right away Misses Valentine.” 


Suddenly finding it hard to breath, Joey jammed her key into the lock of the pick up truck scratching the paint along the hole as her shaky hands missed with every jab. 

“What’s wrong with you?” Pacey asked coming up behind her as she jumped with frustration. 

“Nothing,” she bit back. 

“See I know there’s something wrong because ever since we got back from the boat you’ve been offering me dirty glances and nearly punched out that blonde waitress when she cleared that table for you.” 

“She tried to swipe my tip,” she defended. 

“She was doing you a favor,” he corrected. 

“So you’re defending her now? What did you date her too?” She bit back. 

He was caught of guard for a moment, “This is about Melanie isn’t it?” 

“Why would I care about who you sleep with, even if it only happens what weeks, days, hours post our break up.” 

“Excuse me?” He asked incredulously. 

“Really, how long did you wait for the wounds to heal before you fell between the sheets with her,” she continued to rip. 

“Don’t go preaching to me about proper post break up behavior,” he fired back, “you’re the one who was swapping spit with Dawson Leery, the reason for every single one of my insecurities through out our entire relationship, before my plane even left the tarmac!” 

“Dawson was there for me which is a hell of a lot more then I could say for you!” 

“I’m sorry, I must have dreamed up our entire junior year when he abandoned you, oh wait how silly, soul mates are always there is spirit, fuck anybody who tries to interfere!” 

“Please,” she rolled her eyes, “You walk around like you have some sort of white night complex, like you’re so much better then everybody else! Where were you when I was mugged huh, Pace? Where were you when I was abandoned in some skeevy town with a convicted sex freak?” 

“Don’t bring this up,” he warned. 

“That’s right you were fucking my roommate! When I was assaulted in the middle of the night you were too busy doing it in your car to give me a ride home. When I was alone in that room with Charlie, a guy who used Jen for sex and sex alone, you were with Audrey because you really wanted to do it in a bed.” 

“You gave us your blessing, Joey,” he shouted back, “You practically forced her down my throat, you dragged me off to the fucking air port to chase her. In fact you instigated the whole relationship to deviate the guilt you felt for getting back together with Dawson. All of those promises last year about being over him, about our future were such bull shit and I believed it, I believed that you loved me and then you lied to everybody. I asked you flat out if you would tell Dawson about our sex lives if he asked and you lied.” 

“What was I supposed to say?” 

“None of your business, four simple words Jo, none of your business,” he begged her, “but you couldn’t do that Jo, and that’s when I knew it was over the fact that you cared more about hurting him then hurting me.” 

“So that made it okay to have a bunch of meaningless sexual encounters, to just throw yourself at random warm bodies?” 

“Actually Joey, contrary to your belief there are other women out there worthy of relationships.” 

“So ours was meaningless to you, that’s why you could hop into one so easily with Melanie whatever her name is rich girl because relationships were such a joke to you. That’s why you could have one night stands and sleep with your ex’s roommates?” 

“You gave us your blessing,” he repeated. 

“What was I supposed to say? No I don’t want you two to date because it would be uncomfortable for me? Then you two would hate me for coming between you and it would be yet another bitter love triangle that I didn’t want to be apart of. You put the whole Audrey debacle together for yourself simply because you don’t understand the principle rule of friendship.” 

He rolled his eyes, “And what’s that?” 

“Bros before hos Pacey, friendship before sex,” she shook her head, “Maybe Dawson is right maybe you can only think with your dick.” 

“Excuse me?” 

“It’s all about sex for you, isn’t it? You’re so afraid to put your heart on the line because of the simple fact that it may get broken again so you try to have emotionless relationships like with Jen and that waitress and Tamara and that girl you picked up at the restaurant and Melanie and Audrey. In fact you could’ve loved Audrey I know you could’ve if you were actually willing to put your heart on the line.” 

“That’s rich, really rich coming from you, Jo,” he snarled, “You’re so afraid of an actual relationship that you go back to your fantasy every time something gets serious because you know that you and Dawson aren’t going anywhere you’re just there to feed off of one another. You make yourselves feel better because you can attract so many people and walk all over them and still have somebody to laugh about it with when all the dirty work is done.” He shook his head, “You know what, I give up, I don’t care anymore,” he said turning back towards the dock. 

“Where are you going?” She asked her eyes following him. 

“What does it matter?” 

Her eyes darkened as she finally swung open the truck door zooming out of the yacht club, jealousy was not her forte. 

Back to Part 2 | Continue to Part 4