
Author’s Note: This story takes place near the end of Swan Song in fact a lot of dialogue is lifted from that episode. Basically, what if Pacey stayed in Capeside with Joey for the summer and so on and so forth.

Italics are flashbacks from prior seasons.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9| Part 10 

She buried her face in his pillow still catching onto his faint scent. Stretching out her arms his absence became present as she lifted her tired eyes to survey the room. Rummaging through his suitcase in the corner of his empty bedroom she watched as a sprinkle of droplets escaped his damp hair with a swipe of the hand. Her eyes became transfixed as she watched the contracting of his shoulder blades beneath his slightly bronzed skin. Standing he drummed his hands over his bare stomach, his khaki shorts hanging low on his hips as he continued to search for his choice shirt.

“I see how it is,” she murmured groggily rolling onto her back pulling the sheets up with her, “another hit and run, huh?” She teased.

A grin crossed his face as he turned to face her, “Damn, you’re onto my sinister plan.”

Propping onto her elbows she said, “Where are you going?”

“I my dear, have work,” he bopped a finger over her nose, “there’s this crazy thing called rent that they charge for me to keep this little love pad.”

“But it’s still so early,” she sat up further drawing her face closer to his.

“It’s almost one o’clock,” he refuted brushing his nose against hers playfully, “I was worried you were never going to wake up.”

“Well I had a very strenuous evening,” she finished with a quick kiss. “When does your shift start anyway?”

“One thirty,” he said huskily catching her lips in another kiss.

“So we still have twenty minutes,” she said hooking her arms around his neck crushing bare skin against bare skin.

She trailed sloppy kisses along his jaw muffling his protests, “But after those twenty minutes I’m not going to be able to leave.”

“I don’t see a problem in that.”

“I think Danny would,” he chuckled meeting a few of her kisses.

She pulled away briefly, “Like Danny would ever fire you.”

He smirked smothering her lips with his, “True.” Crawling onto the bed on top of her he pinned her beneath his weight tangling her auburn hair between his fingers as his tongue thrust slickly against hers. Pulling away abruptly she was left with nothing but the tingling sensation his lips had left, “But I’ve got to go.”

She pouted her lip, “Please.”

Kissing her forehead he tucked her rumpled hair behind her ear, “I’ll see you during the night shift.”

“Yeah, yeah,” she rolled her eyes.

“If you need anything clean to wear, I grant you free range over my suit case,” he said. “I’m going to go start a pot of coffee, you want anything else?”

She cocked a brow, “Besides you?” 

He grinned, “My lord woman I’m not a piece of meat.”

Her tongue peeked through her smile, “Pancakes please.”

He took her hand placing a kiss on her knuckles, “As you wish my dear.” Heading out of the room he swept up the chef shirt he was looking for slipping it on before he disappeared.

Joey’s smile widened as she fell back against his pillow combing her fingers through her hair as she stared up at the ceiling.

Telling Dawson that while he wasn't looking I developed this bizarre gravitational pull towards his best friend, and I can't stop thinking about him or wanting to be near him or wanting to kiss him all the time.

She frowned, here they went again.


Jack hiked the cardboard box higher over his hip supporting it slightly against the wall as he struggled with the key to their apartment. Cradling his keys between his teeth he forced the knob to turn pushing the door open. 

Slipping down the hall he tossed the box in his empty bedroom inspecting the walls he had left to dry. Jen would be laughing for hours when she saw it and suddenly the only thought he had left was how he was going to match his bed sheets to all these colors. Tie-dye he concluded. 

Heading back down the short hall he was struck by the piercing aroma of Pacey’s Pancakes. “Hey roomy,” he said strolling past the progressively decorated living room. Pacey had ransacked all the furniture he and Gretchen had stashed away from the beach house. The retro flavor that had once livened his old quarters now slowly seeped into the plainness of their apartment. 

“Jackers,” Pacey replied with a large grin.

“So you cleared out all the monsters and ghosts for me?” He asked sinking onto one of the patio chairs they called dinning hall worthy.

“Yep,” he nodded, “supposedly the Boogey Man only comes out on Thursdays.”

“Great,” Jack said settling on his creaking chair, “I go out those nights anyway.”

“Hungry?” He popped a pancake into the air flipping it and catching it on an offered plate.

Jack laughed, “Uh, yeah.” Brushing up on the old soft shoe Pacey slid suavely across the room receiving a blank stare from his new roommate. “You seem awfully cheerful this morning,” Jack muttered shredding his breakfast with the useless utensils. Paper plates and plastic forks were their temporary dishes until they smuggled enough silver from Grams and Civilization collectively.

“It’s simply a fine day McPhee; can’t a man just be happy for being happy?”

He stared at him blankly, “You, no.”

“Point taking, but that doesn’t change my mood because for once my friend I am actually genuinely happy.”

“And this is where I ask you once again, why?”

Buttoning up the last few buttons of one of his many blue Hawaiian print shirts she swept her aggravating hair into a sloppy pony tale heading down the small hall. Jack turned his head spotting her before turning back to Pacey, “No need for an explanation.”

“It’s not what you…” Pacey trailed off reaching for his mug of coffee before shaking his head, “you know what, never mind.”

Jack shook his head, “And I was hoping to christen the place.”

Pacey cocked his brows cockily shielding his grin behind his mug. Joey simply smacked the back of his head on her way past the kitchen table. “Have I ever told you how much I love you in my clothing?” He asked presenting her with a platter of pancakes.

She blushed flicking her hand, “This old thing?”

“Well now that you’ve got company I’m going to get going,” Pacey bent over stealing a quick kiss.

Jack’s eyes followed Pacey out the door as he smiled widely waiting for the slam of the door, “That was interesting.” 

She shrugged her shoulders innocently, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Right, right,” Jack nodded turning his attention back to his slobbery mess.

After a few moments of silence Joey sighed, “Jack what am I going to do?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he mimicked.

“Does this count as cheating, did I cheat on Dawson I mean the extent to our ‘relationship’ was left so ambiguous that I’m not sure if sleeping with Pacey could be considered adultery, could it?”

“Slow down,” he chuckled.

She frowned dropping her head into her hands, “I just feel like I did the wrong thing, you know?”

“You mean you regret sleeping with him?”

“No,” she shook her head, “I just regret the way I did it.” She closed her eyes tightly, “Everything is just so complicated again.”

“You’ve got to admit you threw yourself into that one.”

She frowned, “I just feel awful because I’ve already hurt Dawson this way before and him and Pacey were just getting their friendship back on track,” she groaned, “this perpetual triangle is going to destroy the rest of my life.”

“Don’t you mean square?” Jack corrected.

Her eyes widened as realization struck her, “Audrey.” 

“Now the question remains,” Jack stood up placing a kiss on her forehead, “Have you all grown enough to make it through this again?”


“You wanted to talk to me?” Pacey asked scooting into the table across from him.

“I’ve been pretty bored,” Drue admitted resting his chin in his palm, “I want to do something fun drive to North Carolina or something.”

“My break only lasts for another twenty minutes,” Pacey gestured towards his watch.


Pacey stared at him blankly, “Why don’t we just drive to Cali in my magical transportation device, that’ll only take what? Five minutes?”

Drue rolled his eyes, “Not now, tonight.”

“I don’t feel the need to top my most recent hangover of the century,” Pacey shook his head.

“Only you can control your limit,” Drue feigned responsibility. “Besides we can just shoot some pool, play some cards; pick up some girls, fun stuff.”

“Don’t need to,” he shrugged his shoulders.

“What’s that supposed to mean? Is my company not good enough for you?” Drue asked incredulously.

“Not compared to your competition.”

“Who—,” he looked at him strangely for a moment before pointing an accusing finger a grin brightening his face, “You had sex last night didn’t you?”

He chuckled shaking his head, “I’m not going to answer that question.”

“You did,” he pressed, “come on who was it?”

“My lips are sealed,” he shook his head innocently.

Drue narrowed his eyes dragging his tongue across his lips, “It was Joey wasn’t it.”

Like a deer in headlights he suddenly was playing dumb, “Joey? Why’d you think Joey?”

“I didn’t,” he shrugged, “but now I do.”

Pacey blushed dropping his head.

“So how many times are you going to steal her from Dawson?”

“I’m not stealing her from anyone,” he quickly defended. He groaned, “I just missed her you know? She’s the kind of girl you never get over.”

“Ain’t that touching,” he said sarcastically. “I thought I escaped all your lovey dovey crap after high school.”

Pacey smirked, “You can never escape true love Drue.”

“I don’t understand her charisma,” Drue shook his head slowly, “she’s too feisty for my taste.”

Pacey’s eyes drifted lazily across the door knowing that her shift started soon as he lackadaisically listened to Drue’s criticisms. Catching site of her he perked up sliding out of his seat and patting Drue on the shoulder, “Good, I don’t want you lusting after her anyway.”

“Hey, wait,” Drue said caught off guard as his accomplice abandoned him in the middle of the restaurant.

Pacey scooped Joey into his arms lifting her off the ground as he pressed his lips against hers, “Hey,” he said simply.

She giggled kissing him again, “Hey yourself.”

“Hey,” Drue broke in, “please, I just ate.”

“I’ve got to get back to work,” Pacey nodded towards the kitchen.

Drue watched him leave before turning back to Joey, “Hmm,” he stroked his chin, “Dawson, Pacey, Dawson, Pacey, Dawson, Pacey, which one will you choose?”

“Shut up Drue,” Joey bit back.

“I’m just confused Potter, once you get one of them you can’t keep your hands off the other, oh the conflict.” 

She shook her head, “Grow up Drue, it’s not like that. I am all out of conflict,” she said trying to slip past him.

He caught her arm, “See that’s your problem,” she furrowed her brows. “You crave the conflict your life is nothing without it. It makes you feel like something, two guys fighting World War III to win your heart, it’s quite endearing isn’t it.”

Joey yanked her arm away, “I’m not going to let you do this again Drue, instigate everyone else’s life so you’ll feel better about yours.”

He held up his hands defensively, “Hey, just trying to help.”

She scoffed stalking back towards the kitchen, trying not to let his words affect her.


“Busy night tonight, huh?” Pacey said wiping down his cutting board.

“The best kind of night,” Danny winked patting him on the back.

“Well if you enjoy the hand cramps and stained uniforms I guess yeah,” he joked.

Danny shook his head as he headed to his office, “You need the experience kid, somebody’s got to take over this place when I die.”

“You’re not that much older,” Pacey called out to the door.

Joey laughed at their badinage folding her arms across her chest as she slipped into the kitchen, “Are we almost ready to go?”

He lifted up the tip of his baseball cap swiping a hand across his brow before replacing it, “Yeah, yeah, I just need to clean up in here.”

She sighed dramatically hoisting herself on the counter picking up some scraps from the dinner rush. “You’re far too diligent,” she said swinging her legs impatiently.

“You’re far too anxious,” he teased tossing his rag at her.

“I’m just bored,” she said slouching her shoulders.

He approached her dropping a kiss on her forehead, “Five more minutes.”

Snatching his hat off his head she placed it backwards upon her head, “Fine.”

Rustling through some of the dishes she served herself a cup of chowder before sitting back on the counter her eyes following him as she ate silently. He only got one knife cleaned before he had to be near her again. Dipping his pinky in her mug he pressed the finger against the corner of her mouth, “You’ve got something right here,” he said huskily.

She rolled her eyes, “Oh really.”

“Yeah,” he nodded kissing the edge of her lips. “And,” he dipped another two fingers in her cup before trailing them down her neck, “right here,” he said his lips dragging after the drips.

She smirked, “I’m a horribly sloppy eater.”

“I don’t think I can take you anywhere,” he said his hot breath pressed against her neck. He took the mug from her hands setting it on the counter beside her. She tilted her head back as his lips ran along the column of her neck with slow sensual strokes of the tongue across her inviting flesh. He drew his hand up her side pressing it along the curve of her breast before fiddling with the upper buttons his mouth slowly consuming the revealed inches.

Her fingers brushed through his short brown strands urging on his gentle nibbles along her collar bone a soft moan escaping her lips.

Clapping hands broke them apart, “Break it up you two,” Danny said coming into the kitchen, “I’ve got a health code to keep up with.”

Joey blushed hiding her face in her hands. “You kids get out of here, I’ll finish up,” Danny finished with a wink.

Taking her hand Pacey helped her off the counter offering a wave before they headed out into the dark night.

“That was embarrassing,” she said lacing their fingers together.

“Eh, Danny,” he shrugged, “don’t worry about it.”

He twisted their locked hands around her shoulder pulling her closer, “So are you coming home with me?”

“I guess an evening with you is slightly more appealing then one with Grams and Drue…” she trailed off, “especially Drue.”

He kissed her temple, “Don’t let him bother you.”

She frowned, “I know, it’s just… he’s so irritating sometimes.”

He sighed changing the subject, “When are you moving back into the dorms?”

“Monday, I think, I should probably get settled in before Hurricane Audrey takes over.”

“Audrey,” he said uncomfortably, “right.”

“She’s going to be coming back eventually too,” she said looking up at him knowingly.

“I know,” he nodded, “It’s just this summer, I’ve felt like we were reliving our cruise before senior year, you know? No outside forces or former significant others looming over our every move.”

“And just like then we had to return to reality,” she replied.

“I know,” he said, “it’s just those angst free days are so few and far between.”

“It’s different now,” she squeezed his hand reassuringly, “trust me.”


Drue trotted down the attic stair case stopping as he passed Joey’s door frame. Taking a few steps back he peeked back inside, “Wait, now you’re leaving too?”

Joey folded up another shirt stuffing it into her bag, “School’s starting next week and the dorms are finally open, you should consider checking back into school soon too.”

“Yeah, school, whatever,” he rolled off.

Joey placed her hands on her hips, “Don’t worry, I think Jen’s coming home tomorrow anyway.”

His face lit up, “Really?”

She studied his genuine reaction a small smile curving her own lips as she swung her bag over her shoulder heading out of the room, “Be careful Drue, sometimes I believe you’re almost human.”

His eyes trailed after her, “Careful Potter sometimes I don’t think you’re the Wicked Witch of the West either.”

She shook her head with a slight chuckle trotting down the stairs taking one last look around one of the few places in Boston that felt like home. She’d be back there again, many times in fact, but there was a magic to it now, a haven that it provided throughout the past few months. 

Heading out the door she cocked her head looking down at the red car waiting for her, “Your chariot awaits milady,” Pacey said holding the door open for her.

“Back to school Jeeves,” she said settling into the passenger seat.

“Yes Miss Daisy,” he smirked climbing back behind the wheel.

The drive was relatively quiet, a comfortable silence that had washed over them as they headed past the familiar roads across town. Pulling up to the medieval campus a nostalgic smile spread over her lips.

“You need any help with anything?” He asked drumming against the wheel.

She shook her head climbing out of the car, “Not really, I still need to go run back to Capeside some time this week to pick up the rest of my things.” 

He grabbed her bag before she could snatch it throwing it over his shoulder. “Just being a gentlemen.”

She grinned, “There’s a first time for everything.”

Opening up the familiar dorm room all of its character was drained away waiting for life to be spurted back in.

Joey turned on her heels to face him, “Well this is my stop.”

“I could keep you company for a while,” he suggested tossing her bag aside as he circled his arms around her waist.

“That sounds like a fabulous idea,” she rolled onto her toes pressing her lips against his.

“Mmm hmm,” he moaned tangling his fingers in her long auburn hair. She lifted his shirt over his head her fingers immediately tracing the familiar contours of his chest as she backed down onto her bed.

His hands snuck under the hem of her tank top, his calloused fingers scraping along her smooth sides studying every curve. He pulled her into his lap tickling her sensitive skin as his tongue teased across the edge of her lips. She scraped her nails into his slick shoulders, using the jump to roll her hips over his growing erection.

He lifted her flimsy cotton tank top over her head nibbling on her shoulder as his fingers snuck beneath the elastic of her bra.

The door creaked open suddenly, “Hey Bunny guess who’s home,” Audrey began to call, “and guess who I brought with me!” The blonde said pulling Dawson in behind her. “Oh,” she finished her eyes finally fixing on her roommate… and ex-boyfriend.

There wasn’t time to move, there wasn’t time to react, there was barely time for conclusions, all that was there were four pairs of eyes starring shocked between one another.

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