
Summary: Her choice changed everything, EVERYTHING! (Remember the season 4 promos when they played Madonna and had a lot of sad faces, yeah that's what I mean) What if one night did the trick? If you don't get my promo like summary let me elaborate, it's mid-season 4 minus all the P/J goo. Near the end of junior year Dawson and Joey get back together and then break up and I think the rest is pretty self-explanatory. 

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Epilogue

Slumping into a seat she crossed her arms firmly over her chest, "Life sucks," she muttered simply glaring across the restaurant. 

Glancing over his shoulder his eyes focused in on her directed gaze. He turned back to face her shrugging before directing his attention back on the straw in his glass. "Still residing over the bitter club?" He mumbled dryly. 

"We've been broken up for like a week and that girl is already all over him," she whined brushing a frustrating lock of hair from her eyes. 

"Yeah, well that girl just happens to be my sister, so if you must take out your frustrations, focus them on blondo the boy wonder," he teased raising his eyes towards her. 

Her lips twitched into a smile as she raised a brow, "This is bothering you just as much as it's bothering me." Shifting in her seat she angled her face to see the worried look in his eyes. 

"Bother me? Why would Dawson and Gretchen bother me? I've had no intent on sleeping with either one of them, so why would it bother me?" He said coldly allowing the straw to clank around the ice in his glass. 

"Yeah well she's your sister, he's your best friend, and something about them engaging in any sort of mating ritual is means enough to get queasy." 

"Okay enough of that image please," he flinched. Letting out a shrug his expression softened, "I guess it's my protective brotherly instincts kicking in." 

Rolling up her sleeves she rocked in her seat, "So now give me my excuses to be jealous and my night will be saved." 

"And thus raise your spirits from the murky waters they're residing in?" He asked resting his elbows on the table leaning towards her, his voice dropping to a husky whisper, "Like I said, I never had any intent to sleep with either of them." 

Tilting her head her face thoughtful yet filled with a conspiratorial flare she offered, "So the thought of Dawson banging your precious innocent sister doesn't bother you at all?" 

He let out a light chuckle at her attempt as he shook his head, "Well I'm under good authority that my sister's hymen was broken years ago, so you may want to come up with a different argument." 

Her face darkened as she leaned back against her chair placing her arms back over her chest her lips puckered in defeat. Finally letting out a sigh she glared at him, "You know the only thing I'm looking forward to is graduation, so we can part ways and never have to speak again." 

"You hurt me Josephine," Pacey said holding a hand over his wounded heart. "I mean after all we've been through, all the men I've humiliated you in front of, all the girls you've scared away from me before I could get their numbers, all the Dawson films we starred in together." 

"All the groping you performed on me whenever you were drunk?" She asked rolling her eyes. 

"All the elbows in my gut whenever I did," he reasoned. "Let's face it Potter, we are the epitome of a love hate relationship." 

Offering a smile she nodded, "Sure except for the love part." 

"Admit it; you'll miss me when I'm gone." 

"As I recall I promised to send postcards from my destined location as you rot away in the banks of the creek." She noted fiddling with her own drink. 

"Well I'm sure I'll come up to visit at one point when the town is sickened of my Witter charm." 

"Or when all the middle aged men chase you out of town for seducing all of their wives before they hit their mid life crisis." 

Letting out another light chuckle he settled against the back of his chair, "Well someone's got to keep this town young." 

"Too bad most of our youth has been in captured and forever entombed on video cassette, vaulted firmly away in Dawson's bedroom." 

Tracing a pattern lightly with his index finger on the smooth table he flashed a quick smile, "Like you said, most of it, I actually have a couple of those tapes in my possession." 

Placing her hands on the edge of the table she leaned forward, "You stole footage from Dawson's beloved video collection?" She asked her eyes wide in amusement. 

"It's not like it was his copy of ET or anything," he responded trying to justify himself, "Besides its not stealing, it's only a permanent borrow." 

"Well I know how sentimental you are," she drawled sarcastically. 

"It's only the footage of you being brutally killed, and then we caught a little bit of Jen feeling you up on the porch," he stated wiggling his eyebrows. 

"You what?" She shrieked her eyes filled with confusion. 

"You got blood all over you from the dummy, Jen took you to the porch, you took off your top, Dawson and I stood in the back ground, and the rest is all cinematic history." 

Her jaw dropped as disgust crossed her brown orbs, "You are such a pervert," she growled swinging at his arm. 

Catching her arm he licked his lips, "Well no one was stopping you two from using that wonderful invention known as a bathroom, standing on the porch made it fair game." 

Retreating once again she jammed her straw brutally through her drink to vent her frustrations. Letting out a deep breath she glanced back over his shoulder in Dawson's direction. "I don't know why I spent all of high school lusting after him." 

Stealing another glance at the couple behind him he took a sip from his soda, "Probably because everyone was telling you that you were supposed to." 

She furrowed her brows watching as Pacey's chestnut hair bowed in front of her as he focused his attention on getting the bubbly liquid up his straw and into his mouth, "Yeah, when exactly did the word soul mate come into the picture?" 

Tilting his head back he stared at the ceiling looking for an answer, "Probably when the oceans quit boiling from the active volcanoes releasing their molten mass." 

Pulling back a tendril of loose hair, she secured it behind her ear, "I looked it up in the dictionary once, I figured it was important to understand seeing as it was intrinsically linked between Dawson and me." 

Biting back his lip he looked back up at her, "And what exactly does it mean?" 

"One of two persons compatible with each other in disposition, point of view, or sensitivity," she stated simply. Clasping her hands together she rested her elbows against the table's edge. "Where does the love of ones life, destined lover, or even romantic interest play in between those words?" 

Pacey shrugged, "I gave up in all of that astrological, supernatural, predestination shit years ago." 

"Thanks Pace, you're a real help, really," she said dryly. 

Turning his attention back to his glass he spoke softly, "You really love him don't you?" 

Sighing she shut her eyes, "Yeah, of course," she paused opening her eyes, "well I think. I mean I have to right?" Burying her face in her hands she tangled her hair through her fingers. "I mean everyone was telling me that he was it, so I kept my options closed and now I'm lost without him." 

"You know what you need Miss Josephine?" Pacey said as she lifted her furrowed eyes, "A night of lots and lots of alcohol, and if I'm feeling generous I may share some with you." 

"And why Pacey would you be getting drunk?" 

"Oh I wasn't planning on it, I just figured I'd let you get wasted while I watched the Bruins game." 

Joey glanced back over Pacey at Dawson's retreating figure, "I don't know Pace, I mean why would I want to waste an evening with you and of course your lovely sister?" 

Pacey flinched as two warm hands rested against his shoulders, "Hey baby brother," Gretchen said jolting him slightly. "Dawson and I are going into Boston tonight for a job interview so we'll probably be staying for the night." 

Joey cringed directing her gaze back at the table to hide her discomfort. "So I get the place to myself then?" Pacey asked his face lighting up. 

Letting out a giggle Gretchen shoved at his arm lightly, "That would be correct, but please don't transform all of my hard work into a swinging bachelor pad, I will once again be inhabiting it in the next 24 hours." 

"Will do Gretzilla, don't stay out late," he advised in a parental tone. 

"Ah don't worry little one, I'll be sure that Dawson tuck me in at a sane hour," she said ruffling her fingers through his short hairs and exiting through the door. 

Pacey's eyes widened in disgust as he locked gazes with Joey, "The Dawson banging your sister finally sinking in?" She asked her eyes matching his. 

Shaking his head woozily he responded, "Yeah, I think I need to get a drink." 

Following his direction she nodded their shocked faces finding the door, "Yeah, a nice strong drink." 


Sifting through the chest at the end of his bed, Pacey pulled out another handful of liquor, dropping them among the pile of already empty bottles. "Okay," Joey slurred, "We have toasted to Dawson and Gretchen's happiness, Jacker's right foot, Andie's use of the word 'smile', Jen's hair, Gram's long baggy dresses, Mr. Leery's curly nose, potatoes, the making of cheese, something about Star Wars, the mud in the creek, no more forced viewing of Jaws or Jurassic Park, and Mr. Kasdan's pencil collection." Tipping a bottle to see if there were any drops left she found a full bottle twisting off the cap, "What next?" 

"Well Josephine," Pacey mumbled struggling with the bottle his eyes focused intently as his tongue peaked out through his lips, "To wine coolers." He raised his bottle still firmly sealed and clinked it with hers before bringing the silvery metal to his lips. He furrowed his brows attempting to read the small print of the label; "This one's really dry." 

"Pacephine! You forgot to open it!" Joey shrieked laughing at her extension of his name. 

Finally working off the cap he emptied the small bottle in a quick swig. Fumbling with another bottle he snapped the top off, "Next toast." 

Joey stared at him seriously for a moment, "I just realized something, if we ever got married your initials would be P.P!" 

Thinking for a moment he broke into a fit of laughter, "Pacey Potter," he shrieked between laughs. 

Raising her next bottle she nodded her head, "To a long and happy marriage," she toasted chugging back her bottle. 

Crawling in front of her he worked a cigar ring off of a cigar that he had retrieved from his chest of smuggled goods, "Joey Potter," he said grabbing her right hand, "Will you marry me?" 

Laughing she nodded as he slid the ring onto her index finger. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he fell back clinking some of the bottles next to them. "Pacey, I think I may be drunk," she whispered clawing at another bottle still resting on top of him. 

"Why do you say that?" He asked resting the unlit cigar between his teeth and reaching for the half empty bottle of Tequila. 

Swigging back the bottle she removed the cigar from his mouth cradling it in her own, "Because I think I'm going to kiss you." She said the cigar falling loosely to the ground. 

He chuckled still resting on his back as he tried to gulp down the warm Tequila, some of it splashing on his face. "Well Potter, I believe I may be drunk too, because I want to kiss you back." 

Her lips danced lightly against his as she dug her nails into his chest, "Well it is our wedding night." 

His fingers tangled into her long silky hair as he brought her lips down to his, his tongue immediately darting out and lazily colliding against hers. Rolling her over he pushed away all the glass bottles pressing his body hard against hers as he lost his balance dropping all of his weight on hers. She arched her back sweeping her arms under herself to brush away the empty bottles under her back as her mouth stayed connected with his her tongue digging deeply into his mouth. 

Lifting her off the floor he stumbled the alcohol affecting him heavily as they fell against his dresser. Her arms grabbed frantically at his back clawing his shirt up farther up his chest. Pressing her body roughly against him he staggered back falling into the open trunk at the foot of his bed. His hands searched every inch of her running up and down under her shirt. Curving his hands under her ass he carried her stumbling back against the wall knocking some things off a shelf. 

Letting out a soft moan she tangled her fingers through the short hairs on the back of his neck pinning him further against the wall. Pulling her tank top off over her head Pacey immediately clawed at her bra tossing it over his shoulder slowly leading her towards his bed as they continued their long deep kiss. Following suit Joey curled her fingers under the hem of his tee shirt ripping it off over his head as she fell back onto his bed. Letting out a groan he trailed sloppy kisses down her chin sucking on her neck then biting down on her collar bone. Joey reacted to this by digging her nails into his bare back her fingers leaving red patterns in his golden skin. 

"Jo, tell me to stop," Pacey pleaded, "please, just tell me to stop." 

Hooking her legs around his calves she shook her head, "Don't," she whispered before capturing his lips with hers. 


Tightening her eyes she stretched a nauseous feeling burning her senses as her hand slid down his slick skin. With her eyes still shut she furrowed her brows trying to remember what she was doing. Her head rise and fell at a steady pace and she could hear a soft thud below her ear. Remembering the dream she had had that night her eyes shot open, staring down at the cigar ring around her finger she scrambled up, Pacey sleeping soundly next to her. Wrapping a blanket around her she climbed out of the bed, "Shit, shit, shit," she muttered searching the room for her clothes. 

The alcohol still hit her as she slid over the scattered wine coolers staggering over to his trash can quickly relieving the contents of her stomach. Pushing back her hair she cradled her head struggling back her threatening tears while trying to soothe her throbbing headache. Climbing back onto her feet she glanced back over at Pacey, "Pace, Pace, wake up." She called from the edge of the bed. 

Immediately being affected by the light through his window he rubbed his hands against his eyes, his head throbbing. "Wow Potter, I had the most amazing dream involving you last night," he moaned groggily arching his back to stretch out his hangover. Opening his eyes he flinched as he saw her standing on the opposite side of the room, "Oh shit," he muttered falling back against his pillow. 

"Pacey, I can't find my clothes," she said her voice shaky and faltering. 

Shutting his eyes tightly again he nodded his head as he found his boxers sliding them back on. "Okay, I'll help you," he drawled still wiping the sleep from his eyes. 

They heard the porch door slide open as Gretchen's voice filled the empty house, "I'm home little brother." 

Lunging at the door Joey slammed it shut her eyes panicked, "Oh God, please tell me in the heat of passion you remembered to put on a-."

Searching through the sheets he cut her off when he held up an empty condom package, letting out a relieved sigh she slid down the door. Glancing back at Joey's shocked form Pacey's eyes widened, "Jo, you have done this before, right?" 

Her eyes glazed over as she met his gaze her eyes embarrassed and scared, realization drained over him as she stood again jumbling through his room again. "I can't find my bra," she cried letting the tears fall freely now. 

Biting back his lower lip Pacey went to his dresser fumbling through it a bit pulling out a tee shirt and boxers. "Um, here put this on and I'll help you find everything." She nodded pulling the large shirt over her head which ended at her thighs. Allowing the blanket to drop she rolled his boxers up her legs still trying to advert her eye contact from him as he still stood in front of her. Her hazel eyes began to sting with the new batch of milky tears that threatened at the rims as she snuffled back a whimper. "God, Jo, I'm so sorry," Pacey said pulling her body back against his wrapping his arms tightly around her. She returned his embrace burrowing her face into his warm chest her hot tears mixing with his salty sweat. 

"Pacey, get the girl out," Gretchen called against the door. 

Resting his chin on her head he continued to cradle her protectively, "Girl? What girl?" 

"Cut the innocent act Pace, I have her bra on the door handle." 

Flinching he thought of an excuse quickly, "Are you questioning my choice of life style? Maybe that's a part of my private collection?" 

"I'm going for a walk, when I get back she better be gone," Gretchen groaned as the pitter patter of her feet down the stairs echoed through the beach house. 

Checking out the window he watched her disappear over a sand dune before he opened the door retrieving her garment. "I'm gonna go," Joey said still shaky. 

"Do you want me to drive you?" He asked in a soft tone. 

"Um I think I'm just gonna walk," she nodded still slightly in shock. 

"Jo, it's the middle of February, it's freezing outside." 

Her glossy eyes focused out the window; "I'll be okay." 

"Do you want me to come with you?" He offered. 

Shaking her head blankly she retreated towards the door, "I think I need to be alone right now." 

He nodded his concern somber across his face, "Okay." 

Stuttering to find the words she landed on, "Um, bye Pace." 

Continue to Part 2