
Summary: Her choice changed everything, EVERYTHING! (Remember the season 4 promos when they played Madonna and had a lot of sad faces, yeah that's what I mean) What if one night did the trick? If you don't get my promo like summary let me elaborate, it's mid-season 4 minus all the P/J goo. Near the end of junior year Dawson and Joey get back together and then break up and I think the rest is pretty self-explanatory. 

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Epilogue

He hadn't wanted to go, but he felt he owed it to her after making her miss graduation. He felt uncomfortable visiting the house that he had spent his childhood but had avoided for the past few months. Glancing back down at the golden band it flickered in the descending sun sparkling like the water off the creek in front of them. She stepped ahead of him her features dark in the setting sun as the reflection off the water bathed her with an unearthly glow. The girl he had teased since preschool was now a woman etched in a light that made her more beautiful then he ever cared to think of her. The cool summer breeze mixed with the salt of the creek as it tangled through her long silky strands of hair, the chestnut locks that tickled his nose when he nuzzled his face between them. It smoothed over her loose blue sundress that clung at her mid-thing leading down her endless bronze legs. She glanced over her shoulder offering him a half smile as she noticed the look in his eyes, the adoration painting a crimson blush across the contours of her cheeks. The grin spread across his lips, the one he had only flashed when he was content, like a grin you would plaster from cheek to cheek on Christmas morning. Shyly she bowed her face hiding the smile she was now sporting behind her shoulder as her hazel eyes danced with light locked in a tango with his soft blue orbs. It was then he realized he couldn't move, out of fear of losing this moment forever he couldn't let out a breath let alone move an inch. But then he realized that she was his. 

She turned fully opening her arms to him as she placed them on his shoulders, "Don't get all schmoopy on me, Witter." 

His face lit up further the shadows and contouring only revealing more of the man that he was becoming. Curling up his arms he hung his hands around her elbows, "Whose getting schmoopy, Witter?" 

Dropping her eyes her expression melted as the wind continued to bat her hair against her face, Witter, licking her lips she looked back up at him. "I think we're going to have to come up with a new nickname," she offered her voice faltering as she tried to hide the discomfort from her eyes. 

He leaned his forehead against hers sharing a comforting smile, "You'll always be Potter in my heart." 

Feeling a sudden ease she felt the curl in her lips return as his thumbs rubbed softly against her forearms. When had this sudden closeness occurred? She asked herself her eyes shut tight as she balanced her head against his. When was the moment that he could touch her and she wouldn't flinch or that he would hold her and he wouldn't push away? She couldn't pinpoint it exactly but she found herself forgetting why exactly she had ever turned him away. 

"Let's get you to this party Milady," he said offering her the crook of his elbow as she threaded her arm through it. Stopping at the edge of the tent Gale had set up in the front lawn he took a deep breath. "This is where it gets tough." 

She nodded before pulling a lose tendril behind her ear, "But we have to get it over with." Pursing his lips he continued walking guiding his bride to greet their friends and family. 


Sprawled out on the dock he loosened the tie that restricted his neck. Jen leaned on a wooden post picking at the ruby red nail polish that had already begun to chip during the ceremony. Andie's dirty blonde strands spread sporadically around her head forming a crown as she rested it against the old salty wood her legs dangling over the edge swinging freely in the damp air around them. Jack's head rose and fell against his sister's stomach as he pointed his knees in the sky allowing them to sway easily in his lazy daze. 

"So where do you think they were?" Jack finally asked speaking the words everybody thought but were to shy to allow to slip from their lips. 

"Jack," Andie scolded bopping him on the head, "that's none of our business." The silence was swallowed again by the subtle crashes of the water numerous moments passing. "I say morning sickness," Andie blurted out blushing afterwards. 

Jack shook his head, "I say Vegas." 

Jen bit back a smile, "I say they reenacted the events of the conception thus missing graduation entirely." 

Dawson flinched pulling again at the constriction of his tie once again feeling trapped. 


The small leather folder was a ruby red, branded with gold letters CAPESIDE HIGH SCHOOL a small seal accompanying it. Running her fingers along it she directed her gaze upward. "I thought you may want this," Bessie said softly as Joey flipped the diploma open reading the contents. 

"Thank you, Bess," she replied offering a hug. 

"Where were you for this momentous occasion?" She asked her voice hardening slightly. 

Focusing back at the document she worried her lip between her teeth. "Something came up," she mumbled just above a whisper. 

"What is it the baby? Is there something wrong?" She was replied by silence as she felt her blood begin to boil. Tilting up her little sister's chin she sneered, "Josephine Potter I have a right to know what's going on in your life, I'm the one taking care of you remember?" 

Down casting her eyes she felt her thumb rub against her newly acquired piece of jewelry. "It's not Josephine Potter anymore," she sighed her voice shaky. Lifting up her left hand she allowed the sunrays to reflect off the gold metal, "It's Josephine Witter now actually." 

Bessie gasped as her eyes widened in shock, "God, Joey you didn't have to do that. Bodie and I did fine and we never." 

Joey shook her head bitterly, "Well you guys have the love, and we get the marriage, that's the way life works out I guess." 

"So how are you two going to do this?" 

She shrugged her shoulders, "I live at the B&B he lives at the beach house and I guess in September we're getting an apartment in Boston." 

"So you're still going to college?" 

"Why would I throw away my dreams?" She asked a lopsided grin forming. 

Bessie enveloped her in a hug; "I'm always here Jo." 


Pacey sat resting his head on his hand as he stared at the ground bored as could be. "Hey stranger," Joey said strolling in front of him. 

He let his mouth curve up for a moment as he glanced up at her. "So how'd it go with your sister?" 

"Well she's not going to kill me," she shrugged sinking into the seat next to him. 

"Everything's all so messed up," he sighed. 

She let out a light snicker, "Tell me about it. If ten years ago somebody told me that I would be married to Pacey Witter, I would have slugged them." 

"Me too, well being married to you that is, not myself," he tripped over his words. He shook his head wrapping his arm around her leaning her against his shoulder. "You know, Potter, being married to you isn't half bad." 

"Says Pacey Witter, two hours into marriage." 

"Come on," he said standing up pulling on her hand, "we should tell these friends of ours before they accuse us of keeping secrets." 


"So would there be a lot of licking involved?" Jack questioned still on the subject of Joey and Pacey's whereabouts. 

"Sounds kinky," Pacey joked kicking at Jack's toe. 

"And here comes out the MIA's," Jen joked. "So was graduation to tough to fit into your schedule?" 

"It's such a long two hours," Pacey cringed for affect. 

Jack sat up, "See I can understand Witter missing the festivities but how'd you manage to get Joey out of it?" 

"Well I promised to love, honor, and cherish her until we are parted by death," Pacey shrugged casually. 

"That sound remarkably similar too wedding vows, Pace," Andie said leaning up on her elbows. 

"Well they were," Joey cut in as they both held up their matching hands. 

"You got married?" Dawson exclaimed shooting up from his sitting position. 

"Yeah, Mr. and Mrs. Pacey Witter at your service," he replied uneasily. 

Dawson shook his head his forehead wrinkling. "Incredible," he stated harshly. "Congratulations Pace, for completely transforming the once pure, intelligent Josephine Potter into someone she's not in an astounding four and a half months, that really was something." 

Taking an intimidating step forward Pacey towered over the blonde slightly, "It's not like I was holding a gun to her head when she said 'I do." 

He laughed bitterly, "Wow you must really pride yourself on your ability to bed vulnerable women. I mean first you got the English teacher who was afraid of turning 40. Then you worked on the mental patient, and now, now you've got the rebound drunk girl, good work buddy, good work." He patted him on the upper arm. 

Returning the pat, Pacey nodded, "Well you must pride your ability to own other people's souls." 

"Enjoy it while it lasts, Pace, because one morning she's going to wake up and realize everything that she's thrown away and she'll run as far away from you as she can before you suck anymore of her life from her," Dawson sneered in his face, his blue eyes flashing. Turning to Joey he shook his head, "This changes everything Jo, everything." He staggered up the lawn disappearing behind the doorway. 

"I'm just going to wait in the car," Pacey groaned wanting to remove himself from any part of the Leery's property. 

Sinking down on the dock Joey's hands immediately found the comforting lump, "I guess I've messed up, huh?" 

Still complying it Jen scrunched up her nose, "Whoever thought Pacey would be the first one to settle down." 

"Whoever thought the first time I got laid would be my last," Joey added. 

"Whoever thought Pacey would be that one and only," Jack threw in. 

"Whoever thought they'd spend their wedding night alone," Jen continued. 

Joey laughed, somehow finding the crisis in her life amusing. That's what she loved about her friends, their ability to look outside the bigger picture and tease her in a way that made her feel better. "Whoever thought I'd be the first one to get knocked up," Joey finished climbing back on her feet. She ran a hand through her hair; "I should go talk to him." 

"Look Joey," Jen smiled embracing the tall brunette, "Whatever happens, I want you to be happy." 

Joey let out a half smile, "Cut the cheese Jen, is this really the best time that we all start to act like a functional group of friends?" 

Staggering up next to them Jack rested a warm hand on her shoulder, "Hey let's for a few seconds just forget how screwed up we all are and just engage in one of those group hugs we always talk about." She rolled her eyes shrugging her shoulders as Andie joined their embrace. 


Sliding open the porch door of the beach house she slid in plopping herself down on the couch next to him, "When you said you'd be waiting in your car, I didn't know that the car would be parked in front of your house." 

"Well after sitting there a few minutes I realized that you already had a ride in your older sister." He shrugged taking a swig from the beer cradled in his hands, "Plus I figured you had a lot of talking to do." 

Prying the bottle from his hands she glided over to the sink dumping its contents, "I don't drink, you don't drink new house rule." 

"Here are those marriage drawbacks," he whined throwing his head against the couching of the loveseat. "So you clear things up with Dawson?" 

She sighed sinking back down next to him, "I didn't talk to Dawson." 

He gave her a side ways glance fumbling over the soft fabric, "Why is that?" 

"Well I had two choices," she began, "Have him mad or have you mad, and I figured in the long run having you mad was a much worse thing seeing as I'm gonna have to live with you for a pretty long time and having you mad wouldn't work out in my favor." 

"But see I wasn't mad at you, I was mad at him," he shrugged his shoulder, "He on the other hand was mad at both of us." 

"No I thought he was mainly mad at you." 

"He called you a rebounded drunk girl," he stated plainly giving her a blank look. 

"Okay so perhaps some of the anger was directed at me, it's just I didn't feel like being lectured right now and let's face it he would be trashing you all night until I admitted that I made a huge mistake." 

"Then he would talk you into an annulment, drop to his knee in a grand gesture asking for your hand and then prance around in front of me and scream 'ha! I still got her!" Pacey replied flatly rolling his eyes back. 

"But all of that's not important right now because I'm here," she said absently placing her hand on his knee. "Did your sister leave already?" 

Pacey chuckled through gritted teeth, "You're a quick one with these subject changes, Potter. Yeah, Gretch left last night actually and is now tending bar up in Boston and taking some summer courses to catch up from her year off." 

"How long till you're out in the cold?" 

"The lease is up on this place in mid-July and after that it's Sofa City with Dougie till September." 

"Sounds like a real riot." 

After a long pause Pacey sighed deeply, "So tell me the truth, you didn't talk to Dawson because you didn't know what to say." 

She crossed her arms over her chest resting them lightly over her lightly rounded stomach as she chewed on the inside of her lip, "Well what would I say exactly? After all these years of planning our destined futures, of professing our undying love I decided that the best thing for me to do was marry your best friend." 

Reclining further into the plush seat he rested his feet on the table in front of him. "That's a start, although you may want to add dashing or compelling in front of best friend, you know just for an added kick." 

She stared at him dryly, "Of course, then I'll add in details of the reasons we got married maybe size and width, a little positioning always does the trick when trying to express remorse." 

"I'm glad to see we're on the same page here," he commented releasing a light chuckle, "and if you ever feel the need to practice that speech on me feel free." 

"What the undying love or the sex?" 

He stared at her incredulously, "Um, does the word 'duh' mean anything to you? The sex!" 

"Aw that's cute," she teased rubbing a hand along his shoulder the motion innocent but her eyes saying so much more, "but seriously not in front of the baby!" 

Changing positions he cupped both hands around her belly his thumbs making small soothing circular motions. He propped his leg on the couch allowing his face to rise above hers. She smiled softly the glow he had seen earlier on the creek returning along her smooth features. He felt a grin spread across his lips as his nose brushed lightly over hers their breath dancing between them in a swirl of heat. Dropping his voice down to a husky whisper he couldn't deny the sparks he felt, "The baby can't hear us now." 

She found her hands involuntarily moving up his arms which were now bare due to his change into a casual wife beater after the party. His hot skin seemed to melt under her touch as her fingers worked up the sleek skin rounding around his broad shoulders and hooking around his neck. She let her fingers glide over the soft hairs of his neck as she felt his face gravitate down towards hers. "Trust me, you don't want to hear the answer," she breathed, the vibrations of her voice barely carrying out into the room around them. 

"Well I'll have to show you again sometime," he whispered hot against her lips. 

"In your dreams," she let out before his wet lips glided over hers. Suddenly jumping out of the trance she rolled out of his embrace hopping to her feet. Smoothing her tongue over her lips the remnant of his kiss struck her, "I should probably get going." 

Bringing his hand to his mouth he guided his thumb over his lower lip in shock, "You know what that sounds like it may be a good idea." 

Standing like a deer in headlights she smoothed her dress over her curves, "So yeah I'm leaving now." 

"Good because it really is getting late and all," he nodded nervously. 

Still not moving from her position next to the sofa she continued to nod her head blankly, "Yep I'm as good as gone." 

"Have a good night sleep; it's been a, um rough day." 

Sighing she swung her arms along her sides tensely; "You know I really don't have a ride." 

"Great," he said clasping his hands together and rising from his seat, "let me drive you." 

"It is getting kind of dark out," she said gesturing towards the door with emphasis, the summer sun still shining brightly low in the sky. 

Glancing down at his watch he nodded, "Yeah and 5:30, the roads are so dark and dangerous we wouldn't want to get hurt or anything." 

"That's exactly what I was thinking," she nodded shyly trying to be subtle. 

"Maybe you should stay the night, I mean Gretchen's bed is empty now," he suggested reluctantly. 

"Well you know all those dangerous beach dwellers I wouldn't feel safe," she shrugged. 

He nodded a smirk crossing his lips as he staggered over to her, "Well then you'll just have to stay in my room," circling her waist in his arms his smirk transformed into a sly smile. "You know my manly biceps protecting you." 

Pinching at his arms she gave him a sarcastic smile, "Don't flatter yourself." 


Flipping through a boating magazine, Joey rested against his pillow glancing at the doorframe every few moments. Pacey stepped into the doorway his arms hidden behind his back with a mischievous smile playing across his mouth. "Anxious to see me?" He teased as Joey rose to attention. 

"No, you just promised me presents," she countered trying her hardest to form X-ray vision. 

"Okay, this one's deep so you may be a little surprised." 

"Hit me with it," Joey said throwing the magazine off to the side. 

Pulling the box from behind his back he held it up. The shiny plastic of the cover was glossed over from the lamp next to him but if she squinted hard enough she could make out the text The English Patient. "Remember when you said, 'When baby doesn't sleep, I don't sleep,' then something about being irritable and whatnot?" 

She smiled at him warmly, "Pacey that was like three years ago!" 

"Well here are your 181 minutes of freedom compacted down to this small compact disk," he crossed the room resting on the bed next to her as he lightly tapped her belly with the DVD case. "With optional commentary whenever you're sick of listening to Kristen Scott Thomas's voice." 

Taking the movie in her hands she felt her eyes well up with tears, "Aw Pacey," she said whimpering, "the overactive hormones think that this is the greatest thing since sliced bread!" 

Rolling up the concert shirt he had provided for her, he nuzzled his nose in her navel, "And if we ever lose power, break DVD, or not have a player, I can always soothe baby with my enticing reenactment." 

"That should be good," she said reading the back of the box as her other hand ran through Pacey's hair. 

"Hey baby," he whispered soothingly laying soft kisses over her slightly rounded stomach. 

"I don't think the baby can feel that," he glanced up at her a wicked smile crossing his face as he rounded his moth over her skin like a suction cup blowing against it in choppy vibrations. She giggled wildly at the raspberry that persisted until his lunges were empty. 

"Do you think it felt that?" Pacey smirked childishly. 

"I believe it just survived its first earthquake." 

Resting his head gently back on her abdomen he sighed, "So what do you think, boy or girl." 

"I don't remember how much I jumped up and down after conception so it's all up in the air," Joey remarked dryly gliding her hands along his neck. 

"Seriously Jo," he mumbled as he continued to lay down light kisses. 

"It really doesn't matter to me," she shrugged. "It's not like I'm gonna throw my kid to the curb because it was a boy." 

"Ah so you admit it!" He said accusingly, "You want a little baby girl." 

"I did not say that!" She squealed. Folding her arms over her chest she looked down at him, "So what was the father of the year hoping for?" 

His expression softened, "Well the best of me mixed with the best of you all rolled up into the perfect little creature ever created." He continued to massage his lips over her stomach as her skin rapidly heated under his touch. 

Joey rolled her eyes back falling deeper against the bed her voice dropping horse with desire, "I think it may be the wedding bliss, but that feels really good." His head disappeared under the hem of her shirt as he worked his body up applying all his weight on his arms that straddled her form. "Pacey, we shouldn't do this," she moaned as his face rested between her two soft peeks. 

His face reappeared to her and he crawled up further, his face now in front of hers, "Why? God doesn't care anymore, in fact he's probably smiling down at us now," he reasoned his voice dark and breathy. 

"Way to get a girl in the mood," she mumbled as his lips brushed over hers. 

He grinned, "What if I told you the second time is always better?" 

She rolled her eyes her lips capturing his briefly, "Then I'd assume the third is even greater." 

Her hands glided along his tank top bunching it up between her fingers; "Well you'd never know that if you never got the second time over with." 

Smiling at his victory her eyes fell down to his lips, "Well it is our wedding night." 


Squinting out the harsh light from the window he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes shifting over to drop his arm over his sleeping…wait no nothing there. His eyes shot open as he scanned the room, everything seemed normal. Leaning over he inhaled the vacant pillow picking up the faint scent of berries, Joey's berries. He furrowed his brows; it hadn't been a dream he nodded to himself. But it was then he had realized that she was gone. 


"So Joey Po- Witter, what brings you to my porch at this hour of the morning, awakening me from a lovely dream involving Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, and a whole lot of whipped cream, before noon?" Jen teased sipping at her coffee. "Clad in a tee shirt and men's underwear I might add, did you get hoots on your walk over here?" 

"No I actually took the Witter Wagoneer," she said gesturing towards the old station wagon, "I figured I should receive some sort of privileges." 

Sinking down on the bench next to her she stared at her closely, "Someone's glowing today." 

"Glowing?" She asked nervously, "Why would I be glowing?" 

"I'm thinking your wedding night was more enjoyable then you had intended." 

"What do you mean by that?" Joey asked with a raised brow. 

Wiggling her eyebrows she giggled, "You, Pacey, and a whole lotta loving." 

Dropping her head into her hands she blushed uncontrollably. "Is it that obvious?" 

"Yes, so I need details." 

She glanced up from her hidden position, "It was all so weird, I mean first we're talking about fixing things with Dawson, then we're talking about sexual prowess, then he's on top of me." 

"So you went at it like animals on his couch." 

"No!" She yelped, "I tried to leave and he suddenly looked so," she stuttered, "so un-Pacey like and I couldn't do it." She sighed in frustration, "There's something wrong with me Jen, I should never ever go lay on his bed ever again." 

"Alright so you and him on your bed was this romantic or clingy?" She asked sipping at the hot liquid. 

"Well he bought me a copy of the English Patient and started kissing my stomach and then we exchanged words about baby gender, God's watchful eyes, and the second times always being better type things and I couldn't help myself." 

Jen grinned, "So it can be concluded that you like having sex with Pacey." 

"Two times in a five month period doesn't qualify as favorable extracurricular activities," running her hands through her hair she gasped, "What if the sex psychologically damaged my child?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"What if the baby knows what we were doing and becomes scarred for life, like sexually damaged?" 

Jen let out a laugh, "Jo, do you remember the first time you spoke," responded by a shaking head she continued, "first scrape, first yelling match? I don't think your kid is going to be afraid of sex because it's parents were having it while they were a fetus." 

She crossed her arms over her chest dramatically falling against the back of the bench, "I really just shouldn't be doing this, sex with Pacey has only brought bad things." 

He let out a deep breath smiling bitterly, "Is that how things are going?" 

Flinching she directed her attention over Jen's shoulder, "Dawson, good morning." 

"Morning, Jo," Dawson replied rolling his eyes. 

Biting at her lip nervously she searched his hard expression, "So I guess I should just ask you how much exactly you heard." 

"Enough to feel really hurt," he forced out digging the shovel he held into the ground. 

"Dawson," she trailed off. "I really think that we should talk about everything that's going on." 

"I understand what's going on, Jo," his voice faltered as he held back his fighting emotions. 

"No, you don't," she pleaded stepping towards him, "Dawson I love you and I don't want to hurt you," she continued. "And you're obviously hurting right now." Placing her hands on his shoulders she forced him to look at her, "Now I'm gonna go back to the B&B get dressed and we're going to spend the day together, just you and me." He smiled his eyes dropping to his feet, "You pick out some videos, and if ET isn't in that group I'm leaving." 

Letting out a soft laugh his eyes met hers, "Just like it used to be." 

Laying a gentle kiss on his forehead she nodded, "How can I just let go of our past?" 

Back to Part 2 | Continue to Part 4