
Summary: This is an alternate series finale that takes place during the 10 year reunion.  Therefore Jen is still alive.  Italics are flashbacks and sometimes titles.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7

“I’m not going to do this,” Joey said crossing her arms over her chest. 

He eyed her warily, “Not going to do what?” 

“Just crash here at your place without retribution, it’s wrong and unfair and I feel guilty,” she pouted slumping against the wall across from his bed. 

Pulling the covers over his face he drained the light of the room through the barrier, “Is this conversation entirely necessary at this hour of the morning?” He asked groggily still heavy with sleep. 

“Pacey it’s 12:30.” 

Peeking from his comforter he shrugged his bare tan shoulders, “It’s time for my afternoon nap.” 

“I’ve been staying here for a week and you haven’t been out of your bed before noon once,” she argued bouncing heavily onto his mattress. 

Bracing himself from the jerk he sat up, “I’m an afternoon person.” 

Crawling up the length of the bed she grasped onto his hand pulling him off the mattress, “C’mon, it’s time that you grow up Mr. Witter.” 

He shook his head, “No you see, growing up they made me get up at insane hours when the sun was still in the process of rising.” Standing up proudly straightening his shoulders he continued dropping his voice, “Now as a man I take advantage of having the luxury of an educational free day.” 

She rolled her eyes, “You truly are depressing,” she paused as she saw her reflection in the mirror, behind her a dragging Pacey clad only in blue plaid boxers. “Now put some pants on and I’ll treat you to lunch,” she said blushing. 

“I can treat you to lunch,” he cut in, “I know this great place.” 

“Let me guess the food is free?” She asked wryly. 

“Exactly,” he smiled bopping her on the nose with his finger. 


Sucking in a sharp breath she nodded a few times preparing herself for this moment, she stepped out of the car tightening her coat, “I’ll see you inside,” she said patting the roof of the car. 

Pushing at the door she felt like she was fifteen all over again, coming into the building for the first time. Pictures lined the lobby in front of the gym, all in black and white, of course, to gain a more artistic feel. Scanning across the wall she spotted a picture in the corner one from sophomore year of her and Dawson when they had just started dating that semester. She smirked gliding her finger over the glass spotting that familiar spark in his shadowed eyes. 

Turning to the check in desk she reluctantly greeted Barbara, “Josephine Potter?” Barbara questioned glancing up with hooded eyes. 

She nodded, “Something like that,” she replied moving into the dark room fastening on her pin. 


"Okay, so you want to give me money?" he asked fishing through his french-fries. 

"Exactly," she replied nodding her head in content. 

"But you don't have any money left." 

Her face fell as she looked down at her lap, "Pretty much, yeah." 

He grinned tilting her chin up with his thumb as he reached across the table, "Don't say I was never a good friend." He began sitting back into his chair smugly, "But I just so happen to have an opening on the wait staff here at this lovely establishment." 

She stared at him blankly, "You want me to be a waitress?" He nodded at her still plastered with a cocky grin. "After I dedicated the better portion of my life serving jackasses their meals only to escape to New York where I once again took part in food service at a bagel store, finding hope in traveling cross country… so I can work for you…waiting on tables." 

"Yep that's pretty much it." 

"I hate you," she said desperately. 

"And I love you too, so if you would like I can introduce you to the rest of the staff and size you myself for your cute little uniform," he began scooting himself away from the table. 

"You come within two feet of me with a tape measurer and I will strangle you with it so help me God," she sneered through gritted teeth pointing a strict finger at him. 

"I remember a day way back when, when you actually liked my roguish charm." 

She smirked at him, "That was small town naive Joey Potter, this," she motioned at herself, "This is tough New York Joey Potter." 

Wrapping his arm around her waist he led her towards the kitchen whispering seductively into her ear, "We'll see about that." She melted against his arm surprised that he still had that affect on her and cleared the lump in her throat. 


He sifted through the book the different stories on the pages completely foreign to him, searching for a piece of her that he recognized. "What is it about actually?" 

Jack furrowed his brows picking at a dinner role, "It's basically this relationship where the two characters run away from each other whenever anything gets too serious and always end up finding one another again even when they aren't looking." 

Tossing the book back onto the table he shrugged, "I'll have to read it sometime." 

"I brought guests," Jen announced sitting back down next to Dawson as her tall companion Drue slid into the seat between her and Andie. She smiled brightly swaying a bit and catching her balance on the back of the chair; "You guys all remember Drue Valentine right?" 

Jack hid his laughter with his hand as he bowed his head receiving a jab from his sister, "Jen you getting the pep back?" He joked still biting back his laughter. 

"I made an excellent head cheerleader back in the day if I do say so myself, but you Mister Wide Receiver, you were really something," she slurred. 

"And now I remember why we never went to any of the school sponsored events," Dawson said sarcastically. 

"You people are so cynical," Andie protested, "we've been out of High School for ten years now and you people haven't changed one bit." 

"Well I've gained about twenty pounds since high school, does that count?" Jack asked pulling at the slight flab of his stomach. 

"And I," Jen began waving a finger in the air, "let my hair grow." 

"I decided to use my manipulation skills for good instead of evil," Drue shrugged receiving incredulous stairs, "no really." 

"And I've," Dawson began, "well, I've. Okay you've got me I'm the same." 

"You people are pathetic," Andie said her tone still light. Turning to Drue she leaned her cheek against her fist, "So Drue what is this responsible thing you speak of?" 

"Drue's a guidance councilor," Jen blurted out giggling as she spoke. 

"No more open bar for you," Jack exclaimed prying her drink from her death grip. 

"Yes, I've been working in a small district in Boston for a few years now," Drue explained. He paused running his forefingers along his smooth chin, "But you know, maybe I can retire this role-model physique for just one night to regain my title as the dark sith." 

"What are you getting at?" Dawson asked. 

"Why don't we all go out with a bang?" 


“I quit!” She exclaimed throwing her tie to the floor. 

Pacey nodded at her blankly, “That was the eighteenth time you’ve quit over the past three months.” 

“Well the twentieth time I’ll mean it,” She sneered plopping down next to him. 

“I really should just fire you, but then I just remember that you don’t get paid,” he said motioning with the remote control in his hand. 

“I thought that my volunteer days were over when I got my college acceptance,” she pouted resting her head against her hand. 

“Hey at least you get tips and wonderful management.” 

She rolled her eyes, which settled on him; “Don’t you do the girlfriend, one night stand, female contact thing anymore?” 

“Sometimes,” he said meekly, “what are you upset that my womanizing days are over?” 

“No, I find it depressing that you spend Friday nights sitting on the couch with your ex-girlfriend from high school watching crappy sitcoms.” 

“Hey, we also had a thing in college,” he said accusingly. 

“Come on,” she said pulling on his arm, “we’re going out.” 

He followed reluctantly, “But, but Reba’s on,” he protested. 

“Pacey you’re this close to being spoon deep in a carton of cookie dough,” she insisted with her forefingers. 

“Alright, alright, I’ll go.” 

Back to Part 2 | Continue to Part 4