
Summary: This is an alternate series finale that takes place during the 10 year reunion.  Therefore Jen is still alive.  Italics are flashbacks and sometimes titles.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7

"Hey Jo, I was thinking maybe we could catch a movie then get something to eat," Pacey called coming out from his room. He stopped mid-step eyeing her warily then jumping his focus to the man next to her, "Hello Joey and strange man I don't know," he forced a smile extending his hand. 

"Tom," he responded meeting his shake. He was slightly shorter then Pacey with a mop of blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. His jaw line was strong and jagged and his large smile revealed all thirty-two teeth bleach white with perfection. His skin was so tan it looked like leather and Pacey could estimate that he was no younger then thirty-four. 

Pacey continued to shake Tom's hand, his smile still plastered on his face but his eyes turning to a death glare. "This is Pacey, by the way," Joey said breaking the growing tension, "he owns the restaurant." 

"Yep, I also live here, with Joey, been about six months now," he said smugly. 

"That's," Tom began withdrawing his hand, "interesting." 

"We," he began wrapping a protective arm around the brunette, "we, go way back, you know back to the time when you learn the alphabet, though that was probably a bit too long ago for you to remember." 

Joey glared at Pacey but didn't have the will to move his arm. "Well it wasn't that long ago," Tom reasoned nervously. 

"We used to date too," he continued his jealousy boiling, "a whole year, went sailing alone for a summer it was quite amazing." 

"Pacey," Joey groaned through gritted teeth as she finally slipped from his grasp, "Tom and I need to leave for our reservation." 

"So Tommy how'd you and Josephine meet?" 

"At the book store, right up the street, we reached for the same book argued over it for a few minutes and then felt the sparks, I asked her for dinner and here we are." 

"So if you don't mind," she said finishing the strap on her shoe, "we'll be going now." She locked gazes with him and his eyes were hurt and pleading as he watched him reach for her hand. She allowed Tom to guide her towards the door but her attention stayed settled on the other man across the room. 


Shoving his hands deeply into the pockets of his long gray slacks he strolled into the place he had been trying to escape his whole life. But on that night walking along the pavement of the beaten down sidewalk he didn't feel trapped. He was no longer tied to this town, the designated loser; he was everything he had hoped to be because he had gotten out. 

It was nearly nine now and the lobby had staggered down to only a few people who still glanced around the pictures on the walls. He stopped at a table where they had an old yearbook lying around to look at. Picking it up he leafed through the shiny pages stopping on page 53. Running his thumb along the words Class Couple he glanced at the photo, him and Joey staring absently at the camera their hands locked as they sipped on a cup of coffee. Smiling warmly at the memory he shut the book setting it back on the table. 


"Fill 'er up, Marty," he slurred raising his glass to him. 

"I'm sorry boss, but I think I'm gonna have to cut you off," the young tender replied snickering at his wobbling motions. 

"You're fired," he replied sternly. 

Marty continued wiping out the last of the glasses replacing them on the shelf, “Are you sure about that Mr. Witter?” He began, having had this conversation before, “Who’s going to serve you your drink?” 

He thought for a moment tinkling his fingers along the empty glass, “What if I said please real nice?” 

The door flew open and Joey appeared through the frame closing his drenching umbrella. She pulled her skirt down her thigh as she traveled across the length of the room. 

“Joey! Joey’s here!” Pacey announced triumphantly, “Drinks around the house,” titling his face back in Marty’s direction he grinned holding up his glass, “fill ‘er up.” 

She rolled her eyes turning her attention to the bartender as he continued to shake his head, “Is he drunk.” 

“Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner,” Pacey drawled lazily. 

She folded her arms across her chest as she sunk onto a barstool, “Pacey why are you drinking?” 

“Well, I figured I always take care of you when you’re tipsy so it’s time for you to turn in a few IOU’s.” 

“Come on Pace, it’s getting late,” she pulled on his arm but he shook it away. 

“No, we haven’t even talked about your date with Tom,” he said bitterly, “how is Tom, did you have a good time?” 

“That’s not important,” she said sternly. 

Pacey turned to an amused Marty, “What kind of name is Tom? It’s a cat’s name, not just any cat an incredible stupid cat.” Tipping the glass over his mouth he swiped his tongue over it picking up the last traces of alcohol. “I bet he lives with his mother,” he mumbled. 

She was aggravated now, “Are you done Pace?” 

He held a finger up, “Hold on, hold on,” he began imitating deep thought, “yes I’m done.” 

“Good, now let’s go,” she said pulling on his shoulders as they stumbled towards the back door. Dragging him up the stairs they tripped through the apartment until he finally collapsed on his bed. “Sleep tight, and happy hangover,” she announced patting his stomach. 

He grabbed onto her hand holding it in his own, “Jo wait.” 

“What?” She asked out of breath dropping onto the edge of the bed. 

“I’m sorry that I was jealous.” 

“It’s completely natural to feel protective of someone that you cared deeply for,” she reasoned. 

“It’s not that,” he mumbled rocking his head against the pillow his eyes drifting shut. “It’s not because I cared for you it’s because I don’t want you to be with anyone else.” 

“What are you trying to say?” She asked dropping her voice as her brows knit together. 

“I could sleep with every single woman in Seattle, hell the whole state of Washington and I still would be head over heels, ass backwards in love with you,” he said his voice rising as he created a beat with each syllable. “I just can’t run away from you,” he trailed off, “I can’t run away.” 

She ran her hand across his cheek watching him warmly chocking back an onslaught of tears. “Jo,” he groaned drawing her closer by pulling on her hand, “stay with me tonight.” 

Before she could answer he was already sound asleep his breath steady his lips parted slightly. She just sat on the edge of the bed watching him, the gentle rise and fall of his chest accompanied by the occasional sharp intake. His eyelashes fluttered lightly against his cheek bones the soft lids closing off the porthole to his soul. She smoothed her hand over his cheek once again dropping a light kiss on his parted lips, “I love you too, Pacey,” she whispered as she slipped out of his room sinking into her own bed as she finally allowed her tears to fall. 


Jack glanced over his shoulder in the direction of Dawson’s intense gaze quickly spotting Joey before turning back to his friend, “When was the last time you saw her?” He asked softly trying not to draw attention. 

“Two or three years ago,” he replied his gaze still trained on his soul mate. 


It was still early morning when his phone began ringing off the hook. Grumbling along the way he stubbed his toe against the couch cursing it silently, “Hello?” 

“Dawson, is that you?” His lips twitched into a smile at the sound of her voice, his insides melting all over again, “It’s me Joey.” 

“I know it’s you,” was all he could say. 

“Listen I was wondering where you were staying exactly?” Her voice sounded frantic and a great fear washed over him. 

“I’m in LA why, where are you?” 

“That’s not important,” she dismissed, “I was hoping I could come stay with you for a while.” 

“Sure, sure, where have you been I haven’t talked to you in such a long time?” 

“I’ve been along the Pacific coast actually and if I leave today I may be where you are in about two days,” she replied her pace quick 

“Jo, what’s wrong are you okay?” He asked warily. 

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine I just want to see the country you know, see you in your element. How have you been? I saw your film a month ago and it was amazing.” 

“I’m good, I’m working on a new picture actually so it’s really exciting,” he replied still a little confused. 

“Well I will see you soon I better get going,” she stuttered, “The sooner I leave the sooner I get there.” 

“Okay,” he replied reluctantly not expecting their four year reunion to be so strange, “I’ll see you then.” 

She dropped the phone back in the cradle struggling with her duffle bag when he came into the room, “Hey Jo, are you doing laundry?” Pacey asked still trying to push off his headache. 

“No, I’m leaving,” she replied softly. 

“It’s really no big deal you living here you don’t need to find a new apartment.” 

She shook her head suddenly feeling the urge to cry still not knowing exactly why. “No I’m going down to LA.” 

He scratched his head squinting his eyes, “Cool, I’ll come with you it’ll be fun, I have great on road hijinx that will be perfect for your book.” 

“I’m not coming back,” she mumbled with her back towards him. 

“What why?” he asked storming through the door frame .

“This was never going to be permanent Pacey, I came here, I didn’t find what I was looking for and not it’s time for me to move on.” 

He paused watching her move throughout the room, “This is about what I said last night isn’t it?” 

“No,” she lied fumbling through her dresser. 

“No you’re scared about what I said so now you’re running off to Hollywood with Dawson where you know you’ll be safe,” he said accusingly knowing her way to well. 

“That’s not it Pacey,” she cried turning her attention back to her bag. 

“Jo,” he said grasping her shoulders forcing her to look at him, “don’t go.” 

She could feel the milky tears forming at the brims of her eyes, “I don’t need this right now, I don’t need to relive a relationship that ends badly every single time.” 

“Joey I love you,” he pleaded. She was lost in his eyes again the pain so present that she could feel the knife driving through her heart as well. She wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him with the most passion she had ever released clashing her body rough against his. He returned her kiss his hands running down her back grasping at her shirt as his tongue desperately explored every inch of her mouth. 

Pulling away she drew her fingers towards her lips her eyes filling with regret, “Goodbye Pacey.” She whispered grabbing her bag and disappearing through the door. 


“Do you know who that belongs to?” Jack questioned addressing the flickering diamond ring. 

“No,” he said absently, his heart still breaking, “but I think I have an idea.” 


Joey ran a towel through her hair as she stepped through the large French doors of his brand new house. She wrapped the plush white towel around her over the sleek black curves of her bikini. Her skin was a golden glow after a summer in the sun giving her a healthier complexion then the one she had gained through six months in the clouds of Seattle. LA had been good to her for the past year and Dawson was kind enough to take her in, his girlfriend Shellie only jealous on occasion. 

Joey rummaged through the refrigerator pulling out a bottle of water as she flicked on the answering machine. 

“Hey Joey, it’s Rodger, I was hoping that you were still free this weekend because I was going down to my beach house and was hoping that you’d come, you have my number so give me a ring.” Her face brightened at the sound of his voice as her tongue peeked through her teeth. 

“Things are getting serious with you and this Rodger guy isn’t it?” Dawson teased carrying in a bag of groceries, happy to just see her smile. 

“Maybe,” she said in a daze. 

“Well it has been three months now hasn’t it.” 

“Yes, it has,” she replied a smile still planted on her face, “but I don’t want to jinx it yet so I’m taking everything one step at a time.” 

“I think somebody’s in love,” he teased as she furrowed through the bag he brought in hurling a grape at him. 

“So are you going?” 

“I think so,” she nodded not noticing the falling expression on his face which was quickly covered by a fake grin. “Well Shellie must be excited to get the house to yourselves for once, and you have the movie premier for Piece of Your Mind tomorrow so you won’t even notice I’m gone.” 

He nodded, “Shellie’s gone actually.” 

“Wait, why what happened?” She asked dropping a grape she was about to eat. 

“Conflict in interest,” he replied simply covering up the fact that she wanted Joey out. 

“I’m sorry,” she said offering him a sympathetic pat. 

“Well there’s no reason for you to dwell in my misery so you go with Rodger and have fun.” 


“Last time I saw her, she was running away with Rodger to Denver about two years ago,” he sighed staring down at his hands. “They were disgustingly happy and I finally understood what she felt like sophomore year, you know pining after your best friend while they were fully oblivious.” 

Jack sighed taking a sip from his wine, “I’m sorry man.” 

He shook his head, “She’s the kind of girl you never get over, the one who always gets away.” He scrunched a napkin through his fingers ripping at it now, “And I had so many chances, and I just threw them away.” 

“Sometimes the decisions we make sound really good at the time, and make total sense,” Jack explained, “and without those moments we would never understand regret.” 

Dawson raised a brow, “Jack, have you ever thought of becoming a Buddhist?” 

He chuckled shaking his head as he retrieved another stolen drink from Jen. 

“So Drue, what is your master plan?” Jen questioned her buzz wearing off. 

“Hear about the slide show?” He questioned. They all nodded in reply as he pulled a disc out of his pocket, “I think we may find this one a lot more interesting.” 

Dawson laughed along with the rest of the group before his eyes magnetically shifted back onto Joey. She was now talking to another guy Nick Strongman her smile still bright as she hovered near the door. She glanced at it every so often seeming distracted as she spotted something her face lightening. She began to pull at her coat revealing her sky blue dress with an imperial cut that floated to her knees, the dress smoothed over her every curve, especially the evident lump of her abdomen. 

His face fell further as her companion appeared through the door taking her coat before bending over to kiss her belly. He turned and joined the conversation with Nick offering friendly jabs at him every so often. Dawson continued to rip at the napkin in his hands but froze when Pacey finally met his eyes. 


She picked at her banana nut muffin in the quiet little coffee shop sipping at her coffee absently every so often. Her main focus was trained on the flashing mouse on her laptop and the blank white page that hadn’t written itself. She had been in Denver for three months now and had left Rodger one month after. He just wasn’t the one who could fill that void in her life and as she neared twenty-seven she knew it was time to stop playing with love or she’d end up alone. 

Fluttering her fingers over the keyboard she listened to the clinking sounds of the buttons, letting out an exaggerated sigh as she once again hit a block. Surrendering she closed the application shutting the lid of her computer as she buried her face in her hands. 

“Why do I always end up wherever you are?” His voice was raspy but exactly the same. She felt her heart flutter as she ran her fingers through her hair finally looking up over the hood of her eyes. 

“Must be those stupid drunken promises again,” she replied her voice light as if she had talked to him last an hour ago. 

“As I recall when I proclaimed this,” he began slipping into the seat across from her, “I was completely sober. You however were getting ready to strip in front of a party.” 

She blushed resting her fingers on the edge of her computer. There was a long pause as she furrowed her brows, “What are you doing here?” 

He sighed shaking his head, “I met this girl,” he began as her expression fell, “who just turned my world upside down.” He rocked his fingers against the table, “She gave me this idea that you could find inspiration just getting up and going, and I, I guess she was right.” 

The corner of her mouth twitched into a half smile, “What happened to the restaurant?” 

“I sold it to Marty,” he shrugged, “see one day this girl she just got up and left, and she completely ruined the city of Seattle for me. I turned into a clingy pre-teen female dumpee, you know spoon deep in a carton of cookie dough, getting all sad and reminiscent at every little thing.”

She smirked, “So when did you get here?” 

“Just now, actually, I walked past the window saw you sitting there and realized I just couldn’t pass that fate guy up again.” 

“How’d you know I was here?” She asked immediately melting in his soft blue gaze. 

“I didn’t,” he replied his voice dropping to a whisper; “I just took it On the Road.” 

“What do you mean by that?” 

“That book,” he smiled leaning across the table on his elbows, “his destination is Denver.” 

Every word he spoke she fell deeper and deeper practically dazed as she listened to the sound of his voice. “Is this a permanent thing or are you just stopping by?” 

“I don’t know, the city suddenly has a lot of perks,” he said slyly receiving a shy smile from her. 

“Do you have anywhere to stay?” 

He chuckled, “I have a very spacious backseat.” 

Glancing back down at her hands she sighed, “Well there’s a very spacious Hilton down the road.” 

He nodded pursing his lips in a straight line patting his hand against the table, “Well I’ll go check that out I guess.” He stood nodding his head towards her, “Josephine, hopefully I’ll see you around.” 

She nodded still focused on the table as he disappeared through the door. She felt a part of her disappear as his frame vanished and she realized that the moment she saw him she was complete. 

Shooting from her chair she didn’t even care that she left her laptop behind as she dodged at the door. “I don’t have a spare bedroom, but I can make room,” she called out exasperated. 

She heard a snicker behind her and she continued breathing heavier glancing over her shoulder her heart pounding out of her chest. She felt an ease come over her as she smiled widely throwing her arms around him and kissing him hard out in the middle of the sidewalk. 

He nuzzled his nose with hers grinning cockily, “What took you so long?” 

Back to Part 4 | Continue to Part 6