
Summary: This is an alternate series finale that takes place during the 10 year reunion.  Therefore Jen is still alive.  Italics are flashbacks and sometimes titles.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7

“So this is it,” Dawson began as the group walked towards the parking lot.

"You mean we aren't crashing some high school party and getting plastered?" Jen perked up from her resting position on Jack's shoulder.

"No more alchohol for you Jenny my darling," Jack said patting her on the nose.

“Well we are all meeting for breakfast at Leery’s Fresh Fish, right?” Andie chirped pulling her coat around her shoulders.

“Right, and Jen and I are here till the end of the week at Gram’s,” Jack added. “But sorry you guys Ryan regretfully has to get back home for work.”

“Aww,” everyone said in unison filled with disappointment.

"We're getting so old," Drue sighed, "talking about meeting for breakfast, when I was 18 I wouldn't dare wake before noon, not even on a school day."

"Don't we all know it," Jen rolled her eyes.

"By the way did I get your e-mail I was hoping we could chit chat, I would give you my office number but it's changing," he said pulling out a planner.

"Stop it Drue you sound like you're 40," she cringed.

“Are Joey and Pacey staying at the B&B?” Dawson queried.

“No, it seems my sister doesn’t love me enough to automatically reserve my room for me this time of year, so instead someone like Grant Bodine will be screwing some former cheerleader between the sheets of my sacred bed.”

“It would have completed the memories, just you and me,” Pacey joked kissing her softly on the neck.

"And we're actually going to hear about this baby's birth, right?" Andie insisted crossing her arms over her chest.

"Sure, and if we're feeling friendly we'll even send pictures," Pacey winked.

"I'm never going to get married," Andie pouted.

"Don't worry sweet heart," Pacey said dropping his arm around her shoulder, "the rent-a-date contract with Jo ends in a month anyway."

"I believe it said eternity," Joey corrected through slit lids.

"Damn," he snapped his fingers, "I knew I should have read the thing."

"Can we get divorce pictures too?" Drue cut in.

"Will wallet size do?" Joey asked rubbing her round belly.

"That would be perfect," he winked. "And mother said that if they relocate your trailor park to Capeside she'll always hire you back."

"Ah yes, Mrs. Valentine, how I've missed her," she said dryly rolling her eyes.

"Look at us," Dawson finally said shaking his head in disbelief with a large grin. "If we haven't learned any thing else tonight then this, there is no escaping the bond that we've shared. We just can't run away, can we?"

"I like it like that," Joey agreed nodding her head.

"Shall we Mrs. Witter?" Pacey asked extending his hand as they reached their car.

"We shall Mr. Witter," she said with a wide grin.

The years continued to whirl by, memories spurting at every corner, some bad, some good but none of them as important as the memories that truly shaped their lives. New people came and went relationships ended and reunited again and sad goodbyes were neccessary. But the one thing that stayed the one thing that remained was the friendships that they all had formed, the ones that they kept shielded in their hearts for all eternity, that even after ten years, twenty years no many how much time passed by, they couldn't run away from the ones that they loved.

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