
Summary: Who doesn't love the episode 'Four to Tango'? This story is an alternate version because that episode deserves to be relived in as many ways possible. This begins in the classroom scene right after Pacey starts talking to Joey about his casual sex pact with Jen.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8

“Like who?” Joey asked hoisting herself onto the edge of the cluttered lab desk. The twilight of the biology room was only offered in horizontal stripes from the Venetian blinds and the late afternoon sunlight. Pacey had protested an hour earlier that the florescent lights were giving him a headache and distracting him from his studying. Then he had begged for a third break in the fifteen minutes of tutoring they had started, grabbed a handful of Chex Mix when she refused and purposefully broke off the tip of his pencil leading Joey to make him do it in pen. 

“For right now, they would prefer to remain anonymous,” Pacey explained still pacing the room, “but let me tell you, they’ve made it clear to me in no uncertain terms that should the mutual desire occur, that they will be more than willing to take care of all my physical needs, you understand?”

“So is this a potential relationship or are we talking a free-trade agreement?” She asked through furrowed brows.

“All right, listen. If you had the opportunity to be with somebody, no questions asked, no strings attached, no awkward first dates, no waiting by the phone, no any of that. Totally on the surface – 100% casual – what would you do? Would you go for it?”

“A totally empty, emotionally unfulfilling sexual experience? That sounds great.” She said dryly rolling her eyes in the process.

“You’re not listening to me. I’m being serious, but it’s kind of a limited-time offer, so I just thought I’d ask you, what do you think?” He wasn’t sure why he was asking her this seeing as he and Jen had had this pact for weeks now, but for some mysterious reason he wanted her approval, or maybe he just wanted her reaction.

“Pacey, I think that if you really wanted to be having causal sex with someone right now, you’d be doing it instead of sitting here having a hypothetical discussion about it. That’s what I think.” She stared at him softly a tinge of hurt creeping through. She felt jealous suddenly that there were other girls in Pacey’s life that were helping him like she was helping him right now. She had felt special over the past few months and felt that they had become a team. Joey would help Pacey regularly after school with True Love and he would come by the B&B before school and at night to help build. Joey would tutor him and Pacey would dance with her. It was one of the first friendships she had formed in which both parties were dedicated to making one another happy.

He tried to read her eyes, something that he had gotten good at this past year suddenly seeing a look that hovered between kiss me and you are such an idiot. Thinking it over he realized that he would win no matter what, if she wanted him to kiss her then if he did, it would make her happy. And if she thought he was an idiot kissing her would prove that theory making her content for at least another hour. So he did – and what scared him was the fact that she kissed him back.

He suddenly was flooded with memories of the first time he had kissed her almost exactly one year ago and the disappointment of not feeling her mouth comply. He had thought about kissing her again when he took her to visit her father in prison, he had wanted to kiss her again after Dawson’s strip club party but hadn’t because of Andie. He realized that he wanted to kiss her again after Dawson punched him over the PSAT fiasco and she had told him that he wasn’t a loser, and again whenever he touched her or she touched him. Suddenly he realized that he always wanted to kiss her but never noticed until she finally kissed him back.

She broke away her eyes fluttering open dreamily as her tongue trailed over her still parted lips, “What was that?” She asked almost breathlessly.

“I think I just kissed you,” he replied softly his nose brushing against hers every so often.

She brought her hand to her cheek which was covered by his and slowly removed it from her face. Suddenly her eyes went wide, “Wait I’m not the girl in this hypothetical situation am I?”

He cocked a brow, “Do you want to be?”

She pushed him back rolling her eyes with disgust, “You are such a jerk sometimes Pacey.”

“What? I’m sorry,” he said defensively, “no, you were not the subject of my postulated conflict.”

“Then why’d you just,” she began her voice loud and accusing. She drew her fingers to her lips still tasting him there; she softened her tone her eyes venerable, “Why’d you kiss me?”

“Because you wanted me to,” he said gesturing towards her. “I don’t know if you noticed it but you had the kiss me look plastered all over your face.”

Joey scoffed, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You did,” he exclaimed pointing an accusing finger at her, “and I bet if I kissed you again you’d kiss me back.”

She folded her arms over her chest leaning against the desk challengingly, “Oh really and why do you think that?”

He leaned over her his hands gripping the desk on either side of her as he grinned cockily, “Because you like me,” he teased his lips dangerously close.

“You’re having delusions of grandeur,” she countered suddenly gasping for breath. She didn’t move and she could hear her heartbeat in her throat.

“Then why do I get you all hot and bothered?” He asked his voice now low and husky.

“For about the same reasons that you're clinically insane,” she sneered.

“You like ‘em crazy?” He asked his nose gliding over her face in a sensual motion, “I can show you crazy.” His teeth closed around her earlobe nipping softly as she shuddered under his touch still for some inexplicable reason refusing to protest. He trailed fiery kisses along her jaw ending at her chin as he pushed his body flush against hers.

He wished that he could feel these sparks with Jen, that she could make him want her as much as he wanted Joey right now. That he could kiss her lips and be flooded with all of these sexual fantasies that her eyes would shadow with desire that mirrored his own. But above all he wished that he could take Joey right now on the desk of this dark class room.

“Study times over,” she forced out shaking, pointing to her watch for good measure.

He smiled wickedly backing away from her, “I think I feel properly motivated for tonight’s assignment.” Packing his book back into his bag he offered her an arm, “Shall we dance?”


"So this crush you have is it madly in love or do you just scribble my name all over your binder?" Pacey asked smugly as they sloppily completed another box step.

"I loath you," she replied staring at him with the hate of a thousand suns.

"Now I understand where all this hostility is coming from, Josephine."

Raising her brows she cocked her head to meet his gaze, "Oh and where is that exactly?"

"All that repressed sexual frustration," he stated matter of factly. He pulled her tighter against him dropping his voice; "You want to jump my bones."

She gasped pushing him away, "You really need to get your head examined."

"You know what I find extremely interesting," he began grinning widely. "You haven't given me a straight answer this whole afternoon."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You've never denied the fact that you are in complete lust with me," he shrugged, "I guess I should just take that as a declaration of your affection."

"Oh I've got plenty of passion for you Pace," she said flirtatiously, "hating you is an undying love that I can't imagine ever parting with."

"See there you go again, Potter," he pointed out. "You could've just said 'No Pacey, you're wrong I don't like you' but instead you included the words 'passion' and 'love'. Could that be considered a Freudian slip?"

She cleared her throat still rocking along with Pacey to the music, "No Pacey you're wrong I don't like you."

"Well circumstances based on today's events prove to the contrary Miss Potter," he said lightly shuffling his foot out as they began another box step. "Now you're lying to cover up your feelings and I don't appreciate it."

"Alright Pacey," she began wryly, "I admit it, I am completely head over heels in love with you. I sit awake in the long nights wondering what you're dreaming about if I'm involved and then I lull to sleep with hot fantasies involving you, me, and a whole lot of hot fudge," her eyes turned dark as she turned her voice sultry. "I imagine taking you right on the deck of True Love whenever the sun hits the horizon, me so hot that I'd be wetter then the ocean as your smooth lips traveled all over my salty skin. Whenever I chew on the end of my pen during tutoring sessions I imagine something longer and thicker sloshing through my lips as a loud groan escapes your mouth and you roll over the edge. Hell sometimes while we're dancing I want to escape right into that coat room over there and to unmentionable things."

Pacey stared at her wide-eyed licking his lips nervously as he cleared his throat, "Really?" His voice screeched too higher levels then he knew were possible.

"No!" She exclaimed incredulously pushing on his shoulder for even thinking that to be true.

"Well if that's the way it is," he sighed his flushed cheeks fading as he pursed his lips obviously in pain, "I'll be right back."

"Doing the one way dance Witter?" Joey called after him amused.

"You win this round," he declared wobbling towards the rest rooms his erection pushing painfully against the restraints of his jeans, "but the next one you won't be so lucky."


The soft twinkling of the piano mixed along with the muffled chuckles and short one lined comments filling the smoky air of the Starlight School of Dance. Pacey continued to stomp on Joey's foot occasionally sometimes on purpose other times out of sheer disability to dance. "I hope you washed your hand," She joked warily grasping it.

He smiled devilishly; "You'll never know now will you."
"I'm going to be sick," she mumbled wiping her hand fiercely on her gray cotton skirt.

"Easy Potter, I do have some consideration for hygiene," he reassured picking her hand off of her thigh.

They trotted along the floor glancing distractedly over each other's shoulders, "So now that you have me locked in your fantasy file is Miss Hypothetical still in the picture?"

"Wouldn't you like to know," he asked slyly his fingers stroking her waist.

"Well obviously there's something wrong with you if you haven't had sex with her yet."

"It's not like we haven't tried or anything," he sighed, "It's just that…" he trailed off searching for the right words.

"You can't get it up?"

"Partially," he answered timidly, "there aren't any sparks. We want sex, but we don't want each other."

"You poor thing," she groaned sarcastically. "So am I ever going to find out who she is?"

He shook his head, "Probably not."

"Do I get hints?"

"Why so you can kill her in a jealous rage in the middle of the night," he shook his head again. "You're not helping your cause here, Joey."

"You still think I want you?"

"I still know you want me, you're just making it so blatantly obvious at this point that I'm surprised Mr. and Mrs. Reed over there haven't asked us about our plans for prom."

She bit on her lower lip; "Well I think you want me too."

"Really and why is that?" He asked raising his brows.

"Because you're so animate on me having feelings for you," she explained. "It's simply bravado for you hoping that I want you as much as you want me."

"Well it worked didn't it?" He questioned pulling her closer to him.

"Finally you two have got it," Penny announced circling the dancing couple. "Rib cages touching, steady eye contact it's perfect. If I didn't know any better I'd think you two have finally kissed."

Jumping away from each other they returned to dancing at arms length. "Excuse me?" They questioned in unison.

"Well it's been obvious that you two have wanted some sort of intimate contact, that's why you were so wary around one another. But now that you've released some of that tension through what has to be at least a kiss you feel more comfortable."

"Tension?" Pacey questioned.

"You two move around each other like elephants in a china shop waiting for somebody to make the first move," Penny explained. "But something has obviously changed in the way you move, the dancing doesn't lie."

"So you think she has the hots for me?" Pacey asked pointing at his partner.

"As much as you for her," she answered patting him on the shoulder.

"You hear that Potter, she says you dig me," he said smugly taking her back in his arm.

"Keep dreaming."


“Pace, it’s been a week, time to revisit our burgeoning sex lives,” Jen said leaning against the locker next to his.

“A week really?” He asked fishing for a book.

“Yeah I was thinking you and I could skip the rest of the afternoon classes and have a party in the boiler room,” she winked.

“As appetizing as that idea sounds, I’m gonna have to take a rain check.”

“Excuse me? Is this Pacey Witter I’m talking to turning down sex?” Jen asked through wide eyes.

“I have some math homework to work through during study hall,” he explained.

“That’s the most offensive turn down I have ever heard,” she replied wryly. “You’re to the point where you rather do school work then have sex with me?”

“Sorry Lindley,” he said simply kissing her on the forehead before jogging off to class.


The four walked home from school in the chilling fall air. “I was thinking of doing a movie night tonight you guys in?” Dawson asked furrowing his hands deep into his pockets seeking warmth.

“Not tonight, I’ve got a thing,” Joey explained eyeing Pacey.

Catching the look Pacey nodded, “I can’t either, my dad is trying to,” he reached for excuses searching Joey for ideas, “bond with me. He’s taking me out,” he finally explained.

Dawson nodded a little wierded out, “Okay. Jen?” He asked turning to the petite blonde.

She shrugged, “Why not.”

“Well I should get going then,” Pacey added clapping his hands together as he nodded his head in the other direction.
“Me too,” Joey added following after him.

Dawson watched after their retreating figures turning back to Jen, “Is it just me or have they been acting strange.”

“They’ve been acting strange,” Jen confirmed. “This afternoon I asked Pacey if he wanted to cut class with me and instead he wanted to do math problems in study hall.”

“Not as strange as me finding him diving around my bedroom floor like a madman leaving condoms in his path,” Dawson answered.

“When was this?” Jen asked through furrowed brows.

“Just last week I came home early from a dentist appointment to find Pacey panting like he had just run a marathon claiming to be playing Crash Bandicoot with the TV off. Later I find a condom on the floor and whenever I go to talk to him about it him and Joey freak and run off.”

“So you think that they’re…” she trailed off.

“Can you think of another explanation? I mean I rarely see them apart anymore.”

Jen stared down at her feet for a moment realizing why she was most recently turned down, “Let’s follow them.”


“I was thinking about taking you to dinner,” Pacey began as they worked on their latest dance step.

“I’m wearing heels Witter I’ll knock off each one of those ten toes one by one,” she sneered in reply.

“I’ll pick you up at seven then.”

She laughed, “You think I’m actually going to go?”

“I know that when I come by your house tomorrow you’ll be wearing a pretty skirt with your hair curled,” he replied moving his hand onto the small of her back.

“I was thinking of wearing it up actually,” she said intrigued by his confidence.

“Wear it curly,” he reassured her as their ribcages clashed again.

“Very good you two,” Penny congratulated, “In a few weeks you’ll be ready for the tango.”

“The tango?” Joey questioned uneasily.

“Yes, the dance of love.”


“Okay it’s official we lost them,” Jen confirmed leaning against the entrance of the Starlight.

Dawson took stance next to her looking off onto the empty streets, his breath condensing in front of him clouding his view. “That was weird,” he said simply.


“I’m going to hold your hand now,” Pacey said cautiously reaching for her hand.

“Over my dead body,” Joey threatened trapping a curled lock of hair behind her ear.

“It was nice knowing you Josephine,” he shrugged.

“If you must,” she gave up offering her hand to him. “So where are we going, MacDonald’s or Burger King?”

He mocked hurt scoffing at her assessment, “I’m not that cheap,” he defended, “I was thinking Kentucky Fried Chicken. But since you’re dressed so nice this evening maybe I’ll take you over to Merlin’s.”

“Nice? I spend an hour wracking through my closet and all I get is nice?” Joey asked gesturing her hands towards her outfit.

“Well I thought beautiful or ravishing was a little too forward.”

“Its better,” she nodded content swinging their entwined hands by her side. “So how’d you pull off Merlin?”

“To my surprise one of our slave workers from the auxiliary force owns this place; I used all my wit and charm to squeeze a discount out of him.”

“Always the bargainer aren’t you?”

He smiled slyly, “How else do you think I graduated from the ninth grade.”

“Or kindergarten through eighth for that matter,” she teased hip checking him.

“So you understand you’re on a date with me right?” Pacey asked holding up their hands.

“I try to block that part out,” Joey countered smiling brightly. One of the most beautiful smiles he had ever seen.

“Just checking,” he chuckled leading her into the restaurant which was decorated by lines of ice sickle lights. “Just to warn you some people may mistake this place as romantic.”

“I don’t mind,” she shrugged as he helped her out of her jacket handing it over to the coat man. As they reached their table he scooted out her chair helping her into her seat. “You know Pace, for a sex maniac you act an awful lot like a gentleman.”

He tilted his head in consideration as he sunk into his seat across from her, “It’s all for show.”

“What the sex or the chivalry?”

He rested his elbows on the table leaning over part of the length, “You decide,” he answered grinning. He sat back into his chair placing his napkin over his lap, “So Potter, are you going to admit you’re attracted to me yet?”

“I’m thinking about it,” she replied sipping at her water.

“You’re reaching your breaking point,” he said accusingly.

“I just feel bad that you’re throwing yourself at me, I figured if you’re going to be so persistent I should at least give you a chance,” she replied shrugging her shoulders.

“Then why have you been smiling since the moment I picked you up?”

“The sight of you always amuses me,” she said wryly.

“You think you’re so funny,” he leaned back onto his elbows.

“You think you’re so confident,” she mimicked his position.

“I know you’ll let me kiss you at the end of this date,” he said smugly with an arrogant grin.

“I never said you were mistaken.” He looked at her for a long moment before he picked up the menu leafing through it, "So what am I allowed to order?"

"Anything you want."

"What are you getting?" She asked furrowing her brows as she glanced over the edge of her menu.

"A bowl of soup," he answered plainly closing off the list of over priced food items.

"Me too then," Joey said shutting her menu and placing it on top of his.

"We could always share a plate of spaghetti like Lady and the Tramp did," he offered with a wink.

"Well I always did mistake you for a mutt, but the appeal of slurping up stain threatening noodles while you try to kiss me with a starch full mouth is fleeting quickly."

"Soup it is then," he said toasting his glass of water to her.


Walking up her yard the cold fall air finally hit sending chills through their senses, "Does this mean you're dropping your casual acquaintance?" She asked pursing her lips nervously.

"I don't know do you have any confessions to make?"

She waited a long moment contemplating this. "You're dumping her," she stated matter of factly.

They walked up to her porch he holding her hand with more confidence now, "So do you want me to be a sex maniac or a gentlemen?"

She looked at him questionably, "A gentlemen?" He smirked leaning over and kissing her softly on the cheek. "What would I have gotten if I asked for a sex maniac?" She asked slightly disappointed by the small sentiment of affection.

"I would have thrown you over my shoulder and driven you to the nearest B&B," he answered slyly.

"What about a middle ground?" He shrugged stroking her cheek softly as he took her bottom lip between his teeth sucking on it lightly as his other hand wrapped around her waist. She tilted her head opening her mouth to him as her hands grabbed at his shoulders pulling him closer.

He broke away smiling widely as he tucked a few loose curls behind her ears, "Is there anything else you want to ask me?" She asked innocently rocking on her heels.

"I think it's your turn to put the pants on in this relationship, Joey."

She let out a heavy sigh working up the courage, "Pacey Witter would you like to go out with me again sometime?"

He chuckled, "Are you serious?" He asked mimicking a girly voice as he flicked his hands, "Like oh my God I have to go write about this in my diary!"

Joey rolled her eyes pushing at his shoulder, "Maybe to the movies or something."

"That sounds like a suitable second date," he nodded approvingly.

"Can you put your pants back on then," she joked nudging him playfully.

"If you insist," he shrugged. "Good night Joey," he said kissing her on the cheek again. She offered him a half smile turning to her door; "I had fun tonight."

She turned on her heels nodding slightly, "Me too."

Continue to Part 2