
Summary: Who doesn't love the episode 'Four to Tango'? This story is an alternate version because that episode deserves to be relived in as many ways possible. This begins in the classroom scene right after Pacey starts talking to Joey about his casual sex pact with Jen.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8

“So am I expected to hold your hand?” Pacey asked leaning against the blue lockers next to hers.

“I don’t know,” she shrugged exchanging her last book, “I don’t recall you asking me to go steady yet.”

“Oh gee whiz, I usually save that for the fifth date when I take my gal to meet ma and pa,” he joked nudging her shoulder.

“Do you seriously take a girl to your house on the fifth date?”

He smiled tilting his head, “I do now.”

She shut her locker swinging her red backpack over her shoulder as they began walking down the crowded hall, “Remind me to dump you after the fourth.”

“Ah, we’re finally getting somewhere,” he smirked resting his hands on her shoulder as he navigated her down the hall. “Alright back to the rules and regulations of our birthing relationship,” he continued stepping beside her leaving an arm around her shoulder.

“Birthing relationship?” Joey asked with a raised brow.

“We’ve kissed, we’ve danced, we’ve eaten dinner, we have more plans on the horizon, face it Jo, we have a birthing relationship.”

“Okay,” she gave in, “you want guidelines?”

“Yes, for example am I allowed to kiss you whenever I feel like it?”

“You make it sound so romantic,” she said wryly rolling her eyes.

“I’m a major supporter of spur of the moment impulses,” he explained finishing with a flirtatious grin.

“I’m not usually one for public displays of affection but—.” She was cut off when he tightened his grip around her shoulder kissing her quickly before pulling away.

“Impulses good right?” He asked wiggling his brows.

“You really should look into checking yourself into an asylum,” she said lightly patting him on the head.

“Oh you love it,” he briskly brushed her shoulder. The warning bell rang and the students began to scatter, “Well best be skidatling dear,” he finished pinching her cheek and rushing off in the other direction.


“Pacey we need to talk,” Jen said sitting at the lunch table next to him.

“That we do Jennifer,” he mumbled swallowing the bite from his sandwich. “We can’t have sex anymore, or in general, or what would be the correct term for us?”

“Has Mr. Witter finally developed a conscience?”

“Partially,” he shrugged.

“Haven’t quite given up on the notion of love?” She queried.

“Well I am only sixteen, it would be a shame to only be known as the child molester pervert of the neighborhood when I’m forty and alone.”

“Don’t worry you’re off the hook,” she explained, “I gave young na?ve freshman another chance.”

“Is that what you wanted to talk about?”

“Yes,” she said resting a comforting hand on his shoulder, “I’m breaking up with you.”

“Though there really wasn’t a relationship to break up,” he shrugged faking a sniffle, “I guess I can get over it,” he finished pounding on the table with mock sobs.

“Face it Pace, we never would have gone all the way,” she rubbed his back soothingly smiling at all the spectators who watched then strangely.


"Ah, Pacey and Joey's date number two, rounding out 1999 with a bang," Pacey sighed as they strolled down main street. "I'm thinking about getting tee-shirts made actually."

"Can mine just read 'I'm With Stupid' with a giant arrow pointing in your direction?" Joey asked swinging their joined hands.

"Sure, but you're going to have to settle with mine which will read 'I'm With the Wicked Witch of the East'."

"It's a deal," she laughed. "So what movie are we seeing?" She asked bouncing on her heels as they settled in the line at the Rialto.

"Does it really matter?" He asked with a wink.

Her jaw dropped as she poked his shoulder with her index finger; "Just for that you get nothing."

"We'll see how that turns out in fifteen minutes," he said slipping a few bills to the ticket man.

"I'll have you know, I'm extremely stubborn," she stated firmly crossing her arms over her chest.

"What a coincidence Potter, so am I," he replied grabbing her hand as they walked into the lobby.

"Then it's obvious that we're not compatible the fights will be endless," she said lightly.

"I thought that was a part of my charm?"

"It's about as appealing as a root canal."

"You know the movies was a rather good idea on your part," he said changing the subject.

"And why is that?"

"I get 127 minutes of Joey free babbling," he teased ordering them a tub of popcorn.

"Babble, I do not babble," she defended, "I'm just filled with an endless supply of meaningful words that elaborate my feelings or views, take you for example," she began as he handed her a napkin. "What's this for?"

"No offense but I've seen you eat, you're a slob," he shrugged.

"Excuse me? This from the man who can't get a small handful of chips in his hand without dropping half of them," she asked incredulously.

"Obviously table manners were never exemplified in your adolescence because I've seen your barbaric ways," he continued. "I guarantee that after your first scoop of popcorn your jeans will be covered with grease."

"You certainly know how to woo a girl," she said dryly following him into the theater. 


"Hey, Jo," he said literally bumping into her as he dashed down the hall.

"Hey Dawson what's wrong?" She asked smoothing her hair behind her ears.

"Are you still going to that Worthington tour this weekend?" He asked gripping onto her elbows.

"No, I can't we're doing finishing touches on the B&B," she sighed.

"The B&B?" He questioned through knitted brows, "Oh right the Bed and Breakfast I completely forgot about that."

"It's no surprise," Joey replied hiding her disappointment with a half smile, "I rarely see you anymore."

"Yeah I've been busy with the Witch Island thing and now I'm off to that festival," he explained quickly, slightly distracted. "But next week when I get back," he began backing away, "we'll do a movie night or something."

"Yeah," she replied softly offering him a small wave. She felt abandoned, since the beginning of the school year. She and Dawson had been so close and then suddenly with a few bad choices on both their parts they were almost strangers again. It wasn't like she was looking for his romantic interest again it was only the fact that for the better part of her life he was the one always there for her.

"Josephine Potter I'm taking you out," Pacey announced wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.

"Oh really?" She asked playfully tilting her head back to look at him. "I don't recall asking you."

"On occasion I do take the initiative," he shrugged as they continued down the hall. "But first I believe I have a tutoring session with some snotty brainiac."

"You poor thing, I think you just doubled your next assignment," she countered as they worked their way into the Bio room they had been using for studying.

"Well do I get rewards?"

She scoffed, "No!"

"Why not?"

"It's degrading,” she explained.

“Oh come on just a smooch,” he begged leaning over the desk on his elbows.

“You’ll never break your habit Pacey,” she countered matching his position.

“It’s a rather stupid habit to break; in fact I’m beginning to like my learning disability. You’re lucky I like you or else I would have gotten a cute little tutor who was more willing to tend to my needs.”

“What about your booty call?” She asked with a raise brow.

“Subtle Potter, real subtle,” he chuckled waving an accusing finger at her. “Apparently she wanted a committed relationship.”

“That’s because it’s impossible to have sex without some level of emotion,” Joey explained.

“No she wanted a committed relationship with someone else; she really just didn’t like me that way.”

“Few people do,” she teased sticking out her tongue at him.

“You should feel honored actually,” Pacey insisted.

“And why is that?”

“I’m seeing you exclusively now, that’s a big accomplishment for you, to hold down such a suave bachelor as myself,” he said smugly adjusting the collar of his shirt.

“I’m ecstatic,” she said dryly resting her hand on her chin.
He rounded the table with a wide smirk as he circled his arms around her waist nuzzling his nose in the crook of her neck. “You don’t mean that,” he mumbled his breath hot against her neck as she melted into his chest.

“I don’t, do I?” She challenged her voice breathy as her eyes fluttered shut to the feeling of his touch.

“No, you’re just afraid to admit it,” he said huskily his lips closing over the delicate skin of her neck. She tilted her head to the side allowing him more access as he nibbled on her collar bone, her hand encouraging his movement along, her fingers tickled by the short hairs of the nape of his neck. He tightened his grip around her waist pulling the heat of her body flush against his as his tongue stroked closer along her throat. “I thought you said you were stubborn Joey,” he teased nipping at her earlobe his voice heavy and thick inhaling her sweet vanilla scent.

“Usually I can come up with a witty response,” she mumbled her head rocking with his movements, “but I really don’t care.”

He abruptly pulled away her body jolting back regaining its support as he grinned sitting back down at his work space, “I think that was worth a smooch.”

She stared at him coldly, “I hate you.”


“Where are you taking me?” Joey questioned pulling her coat tighter around her.

“Not to get all nostalgic,” Pacey began taking notice of her chills and wrapping his arm around her, “but I’m taking you to the carnival, remember the first day we realized we could be friends.”

“Oh yes when I was still immune to the Witter charm,” she smiled taking in his warmth. “Who’s crazy enough to have a carnival in December?”

He shrugged, “Who’s crazy enough to go?”

“It’s sweet,” she admitted as the bright lights of the carnival came into view, the music of the carousel filling the crisp air blended with the laughs and screams of the kids.

“I have my moments,” he said sincerely watching her eyes glaze over in wonderment as the carnival lights flickered against them creating a hypnotizing scene. She was so beautiful in her burgundy knitted cap which matched the pink in her cheeks and the tip of her ruby nose. Her hair peeked out under the edge framing her round pale face as her pale peach lips curled into a bright smile.

“Let’s go,” she said excitedly pulling on his hand the gleam in her eye so compelling that for a moment he couldn’t move. From that moment on he knew he would do anything to make her this happy all the time, to see her smile so carefree.

Back to Part 1 | Continue to Part 3