
Summary: Who doesn't love the episode 'Four to Tango'? This story is an alternate version because that episode deserves to be relived in as many ways possible. This begins in the classroom scene right after Pacey starts talking to Joey about his casual sex pact with Jen.

Warning: Includes sexual content.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8

She noticed the lone figure sitting at the end of her dock; his shoulders slumped as he looked over the icy water of the creek as the winter stars glowed brightly above him in the night sky. She dried off the last plate finding her coat as she made her way towards the door.

The cold air hit her like a thousand knives the moment that her body left the warmth of the B&B and she wondered how he could have sat there for such a long time with out a flinch. “What’s wrong?” She asked her hands buried deeply within the warmth of her pockets as she sat down next to him on the short creaking wood swinging her legs freely above the misty salt in the air.

“What makes you ask that?” He replied his voice empty without even a shiver.

“I seem to recall a similarity that we have, in which during times of trouble we dispense our sorrows at the end of a dock.”

He sighed, his hot breath turning to a cloud of smoke around his face evaporating quickly through the stale air. After a long moment he said, “I got kicked out of my house again.”

“Your dad and you have an argument?” She questioned watching the profile of his face intensely the moonlight shimmering over the glaze of tears that had fallen long before.

“Is there any other reason?” He sneered bitterly his attention still focused out beyond the horizon.

She furrowed her brows, “Did he hit you again?”

He shook his head, “No he hasn’t done that since the fire,” he replied softly like a distant memory.

“So are you going to tell me what happened or are you going to continue loitering on my front yard and my sisters drowning place of business?”

He chewed back his lips shoving his frigid fingers into the depth of his pockets, “My father got my report card, seems he can’t remember the fact that Andie and I broke up because the first thing he said to me was ‘What did that little loony go crazy again or something?’” He lowered his gaze down to his knees which disappeared over the edge of the dock. “So I told him that she left me and he asked me ‘So she finally wake up and realize she could do better?’” He stopped still aching.

“What did you say?”

“I said I guessed he was right, I mean let’s face it I’m the bottom of the food chain, past me the only way a person can go is up,” he joked lightly the humor not making it through his tone. “Then to keep my pride semi-intact I told him that I learned from the best, and here I am.”

“Don’t say things like that,” Joey said sternly.

“Don’t humor me Jo, that was a direct quote that I heard from a brunette not so many years ago,” he scoffed glancing at her through the corner of his eye.

“She never really believed it,” she reassured pulling his hand from his pocket and lacing her fingers through his. “It’s freezing out here you know.”

“I hadn’t really noticed,” he shivered out finally being affected by the cold, his pale skin highlighted by the rosy end of his nose.

“Let’s get you inside,” she said standing and pulling him up with her.


“Mr. Witter, paging Mr. Witter,” she nagged nudging at his shoulder as he furrowed his face into the far depths of the couch cushion.

“What time is it crazy woman?” He mumbled his eyes squinting shut while he ran a hand through his muzzled hair.

"5:30," she replied with a shrug.

"5:30 on a Saturday? This better be some sort of emergency, like Armageddon or something to get up at this hour, I mean cartoons don't start for at least another two hours."

"Would you settle for meteorological phenomena's?"

"Did the sun finally implode?" He asked rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Sorry Mr. Winter but it's a rather common spectacle of Mother nature, especially during this time of year," she explained patting on the blanket covering his knees. "But I guess I'll just go play in the snow by myself."

"It's snowing?" He perked up, "Why didn't you just say that?" Within a blink of the eye he was wrapped in his jacket, boots in place as he scrambled towards the door with the excitement of a four-year-old.

Trudging through the increasing blanket of snow she was hit square between the shoulder blades with a densely pact snowball, the ice cold water seeping through the wool of her jacket. Retaliating quickly Joey rummaged through the snow packing together the large mound and hurling it towards Pacey hitting him in the arm as he charged for her tackling her in the winter wonderland. 

She let out a gleeful laugh as she squirmed from his grasp scooping up another pile of snow and sprinkling it thickly along his fallen body. Standing he shook away the flakes in a cloud of lose white powder. "This is war, Potter!" He exclaimed waving an accusing finger at her.

She simply stuck out her tongue smiling widely as she dodged another snowball, which skimmed, past her ear. She felt like a child again, making snowmen with Dawson in the early hours of announced school cancellations while her mother heated up hot cocoa and Mr. Leery would come pick them up to sled down the hills. When the lake downtown froze over she, Dawson, and Pacey would go skating, Pacey clad in his Boston Bruins hockey jersey would slap shot plastic pucks at Joey until she skated him down towards the thin ice in which he would surrender and scamper off plotting snowball fights. Him and Dawson would always be a team against Joey but eventually Dawson would become the target and he would beg for mercy his cheeks red with cold and laughter.

Ducking behind the trunk she was startled when he pinned her against it, grinning as he blocked her paths and she sighed in defeat, "Alright Pacey, do your worst."

He scrunched his nose in contemplation; "I'm still narrowing my options."

She pouted her lip fiddling with the top button of his coat and tightening the scarf around his neck, patting some snow off his shoulder, "Could I possibly list some suggestions?"

"No, I think I've come to a decision," he grinned nuzzling his numb nose against hers feeling the heat race through his body once again. He was mere millimeters from her lips, his grasp loosened around the truck as he gathered the snow from the bed clapping it around her cheeks. "Payback's a bitch," he smirked brushing the excess snow off his gloves.

"I despise you, I honestly do," she muttered combing the clumps of ice forming in her hair.

The white sheets of velvet were bunched together by a green crown flowing like a milky stream. The fresh scent engulfed the small corners of her locker striking Joey's senses the moment she opened the door. Her jaw dropped and as she traced her fingers along the silky petals and at that moment she knew he was standing behind her watching. Bringing the white lily to her nose she inhaled the sweet fragrance retracting it to read the small note hanging on the end:

Don't confuse this with a romantic gesture or anything. I just saw this and thought of you.
She glanced at him over her shoulder unable to fight the smile tugging at the corner of her lips, “You think I forgot don’t you?”

“Forgot what?” He asked raising an amused brow.

“That it’s been one month since the first time you’ve kissed me.”

"Good," he nodded wrapping his arms around her, "I was afraid I was the only sentimental one in this relationship."

"You do have your Dobler appeal," she agreed with a shrug placing her arms routinely around his neck.

"All right so you, me, tonight I've made plans," he smiled the stem of the lily tickling between his shoulder blades.

"Are you going to tell me about it?" She questioned pouting her lip as they bumped foreheads.

"You really hate secrets don't you; I mean they should call you the Queen of Inquiry, the All and Knowing Kahuna."

"Well that was just two more reasons to tell me," she insisted her smile bright enjoying their flirtatious banter.

"I would, but then I'd have to kill you and what kind of one month anniversary would that be for the romantic love epic?"

"It's very Romeo and Julietesque," she urged.

He kissed her briefly before disengaging their embrace and staggering down the hall, "Patience, Potter," he called out over his shoulder.

Twirling the flower through her forefingers she watched the tall brunette melt into the crowd of students in the hall, her smile returning when she allowed the aroma of the snowy plant dance around her nose closing her eyes and picturing his face.

"Hey Joey," Dawson began leaning against the locker next to hers.

Her eyes snapped open as she guiltily retracted the flower from her face, "Dawson, hey."

"I've been feeling really bad lately, about how we've lost touch and I figured I could cash in on that movie night that I promised you tonight."

Her face fell as she glanced between the flower and the blonde, "I'm sorry Pacey and I are doing something tonight."

He furrowed his brows oblivious to the implications, "Well Pacey can come too, it's not like he's a stranger to the movie night phenomena."

She grimaced her heart pounding through her chest and suddenly she lost the ability to breathe, "I think he only planned it for two." 

"That's okay," Dawson nodded his fears of their coitus affair being confirmed again as he began backing away, "we'll catch up some other time."

She knitted her brows watching after him, she wondered if he knew that when she said 'just for two' if he had understood it to be a date or if Dawson could truly be that dense.


"Don't you think the blindfold is a little excessive?" Joey questioned tugging at the black folds of fabric over her eyes as Pacey dragged her by the other.

"It's a part of the ultimate cliché package, I fear if I remove a certain element it just won't have the same affect," he reasoned coming to a stop. He stepped behind her fiddling with the knot before releasing the fold. "Happy now?"

Her mouth dropped her eyes scanning the nearly finished boat propped in front of them lined with long white candles and a picnic basket. “Aw, Pace True Love looks beautiful.”

“She’s almost ready too, just a few more weeks and she’ll be ready to float.” He led her up the ladder helping her onto the deck. “I figured a little picnic and some dancing under the stars would be on par with my string of romantic gestures.”

“Romantic gestures?” She asked incredulously with a raised brow, “If you count endless insults, hallway mauling, and breaking and entering romantic.”

"Breaking and entering?" He questioned amused.

"I don't recall opening my locker out to the public," she began, "you have more junk then the trash man and I have trouble finding my notes beneath your crumpled chicken scratch. In fact just this—."

“Oh you love it,” he cut her off pulling her flush against him. She melted in his arms staring into his deep eyes that mimicked the ocean. "So shall we test out some of those dance moves?" He asked watching the flicker of candle light reflect off of her honey brown orbs.

"Well since I'm here," she shrugged wrapping her arms around his neck as he fiddled with he buttons on the portable stereo behind her. He stopped in the middle of a Joni Mitchell song the beat soothing and he immediately recognized it.

"Moons and Junes and Ferris wheels, the dizzy dancing way you feel
As every fairy tale comes real; I've looked at love that way.
But now it's just another show. You leave 'em laughing when you go
And if you care, don't let them know, don't give yourself away."

She shivered huddling closer to his warmth as they swayed slightly on the small cluttered deck of True Love.

"I've looked at love from both sides now,
From give and take, and still somehow
It's love's illusions I recall.
I really don't know love at all."

He nuzzled his nose in her long silky hair the smell of lavender hitting his senses mixing with the crisp winter air. He ran his hands along the rough wool of her pea coat seeking more contact then their bundled clothing would permit.

"Tears and fears and feeling proud to say, "I love you" right out loud,
Dreams and schemes and circus crowds, I've looked at life that way.
But now old friends are acting strange, they shake their heads, they say
I've changed.
Something's lost but something's gained in living every day."

She could feel his hot breath on her earlobe causing the hairs on her neck to rise in reaction, his electrifying heat warming her bare numb legs, which were only protected by a short sheer skirt. "I think I'm falling in love with you," he whispered his voice deep and trembling and she could tell that he was terrified, almost as terrified as she was.

Joey rose on her toes leaning in towards his ear as she whispered in response, "I'm right behind you."

"I've looked at life from both sides now,
From win and lose, and still somehow
It's life's illusions I recall.
I really don't know life at all."

A nuclear explosion couldn't remove the smile on his face and the butterflies were released reeking havoc on the inner linings of his stomach but he didn't care because this woman in his arms was going through the same thing. He tightened his arms around her lifting her off the ground slightly as he hugged her swaying her legs freely back and forth and setting her back down with a groan.

Her teeth chattered as the cold finally hit her but she was afraid to say anything out of fear of ruining the moment. “Are you cold?” Pacey asked briskly running his hands on her arms increasing the circulation.

She smirked, “Well I obviously didn’t come equipped with proper wardrobe this evening,” Joey responded her knees almost numb with cold.

“Why don’t I go warm you up,” he led her down the short staircase into the cabin setting her on the bench he fumbled through the cabinets successfully pulling out a blanket and wrapping it around her.

“I’m sorry for ruining this evening.”

“Actually,” Pacey began running his warm hands along her long creamy legs in an attempt to heat them quicker, “I was thinking about how perfect you’ve made it.”

Joey bit back her smile as she leaned back against her hands tilting her head, “And how’s that?”

“Every time I’m with you it’s perfect,” he explained, his dark blue eyes clouded over with desire as he looked up at her continuing to massage her calves.

“Something about this boat is dripping with schmaltz,” she teased kissing him on the nose. 

“Are you warm yet?” He asked brushing his lips against hers.

“I’m getting there,” she replied, her eyes fluttering closed by the contact of his lips as she parted her own for him. He leaned forward between her parted legs moving closer his hands which rested on her ivory knees running up her thighs.

His tongue dipped into her mouth running along the edges with expertise, his fingers lingering beneath the hem of her skirt. He groaned deeply from the back of his throat sliding further up her milky thighs bunching up her skirt along the way. He broke off the kiss panting lightly searching her wide eyes for approval. She chewed on her moist lower lip nervously understanding what was coming next, knowing that all she had to do was give the word.

Her heart jumped to her throat her nerves getting the best of her and she began breathing heavily. To say she was scared would be an understatement, even terrified wouldn't fit the bill but there was this part of her, her heart really that was screaming to her that this was right. She had never opened herself up this way, not even to Dawson, with him it was innocent puppy dog make out sessions, but with Pacey there was this passion that tingled her inner core. Every part of her wanted him and she wanted to show it to feel it herself.

Her gaze traveled between his eyes, lips, and hands transitioning back and forth finally leaning back in and kissing him passionately her arms wrapped tightly around his neck. His fingers finally made contact with the flimsy lace of her panties that he was seeking, the skin below his callused fingers melting under his feathery touch. She shuddered hiding her shyness by deepening the kiss arching her hips forward.

He slid his finger under the elastic, already damp from her flowing desire. Joey hooked her heels around him spreading her legs in reaction to his touch. His thumb flicked over her throbbing clit releasing a low moan from Joey’s lips as she thrust forward again. He rubbed over it again receiving a similar reaction as she murmured his name.

He daringly slid a finger inside her moist valley his tongue matching his thrusting motion as he pulled his finger all the way out replacing it with two fingers feeling her walls clench around him. Pacey’s other hand tangled through her long chestnut hair delving his tongue further into her mouth sliding longingly against hers as she bucked her hips up against his hand. His thumb continued to circle around Joey’s clit mercilessly as he quickened his strokes the feeling of her orgasm on the edge.

Joey could barely keep in time with her breathing as she continued to rock her hips against his hand creating a steady rhythm, her whole body on fire as she tried to hide her disorientation in her kisses. She dragged her lips down his jaw panting on his neck holding onto him tightly for support as her orgasm began to take over her. With one last gasp she bathed his thrusting fingers with her sweet juices collapsing limply against the bench.

Pacey leaned over her removing his fingers, laying light kisses on her glistening temples wiping her sweaty brow tenderly. “Are you okay?” He whispered against her forehead.

“Yeah,” she sighed still catching her breath.

“Still cold?”

She laughed lightly, “Not so much, no.”

He rested his forehead against hers he himself slightly out of breath, “I believe you were supposed to dump me here.”

She pretended to contemplate shrugging her shoulders, “Well I guess I’ll keep you for a little while longer.”

Back to Part 2 | Continue to Part 4