
Summary: Who doesn't love the episode 'Four to Tango'? This story is an alternate version because that episode deserves to be relived in as many ways possible. This begins in the classroom scene right after Pacey starts talking to Joey about his casual sex pact with Jen.

Warning: Includes sexual content

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8

“Some one looks upset,” Joey said strolling into the video store.

“I’m not supposed to be here today,” Pacey pouted reclining into his seat and resting his feet against the counter.

“Sorry Dante but it’s your responsibility to the sales clerks of America.”

“So who does that make you Veronica or Caitlin Bree?” He asked folding his arms over his chest.

“Veronica,” she responded simply hoisting herself on the edge of the counter, “do I look like I’d fuck a dead guy?”

He chuckled giving her a playful smile until her eyes widened he shrugged, “I’m sorry I thought that was a rhetorical question.”

She shoved his feet, “It was.”

"What do you want?"

"Am I no longer privileged with the grace of your company now that you're my boyfriend?" She couldn't help but smile as the title rolled off her tongue.

"Don't use the term," he instructed sternly. Her face fell and she arched a brow. "It gives me butterflies," he explained with a giddy smile.

She shoved at his feet again, "You're crossing into cheesy again Witter."

"Ow," he complained rubbing at his ankles.

"You want me to kiss it?" She asked with fake sympathy.

"Yes Potter, bow before me and kiss my feet," Pacey said resting the back of his head on his hands.

"Oh, you're gonna get it now," she challenged pouncing on him in his swiveling chair. He smirked trapping her in his embrace, tickling the crook of her neck with his nose before kissing her cheek with a loud, 'muh.'

"I love ya, Potter," he growled into her ear.

She settled into his lap leaning her back against his chest and resting her feet next to his on the counter. "Well I am a very lovable person," she shrugged lacing her fingers through his as they waited in a comfortable silence for the occasional customer on a barren Tuesday night.


"Hey Andie," Dawson began jogging up next to the perky blonde.

"Hi Dawson," she replied with a large smile.

"I was wondering, it's Pacey's birthday tonight and I'm throwing him a surprise party down at my mom's new restaurant, because you know it's opening soon so this may be the only opportunity to get the place while it's empty."

She cringed, "I don't know, I mean things are still kind of weird between him and me ever since that party."

Biting back his smirk Dawson leaned into Andie's ear, "I wasn't supposed to tell you this, but Pacey has been talking about you a lot lately."

"Really?" Her face brightened with hope as she nervously played with a lose paper in her binder, "Are they…you know…does he still…is he trying to…"

"He says the time you've spent apart has made him realize how much he loves you, and how little the summer really mattered," Dawson forged, his menacing tone unnoticed. He pouted his lip, "He'd really want you to be there, kick off seventeen with a bang."

Andie blushed hugging her binder tight to her chest, her heart fluttering as she bit at her smile, "I wouldn't want to disappoint the birthday boy," she agreed.

"Great, bring Jack, Leery’s Fresh Fish, 7:30 to finish the setup," Dawson finished backing away from her down the hall. He had already gotten Jen's RSVP, now with the placement of some ambiguous invitations to the birthday boy and his mistress, he would be set.


The fresh coat of icy rain had settled to a drizzle on the cool January evening. Some of the festive Christmas décor still lined the dim street creating an extra glow between the illumination of the street lamps and flickering stars. There was an almost eerie silence, a sense of isolation in the crisp air; the insects refuted from the steady chirps, the townsfolk bundled safely away in front of the hickory scent of their smoldering fires.

Pacey buried his wool mitten hands deeply into his coat pockets, his hat pulled tightly around his ears. Glancing down Main Street he smiled, his whole world coming to a halt, the colors of leaves dancing in the breeze suddenly moving to a slow tempo blending into a carpet for her feet to walk upon. It seemed that everything stopped when she came into view, her auburn locks bouncing on her shoulders as she took each stride with a small hop.

“You’re here!” She said brightly, “I was worried I was running around the dark of night for nothing.”

“Why wouldn’t I?” He questioned taking her hand in his swinging them by their sides. Opening the swinging glass door he gestured for her to enter glancing up one last time towards the glowing light above the entrance reading: Leery’s Fresh Fish.


“Okay, people everyone stay quiet until I give the signal, everything’s got to be perfect,” Dawson explained flicking off the switch, dimming the restaurant.

“Happy birthday Pacey,” Joey said drawing him closer. They stood in front of the window looking over the street; the small candles on the tables mixed with the sliver of moon etched their profiles to a startling silver glow.

“Josephine have I told you today how much I love you?” He asked pecking the tip of her nose.

“Yes,” she grinned, “but let me tell you it never gets old.”

“So what are our plans for this evening, besides the bizarre meeting location that you’ve chosen?”

Joey raised a brow, “As I recall you were the one planning this evening, remember the card and the rose telling me to meet you here.”

The color seemed to vanish from his face, “Kind of like the note I found in my locker today reading, ‘Hey doofus I thought I’d surprise you’?”

Her grin faded as her eyes drifted around the dark shadows of the restaurant, “Something like that.”

Tightening the grip around her hand he wrapped his arm protectively around her, “Why do I suddenly feel like we’re trapped in a horribly clichéd sitcom.”

On cue the lights flicked on, Pacey and Joey were suddenly met by the watching eyes of four familiar faces. “The whole situation does seem slightly contrived, but sitcom would be pushing it,” Dawson sneered his eyes on fire.

“Oh my God,” Andie cried barely above a whisper drawing her hand to her face as her heart broke into a million pieces.

“Surprise,” Dawson exclaimed his voice like venom.

Like a deer in head lights Joey guiltily backed away from Pacey her eyes locked with the enraged blond. “So Jen was I right or what?” Dawson snickered bitterly, “So how long have you two been fucking behind our backs?”

Her eyes widened with disgust, “Dawson how could you say that?”

Jen shook her head her eyes leering behind slit lids as she brushed past Dawson, “Happy birthday Pacey.”

“Thanks,” he mumbled his gaze downcast as he dug his hands further into his pockets.

“Pacey,” Andie forced out behind the sting of tears, “Joey,” she added shifting her attention. Turning to her brother she forced a smile, “Jack I think I’m ready to go home now.”

“I hope you’re both happy,” Dawson snarled before stalking out of the restaurant behind the McPhee’s.

Joey dropped her head into her hands letting out a deep sigh; she nearly jumped when Pacey braced his hands on her shoulders. “I should go talk to him,” she whimpered looking up at him with glossy eyes.

“Yeah,” he mumbled in a pained breath. He cupped her cheek gently and almost as quickly as they both came, she was gone.


“Dawson wait,” Joey sobbed after him dragging her feet along the slick sidewalk.

“Josephine,” he nodded with little more emotion then greeting an acquaintance.

“You know I hate it when you call me that,” she tried to lighten the tone.

“You seemed to love it when he did. Besides I don’t even know you anymore.”

“What are you talking about?” Joey asked incredulously bundling her coat tightly around her lithe body.

“When were you going to tell me that you were Pacey Witter’s latest whore?” He sneered.

“Excuse me?” She shook her head with disbelief.

“You didn’t know did you? He’s empty inside, a shell of his formal self.”

“And how would you know?”

“Jen seemed to have an inside account. You see after he got one last fill from Andie the night she called rape he gave up on love, and decided to use Jen’s weaknesses to talk her into bed.”

Joey continued to shake her head absently, “I don’t understand.”

“He doesn’t care about you Jo, all he cares about is sex, and since Jen wouldn’t spread her legs for him he settled for you. Doesn’t that make you feel so special last notch on the totem pole,” he laughed bitterly, the tone frightening.

“That’s not true, he cares…he loves me,” she denied the milky tears trailing down her face from the brim of her eyes.

“Don’t tell me he hasn’t already tried to sleep with you.”

Her face fell and she could no longer work up the courage to look at him, “Don’t you feel foolish now,” he taunted.

“What do you want from me,” she cried out, sobbing freely now.

“I want things back to the way they were,” he stated simply, obviously planning for this conversation all along.

“And how am I supposed to do that?” She questioned helplessly.

“Three things,” he began, “First, I want to know if you’ve had sex with him, second, I want you to end it, and third, I want you to come through my window by eleven o’clock, I’ll have ET in the VCR waiting.”

“And what if I don’t?”

“Then you can kiss this friendship goodbye.”

Her whole world came crashing in around her. Her longest friend was standing here manipulating her in the most hurtful way he knew how. He was taking away her security blanket, the one thing he knew she would always hold onto, the one thing that was always constant in her life. And he knew that she would take the bate, because above all he knew that in some twisted way that she would always chose him.

“No,” she said in a barely audible whisper, “we haven’t.”

His smile was conniving, “Eleven o’clock, Joey.”


“How’d things go?” Pacey asked sanding down the rudder on the work bench inside the boat shed as Joey strolled in.

“You didn’t tell me,” she said still whimpering, the gleam in her eyes broken.

He furrowed his brows, “Tell you what?”

“That it was Jen.”

His eyes dropped but he quickly looked back up at her shaking his head incredulously, “So that was his plan of attack, that’s what he’s been planning on all along.”

“It doesn’t matter Pacey, you were in a casual sex pact with Jen!”

“You can’t expect me to be regretful for how this played out Jo, I told you more then enough when that whole thing was going on. You can’t turn it around to make it sound like I was lying.”

“Jen is entirely different from some two bit hussy that I assumed you were trying to screw!” She yelled. “She’s the one person I’ve always been jealous of or insecure around because she always gets what I want.”

“Don’t you understand? I never wanted her,” he pleaded, “I want you Jo, I love you!”

“This can’t happen,” she explained.

“Is that what’s going to be your excuse? Some meaningless sex pact that was never christened and was over two months ago that you were perfectly aware of is your excuse?” He shook his head, “Why don’t you just tell me the truth?”

She bowed her head unable to meet his eye, “It is the truth,” she mumbled.

“Dawson is making you do this isn’t he?” He took a step towards her but she backed away. “Whatever Dawson said, it’s not true Joey.” His tone was turning desperate, “He’s wrong, Jo, whatever he told you he’s wrong.”

“It’s not that Pacey,” she said still looking away, her tone unconvincing.

“Joey look me in the eye and tell me that you don’t want to be with me.”

“Don’t do this Pace.”

He took another step towards her and she stayed still this time, “Tell me Joey.”

“I don’t want to be with you,” she murmured with a small whimper.

“Look at me and say it,” he repeated closing off the gap between them.

The glossy white of her eyes which surrounded the empty hazel bulbs finally met with his, “You know I can’t say it Pacey, don’t make me do it.”

He drew his hands to her face wiping away the tears brushing the lose strands of her hair behind her ears. She shivered like she always did whenever he touched her, this nuclear reaction in her insides that made her flustered whenever he was near.

“Pacey,” she whispered, and before she could develop a thought his hot lips were on hers smothering all her doubts. All her fears vanishing in his warm embrace. She desperately crushed her body against his seeking more comfort as she opened her mouth to his. She shook off her pea coat not caring about the bitter cold as she pulled her blouse over her head, breaking the kiss for a quick moment.

“Joey?” He questioned licking his lips as she held onto his hand loosely guiding him to the dusty white work sheet bunched on the hard wood floor. She sunk into the folds of the thin sheet resting back on her elbows, her eyes vulnerable as she pulled on his hand drawing him down to her level.

“Make love to me Pacey,” she murmured running his calloused fingers along her silky side over the thin lace of her bra down to the waistband of her jeans, her skin surprisingly warm under his touch.

His lips curved into a smile at her request dreaming of this moment since the second he first kissed her. Lowering his lips to her he kissed her tenderly, his lips lingering upon hers for a long moment before she pushed his corduroy jacket off of his shoulders. Her fingers bunched up his burgundy sweater between her long lean fingers seeking his warm skin pulling the thick material over his head.

He hovered above her, his broad shoulders trembling as he supported his weight afraid if he applied too much pressure she would shatter. The peach strap of her bra dipped off her shoulder and he took advantage suckling hungrily on the smooth salty skin of her barren neck. He edged the strap down further before finally flicking off the clasp in one fluent motion, pulling the flimsy lace from her body.

He stared down at her every curve and dip of her body magnified by the dark contours and shadows provided by the dull yellow light that swung overhead. At that moment he realized that he was the first to look at her in this light, the first to look at her in this state. A state fluctuating so flawlessly between desire and beauty and passion that he wondered if it was a whole new emotion.

She felt nervous and exposed pulling his body back down upon hers their bare chests meeting, her breast pressed firmly against him. A deep groan escaped the back of his throat as her erect nipples slid teasingly along his slick chest, already glazed over with a layer of sweat despite the cold. Her hands found his twining their fingers together forcing his weight on her as their tongues continued to duel in a fit of passion.

His tongue created soft circles as they traveled down the column of her neck, sucking sweetly on the sensitive flesh. She racked her fingers through his hair; her short nails scratching into his neck as she urged him lower her body aching for his touch.

Tracing his tongue along the inner edge of her breast he took the hard rosy bud into his mouth pinching it lightly between his teeth before blowing a cool sensation down her spine. Joey let out a small whimper arching her back off the cotton sheet to his devouring lips as he continued to suckle her mercilessly. He kneaded the other one feeling the full flesh mold beneath his fingers before pinching the aching tip between his thumb and forefinger.

"Pacey," she moaned under hooded eyes as she dropped her head back lazily extending the long line of her neck. Her hands explored the contours of his back massaging over his tight muscles, which contracted under her fingers fiery path.

He continued his trek, leaving the swollen nipple behind as his tongue trailing down her ivory skin dipping into her belly button. She bucked her hips forward bringing her hands between them as she fiddled with the button on her jeans, finishing off the zipper with a rasped slip of the metallic tab. Scooting out of them she sat up capturing his lips with hers in another searing kiss wrapping her ankles around his waist and settling herself on his growing bulge.

He growled clawing at her back fighting off his animalistic instincts wanting this moment to be perfect he settled her back down to the floor kissing her sweetly on the corner of the mouth before standing to remove his own denim barrier. "You're so beautiful," he whispered his blue eyes piercing with a loving gleam. He gently stroked her cheek with the back of his hand catching a tear that escaped her lid. Taking his hand Joey placed a soft kiss on his palm closing his fingers into a fist.

"I want you," she murmured pulling him back against her, the friction of his erection against his cotton boxers creating a sensual sensation along her inner thigh. She ran her fingers along his chest heaving for air above her, stopping above the thumping of his heart so erratic she could only imagine the frantic pace of her own.

Resting his hand on her hip Pacey's fingers dug under the elastic edge of her panties afraid to move any further. Grinding her hips against him he slid the material down the long length of her thighs, until they were free from her body. He feathered his fingers lightly over the apex of her thighs fiddling with the dark curls between them before parting her slick folds with his forefingers already damp with desire.

He thrust his fingers into her passage feeling the walls clench around him as she growled from the depths of her throat. His own aching member causing him to groan and he realized he was already close to the edge. Finding the swollen nub, he flicked her clitoris with his thumb watching her shudder in an attempt to hide her utter pleasure. Joey panted shutting her eyes tightly as she chewed on her lower lip, bunching the thin worksheet between her clenched fists to release the tension as she rocked her hips against the thrust of his fingers.

Smoothing his other hand over her clammy forehead, he retracted his fingers from her deep cavern. His tongue plundered into her mouth again, invading every inch, every bit of desire and passion seeping through with each slick motion. "There's no turning back," he warned hesitantly his dark eyes boring into hers.

She didn't reply instead pressing her palm roughly against his hard cock. He released a sharp hiss bowing his head into the cradle of her neck and nipping onto the sensitive flesh. Pulling back he removed the last barrier tossing his boxers to the side. "Don't you need a…" she trailed off timidly.

"Right," he nodded losing every train of thought except for the beautiful woman before him bathed only in her natural beauty. Fumbling with his discarded jeans he recovered his wallet frantically searching through it and pulling out the desired package. She watched as his fingers shook trying to rip at the foil but the length of his fingers getting in the way, or perhaps the sheer weight of making love to the woman he adored for the first time.

She steadied his hands helping him remove the wrapper before she smiled, "Shouldn't I be the fumbling wreck?"

He smirked, "You were doing a horrible job at that," he said feeling at ease, "in fact you're so wonderful I'm beginning to question your virginity."

She silenced him taking the latex condom from his hand and smoothing it over his aching shaft. He caught her gaze losing himself in her as he always had, shifting his position he settled back on top of her, resting on his elbows as their bodies morphed together their gaze melting to one. His tip teased her opening before he slowly began to slide into her stopping when he felt the resistance of her hymen. 

Closing her eyes tightly she anticipated the sting of the breaking membrane and as he pushed through it she took in a sharp intake of breath sizzling between her teeth. He stopped his movement waiting for her tight body to soften, "Open your eyes, Jo," he urged.

Her deep chocolate pools fluttered open to him the dim light picking up the flecks of silver hidden inside. He hovered so closely his lips brushing ever so slightly against her own his dark eyes staring down comfortingly over hers. He rocked inside her gently waiting for her to adjust to his size with slow even thrusts.

She cried her eyes fluttering shut again as she released a soft whimper, "I love you," he whispered laying feathery kisses upon her eyelids. She finally began meeting his thrusts finding his rhythm as he bore deeper, hitting new depths as he pulled out almost completely and dug quickly back in. She continued to call out his name her fingers digging sharply into his shoulders and hooking her legs around him to keep him closer.

He released another groan digging faster and harder until he was almost over the edge, feeling her falling with him, he ground in one last thrust before her orgasm washed over his. But unlike anytime before in this thrust not only did he release his seed but his soul, the most beautiful thing he had ever experienced.

With a few final shuddering thrusts he collapsed onto her gasping for air as he murmured her name. She cradled his head between her chest struggling for her own breath as she was washed over with an amazing feeling.

He doesn’t care about you Jo, all he cares about is sex. The words rang through her ears and suddenly she felt dirty. Struggling from beneath him she gathered her clothes pulling them on quickly.

"Where are you going?" Pacey shifted startled.

"I have to go, I promised Dawson that I'd be there for movie night and I'm already late," she explained nervously pulling her blouse over her head.

He slid on his boxers his heart already breaking as realized that she had chosen him that she was leaving him for Dawson. "Okay," he said coldly as she stared at him sadly for a long moment before hurrying away.


He hadn't slept all weekend, the haunting images returning every time he closed his eyes. She hadn't called, hadn't looked for him, just disappeared for the entire two days, and he felt a loneliness in the depths of his heart. "How does it feel?"

Releasing an aggravated sigh he turned his attention to the bitter blond, "How does what feel Dawson?"

"That only minutes after she left you she had climbed into my bed," he said smugly.

Pacey rolled his eyes, "Don't start with the sexual innuendoes, Dawson, you're obviously pulling shit out of your ass?"

"Oh really and how are you so sure?"

He lowered his voice his eyes challenging, "Because if you had actually slept with her you wouldn't be so cocky?"

"And why would that be?"

"Because she'd be calling out my name," he finished fiercely.

"Do you have something you want to tell me Pacey?" He feigned innocence.

Pacey merely scoffed, "I know you too well Dawson, I can catch onto your manipulative mind games. Don't think you can fool me so easily," with one final look of disgust Pacey strode down the hallway without looking back.

Back to Part 4 | Continue to Part 6