
Summary: Who doesn't love the episode 'Four to Tango'? This story is an alternate version because that episode deserves to be relived in as many ways possible. This begins in the classroom scene right after Pacey starts talking to Joey about his casual sex pact with Jen.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8

"Andie, can we talk?" Dawson asked jogging beside her as she headed across the campus.

"Um, sure," she shrugged through furrowed brows.

"I know how you must feel right now, I mean I'm feeling it too, still hurt and betrayed over what happened," he explained falling in stride with her as they walked through the warming spring air.

"It was a few months ago, but yeah I guess it does. Pacey was my everything of course it's going to take me a long time to get over it," she sighed staring at the ground in front of her.

"Well I'm sure Pacey is still in a fragile vulnerable state, as is Joey with what happened February. I wouldn't want to miss this golden opportunity to get things back to the way they were."

She stopped looking at him confused, "What do you mean by that?"

"You with Pacey, me with Joey, everyone happy and friends again," he urged grinning menacingly.

Andie smirked softly, "How are we supposed to get there."

"Go to Pacey's tonight, I'll take care of the rest."

She nodded a few times, chewing on her lower lip as he strode away.


Pacey sat slumped on the sofa in his dark empty house flipping through the channels when a knock vibrated through the house. Sighing heavily he opened it revealing Andie standing nervously on the other end.

“Andie?” He questioned, “What are you doing here?”

“Is your dad home?” She asked poking her head through the door and scanning the dark house.

“What do you think?” He replied simply.

“Can I come in?” She asked brushing past him, his eyes followed her through furrowed brows as she turned back to him from the edge of the dining room. 

“You still haven’t answered my question.”

“Pacey you’re not yourself anymore, you’re always sad and depressed, you never go out, you stay huddled in your house day and night and when your not there you’re with that boat of yours and I’m worried about you.”

“Don’t worry about it I’m fine,” he said shutting the door and heading back to the chair he was sitting in.

Following him she sat on the couch perpendicular to him, “You need somebody right now, someone who makes you happy.” She paused chewing on her lip, “Someone like me.”

“Someone like Joey,” he corrected.

She tried to dismiss it, the hurt that those three words caused, shaking it from her thoughts she came up with the first thing she could think of, “Joey’s not here now is she?”

“No she’s not,” he agreed sadly.

“She’s with Dawson, you know that right?”

The expression on his face fell further as his eyes met hers again, “No, I did not know that.”

“In fact last time I talked to her she was telling me how much she missed Dawson’s friendship and how much she wanted to work things out with him.”

“Really,” he nodded.

“Yeah,” she nodded in return rising back out of her seat, her eyes darkening in the moonlight, “Let me take care of you Pace,” she said slowly taking a step towards him. He swallowed the large clump in his throat. “I’ll help you forget her.”


“What do you want?” Joey asked coldly as Dawson materialized on her front porch.

“I wanted to talk to you Joey, things between you and I they just aren’t how they used to be.”

“And in what way are you talking about.”

“You and me, a couple like it used to be, remember how wonderful it was, the white picket fence, the boat rides under the moonlight,” he explained.

Why are you letting him control you like this?

“I’m sorry I must have forgotten about that through the diary reading, the turning my father into prison, the cold hard rejection and all of your other manipulations,” she countered strongly not even recognizing the words coming from her lips. She was done, sick and tired of being his puppet.

“Joey I never manipulated you, I loved you, I was doing all of that for you,” he pleaded.

“Then why are you doing this to me now? Why won’t you let me be happy? Because if you knew me, if you loved me like you said you did you would know exactly what that was,” she said bitterly, the salty tears gathering at the brim of her eyes.

“Him,” he mumbled under his breath.

“That’s right him Dawson, he makes me happy, he understands me, he doesn’t control me.”

“Joey it can be different I can do those things for you too!”

Think of all that you’d gain when you finally cut him loose.

“It’s too late Dawson, you’ve changed,” she said shaking her head trying to see him through her glossy eyes. “Or maybe you haven’t at all, maybe I just finally saw through you.”

“What are you saying Jo?”

“I’m telling you the same thing that I did not even a year ago, some day I hope I’ll be able to forgive myself for letting you push me, for all the mind games you’ve used, but I’ll never be able to shake my opinion of you now. Some cold hearted bastard who never cared about anyone but himself. Anything but his twisted movie script in which he gets everything and all the characters sacrifice themselves at his feet to please him. I don’t want that anymore, I don’t want to be your little Joey doll that you pull out and play with whenever it’s convenient for you.” Her eyes were like venom matching the tone of her voice, she sniffed back the tears as she finished finally, “Dawson Leery I don’t want to know you.”

Stomping off the porch she didn’t know where she was going but within a few steps she could tell where her feet were carrying her. And as she left a dumbfounded Dawson in front of her house she headed towards Pacey’s, to make everything better.


“I don’t want to forget her,” he explained clearing his throat as Andie kneeled before him.

“But when you think of her it hurts doesn’t it?” He nodded softly as her hands slid up his knees. “The fact that you want her so bad but she doesn’t want you, she tells you she does but she never does anything, right?” He nodded again as her hands traveled higher her face moving closer. “Maybe she uses you a few more times because she can’t quite get you out of her system but afterwards she just throws you away again, right?” He watched her hands travel even higher her face so close he could feel her soft breath but he couldn’t work up the will to push her away. “And you keep on coming back for more.”

Her lips brushed over his and she moved her hands onto his chest straddling him on the couch, “Andie stop,” he said weakly, bracing her hands.

“Don’t you want me Pacey?” She pouted rolling her hips against his growing erection, the same things she did the night of Rob’s party on the boat.

“I can’t,” he explained, his words painful.

She shook her head, her fingers curling under the edge of his shirt pulling it over his head, “You can,” she urged lowering her lips to the salty skin on his chest, her tongue tracing circles along the firm surface. He tried to stop her again but before he could the words escaped her lips, “She’s never coming back, Pace.”

He felt the crushing feeling against his heart again and he craved for the feeling of being close to someone, to kiss them and to be kissed back, the feeling of being loved. So he reached for the closest thing attaching his lips roughly against Andie’s kissing her desperately.

She pulled him closer missing his warmth, missing the sensation of his tongue sliding against hers, not caring about all the people she was hurting as long as she got to have this feeling again, not caring if it hurt him too. Digging her nails into his back her fingers made rough pink patterns on his bronzed skin. She moaned grinding her hips against his again.

Pacey pushed her away again, “I think you should leave,” he panted.

“Why?” She pouted innocently circling her fingers lightly along his abdomen.

“Andie, go,” he repeated.

Her heart broke all over again as she climbed off of his lap heading towards the door, “Fine, if that’s what you want.”

Opening the door she straightened out her skirt finding Joey on the other side chewing her lip nervously, slightly out of breath. Her eyes widened as she saw the blonde on the other side with large swollen lips and mused up hair, “Hey Joey,” she said loudly enough to catch Pacey’s ear before slipping past her and down the walkway.

Joey shook her head in disbelief as Pacey appeared in the doorframe illuminated only from the etches of moonlight which played against his matching swell of lips and rough patterns of finger trails against his smooth skin. “Joey wait I can explain,” he called after her, but at that point she was gone.


“Dawson I’m sorry,” Joey began disgusted by the words escaping her lips, as she flew across the room diving into his bed and kissing him roughly. But it wasn’t the same.


He had already tried her house and knew where she had gone when she wasn’t there. So he headed for the next place he could think of, knocking heavily on the front door he ignored her greeting drawing her closer quickly and kissing her desperately. But it wasn’t the same.


His hands ran against her back circling towards her breast but she pushed it away feeling dirty. He tried to pull her flush against him but she arched her hips away from him afraid of feeling his body against hers. And when he tried to fiddle with the button of her jeans she brushed his hands away.

“Don’t you love me?” He asked hopefully trying to pull off her shirt.

“No,” she answered pulling it back down but kissing him again anyway. But it wasn’t the same. Because all she could think about was him.


Andie slipped his shirt back off over his head trailing her tongue down his chest tangling with the soft black trail above his jeans. Her hands ran roughly against his body and he didn’t move just letting her do what she wanted.

But when she reached to touch him he pushed it away drawing her back to his lips instead, he couldn’t sleep with her, he didn’t want to, because he would be using her, and deep down he still loved Andie and he couldn’t do it to her. He couldn’t burry himself into her whimpering Joey’s name, so he just kissed her.

“Pacey don’t you want me?” She pleaded trailing her hands along him again.

“No,” he replied coldly stopping her again but smothering her with his lips anyway. But it wasn’t the same. Because all he could think about was her.

Back to Part 6 | Continue to Part 8