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This site will show you some of the work that I have done thus far, as well as give you instructions for ordering a controller of you own. Just follow the 3 easy steps.

Step 1

This is how it works... You pick out two colors that you would like to have on your controller. One color will be for the 'face plate' and the other will be for the 'body'. These two colors can be selected fom the color selection page that you will find at the bottom of this page. After you have picked out you favorite colors and decided where they should go on he controller, you can move on to the next step.

Step 2

In this step you will select an emblem that you like. The emblems design can be selected from the 'standard' designs that are given, or you can actually create your own. If you choose to select a standard design then you will be able to choose the colors in which you want it done, as well as choose a name that you want in the emblem. Most people choose nicknames or maybe the name of their favorite game.

Step 3

Step three is ordering. In the 'step 3' link you will find instructions for payment through paypal or payment by money order. You will also find an order form that you will send to me through e-mail. Simply copy and paste the form to a new e-mail and fill it out according to the selections that you have made in the first two steps. If you do not know how to copy and paste, then send me an e-mail that contains all the information.