;; blast analysis reporting ;; Antti Pietikäinen (Heidel@batmud) 2003 ;; missing quite a few spells, but has major mage blasts and channeller spells ;; todo: psi, and the 2nd best magespells, maybe nunstuff too /require -q help_list.tf /help_add /help_analysis spell analysis reporter /def -i help_analysis=\ /echo -aB Analysis reporter:%;\ /echo /analysis_swap Swap between reporting modes.%;\ /echo %;\ /echo Modes:%;\ /echo - echo%;\ /echo - report to party (uses /prot)%;\ /echo /set resistmode 1 /def -i analysis_swap =\ /if (resistmode) \ /def note_resist = /prot %%{*}%;\ /echo -aB % Analyze now uses /prot, default: party channel%;\ /else \ /def note_resist = /echo -aB - %%{*}%;\ /echo -aB % Analyze now echoed%;\ /endif%;\ /set resistmode=$[!resistmode] /def -i -F -t'You start chanting.' clear_blast_type_1 = /unset blast_type /def -i -F -t'You start to channel the forces magical*' clear_blast_type_2 = /unset blast_type /def -i -F -t'You conceal your intent of channeling the forces magical*' clear_blast_type_3 = /unset blast_type ;; mana /def -i -F -t"You thrust your hands forward and scream 'shar ryo den...Haa!'" blastmana1=\ /set blast_type=mana /def -i -F -t"You raise your hand to focus energy and intone 'lecaps meeb nonnock'" blastmana2=\ /set blast_type=mana /def -i -F -t'You watch with selfpride as your golden arrow hits *.' blastmana3=\ /set blast_type=mana ;; fire /def -i -F -t"You clench your fists and scream 'grhagrhagrhagrah gra gra Hyaa!'" blastfire1=\ /set blast_type=fire /def -i -F -t"You make a sweeping arc with one hand and grunt 'grinurb sdan imflagrum'" blastfire2=\ /set blast_type=fire /def -i -F -t"You play the instrument with an unbelievable speed: 'AeaH\*h\*\*\*Gdg'" blastfire3=\ /set blast_type=fire /def -i -F -t'You watch with selfpride as your lava blast hits *.' blastfire4=\ /set blast_type=fire ;; elec /def -i -F -t"You wave your hand and say 'tsaibaa'" blastelec1=\ /set blast_type=elec /def -i -F -t'You watch with selfpride as your electrocution hits *.' blastelec2=\ /set blast_type=elec ;; acid /def -i -F -t'You watch with selfpride as your acid blast hits *.' blastacid=\ /set blast_type=acid ;; poison /def -i -F -t'You watch with selfpride as your summon carnal spores hits *.' blastpois=\ /set blast_type=poison ;; cold /def -i -F -t'You watch with selfpride as your cold ray hits *.' blastcold=\ /set blast_type=cold ;; asphyx /def -i -F -t'You watch with selfpride as your blast vacuum hits *.' blastasph=\ /set blast_type=asphyx ;; analysis /def -i -F -aB -P1Cgreen -t'^([A-Za-z,\' -]*) screams in pain.$' analyze_screams=\ /note_resist %{P1} screams (0% resist) %{blast_type} /def -i -F -aB -P1Cgreen -t'^([A-Za-z,\' -]*) writhes in agony.$' analyze_writhe=\ /note_resist %{P1} writhes (20% resist) %{blast_type} /def -i -F -aB -P1Cgreen -t'^([A-Za-z,\' -]*) shudders from the force of the attack.$' analyze_shudder=\ /note_resist %{P1} shudders (40% resist) %{blast_type} /def -i -F -aB -P1Cgreen -t'^([A-Za-z,\' -]*) grunts from the pain.$' analyze_grunt=\ /note_resist %{P1} grunts (60% resist) %{blast_type} /def -i -F -aB -P1Cgreen -t'^([A-Za-z,\' -]*) winces a little from the pain.$' analyze_wince=\ /note_resist %{P1} winces (80% resist) %{blast_type} /def -i -F -aB -P1Cgreen -t'^([A-Za-z,\' -]*) shrugs off the attack.$' analyze_shrug=\ /note_resist %{P1} shrugs (100% resist) %{blast_type} ;; damage criticality ;; lvl 1 /def -i -F -aBCwhite -t'You feel like your spell gained additional power.' dcrit_1 =\ /note_resist (dcrit level 1) ;; lvl 2 /def -i -F -aBCmagenta -t'You feel like you managed to channel additional POWER to your spell.' dcrit_2 =\ /note_resist (dcrit level 2) ;; lvl 3 /def -i -F -aBCred -t'Your fingertips are surrounded with swirling ENERGY as you cast the spell.' dcrit_3 =\ /note_resist (dcrit level 3) ;; unseen /def -i -F -aBCgreen -t'The air is filled with pure energy and crackles with power.' unseen_1 /def -i -F -aBCgreen -P1BCyellow -t'^Unseen (BURSTS) of magic are absorbed into the spell!$' unseen_2 /echo -aCyellow % Analysis helper loaded.