;; triggers for aura upkeep ;; Antti Pietikäinen (heidel@operamail.com) ;; 2005 ;; usage: ;; /aura to check last recast/warning ;; reports aura status using /prot ;; prot_on and prot_off /require -q prot_template.tf ;; timeformat /require -q misc.tf /def -i -F -t'You try your hardest but cannot focus enough energy.' aura_start_1=\ /prot_on -q energyaura /def -i -F -t'You attempt to focus even more energy, but make very little progress.' aura_start_2=\ /prot_on -q energyaura /def -i -F -t'Tendrils of lightning flit around you as your aura changes*' aura_start_3=\ /prot_on -q energyaura /def -i -F -t'Suddenly a softly glowing aura of yellow light comes into being around you.' aura_start_4=\ /prot_on -q energyaura /def -i -F -t'With a burst of energy, your aura changes from soft yellow to bright red.' aura_start_5=\ /prot_on -q energyaura /def -i -F -t'Your aura is starting to weaken!' aura_low=\ /prot_off energyaura aura low%;\ /prot_on -q auraoff%;\ /echo -aB ####### AURA WEAK ########%;\ /repeat -60 1 /if (time()-{energyaura_time} > 59)\ /echo -aB,Cred ######## AURA WEAK ############%%;\ /endif /def -i -F -t'Your aura of glowing light fades to nothing.' aura_falls=\ /prot_off auraoff aura down, time after warning: /def -i aura =\ /let dur=$[time()-{energyaura_time}]%;\ /if (dur>20*60) \ /let dur=$[time()-{auraoff_time}]%;\ /echo -aB % Aura warning $(/timeformat %{dur}) ago.%;\ /else \ /echo -aB % Aura recast $(/timeformat %{dur}) ago.%;\ /endif