;; -------------------------- ;; LITECOLLECTION ;; -------------------------- ;; Antti Pietikäinen (Heidel@operamail.com) ;; 2005 ;; some of these use /prot to report stuff ;; to change where messages go, do: ;; /edit prot=@emote stares at you intently, and you think %{*}. How odd. ;; timers in some triggers /require -q misc.tf ;;### round mark ### /def -i -Fp50 -msimple -t'*****************************************************' round_mark ;;### leadership, automatic forcefollow ### /def -i -F -aB -msimple -t'You are the new leader of the party.' autopartyfollow =\ @party forcefollow%;\ /echo -aBCred,Cbgyellow **** GOT LEAD **** ;;### gatekeeper glace ### /def -i -F -mregexp -t'^PUFF! Glaced ([A-Z][a-z]+) vanishes into thin air\.$' gk_glace=\ party say %{P1} glaced! ;;### eq damage ### /def -i -F -aBCred -t'Your * gets damaged; it\'s now in * condition.' stuff_damaged ;;### stunned maneuvers, sucky mode ### /def -i -F -msimple -aBCblue -t'You feel your head clearing up.' shorten_stun ;;### parry, dodge, avoid ### /def -i -F -P1Cmagenta -t'^You successfully (parry) .*' hit_parry /def -i -F -P1Cmagenta -t'^You successfully (dodge) .*' hit_dodge /def -i -F -P1Cmagenta -t"^[a-z A-Z.,'-]+(misses) you\.$" hit_miss ;;### discipline ### /def -i -F -aBCblue -msimple -t'You get hit hard but your discipline saves concentration on spell.' discipline_spell /def -i -F -aBCblue -msimple -t'You get hit hard but your discipline saves concentration on skill.' discipline_skill ;;### spider curse with wrath ### /def -i -F -aCgreen -P1B -t'^You feel something (crawling) inside your spine!$' spider_curse ;;### mc demons ### /def -i -F -auBCmagenta -t'A Nasty Multicolored Demon arrives with puff of * smoke.' demon_here ;;### lost skill/spell ### /def -i -F -msimple -aBCred -t'You lose your concentration and cannot cast the spell.' lost_spell /def -i -F -msimple -aBCred -t'You lose your concentration and cannot do the skill.' lost_skill /def -i -F -msimple -aBCyellow -t'Your movement prevents you from casting the spell.' lost_spell_move /def -i -F -msimple -aBCyellow -t'Your movement prevents you from doing the skill.' lost_skill_move /def -i -F -msimple -aBCyellow -t'You interrupt the chant in order to start a new chant' lost_spell_recast /def -i -F -msimple -aCred -t"A turbulence in the time-space continuum prevents you." lost_spell_turbulence ;;### spell start and finish ### /def -i -Fp0 -aCcyan -msimple -t'You start chanting.' spell_start=/timer_start timer_spell /def -i -Fp0 -aBCcyan -msimple -t'You are done with the chant.' spell_done=/substitute %{*} ( $(/timer_show timer_spell) ) ;;### skill start and finish ### /def -i -Fp10 -aCcyan -msimple -t'You start concentrating on the skill.' skill_start=/timer_start timer_skill /def -i -Fp10 -aBCcyan -msimple -t'You are prepared to do the skill.' skill_done=/substitute %{*} ( $(/timer_show timer_skill) ) ;;### offensive spell/skill ### /def -i -F -aBCred -P1BCYellow -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) starts concentrating on a new offensive spell\.$" offensive_spell /def -i -F -aBCred -P1BCYellow -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) starts concentrating on a new offensive skill\.$" offensive_skill ;;### summon ### /def -i -F -aBCmagenta -P1xBCyellow -t'^([A-Z][a-z]+) has summoned you!$' someone_summon ;;### reloc ### /def -i -F -aBCmagenta -P1xBCyellow -t'^When your eyes clear, ([A-Z][a-z]+) stands before you\.$' someone_relocate ;;### bank transfer ### /def -i -F -aCred,Cbgyellow -t'Bank transfer from *' someone_transfer ;;### skill/spell improves ### /def -i -F -aBCyellow,Cbggreen -t'You feel like you just got slightly better *' improve_skill /def -i -F -aBCyellow,Cbggreen -t'You feel more proficient in Sabre *' improve_sabre_skill ;;### monster aggroes, skill/spell ### /def -i -F -aCblack,Cbgred -t'* got mad at hostile actions.' aggro_skill /def -i -F -aCblack,Cbgred -t'* is disturbed by spellcasting.' aggro_spell ;;### floating disc about to drop ### /def -i -F -aBCcyan -msimple -t'Your disc wavers dangerously.' floating_disc_low ;;### concealed spellcasting ### /def -i -F -aB -msimple -t'You surreptitiously conceal your spell casting.' conceal_spell ;;### monster skill/spell possibly lost ### /def -i -aBCgreen -F -t'* seems hurt and confused.' mon_lostskill ;;### unconscious, automatic target ### /def -i -F -aCred -P1xBCyellow -t'^([A-Z][a-z]+) lapses into unconsciousness from severe loss of blood\.$' unconscious_1=\ /set fa_target %{P1} /def -i -F -aCred -P1xBCyellow -t'^([A-Z][a-z]+) is unconscious and needs immediate medical care$' unconscious_2=\ /set fa_target %{P1} ;;### out of stun, inform party ### /def -i -aBCYellow -msimple -F -t'You are no longer stunned.' no_more_stunned = \ /prot No longer stunned ;;### avoid death, inform party ### /def -i -aB -F -msimple -t'You regenerate astonishingly fast. You avoid the death!' avoid_death = \ /prot Avoided death ;;### desecrate out ### /def -i -F -aB -msimple -t'Some good gods seem to reconsecrate the ground here.' desecrate_out ;;### battle cadence ### /def -i -F -aB -msimple -t'Your battle cadence grants you another attack!' battle_cadence ;;### clandestine thoughts ### /def -i -F -P1BCyellow -t'^(\[clandestine thought\]):(.*)$' clandestine_lite ;;### grapple ### /def -i -F -mregexp -aB -t"^[a-z A-Z.,'-]+ starts grappling ([A-Z][a-z]+)\.$" grappled_someone= \ /prot %{P1} is grappled! ;;### mudpit ### /def -i -F -aCyellow -P2BCblue -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) turns the ground beneath (.*) into mud.$" mudpit_cast /def -i -F -aCyellow -P1BCblue -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) falls down, arms flailing, helplessly into the mudpit.$" mudpit_fall /def -i -F -aCyellow -P1BCblue -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) climbs out of the mudpit.$" mudpit_leave ;;### camping ### /def -i -F -aB -msimple -t'You awaken from your short rest, and feel slightly better.' camp_done=\ /timer_start timer_camping /def -i -Fp0 -aB -msimple -t'You feel a bit tired.' camp_again_1 =\ /substitute %{*} ( $(/timer_show timer_camping) )%;\ /can_camp /def -i -Fp0 -aB -msimple -t'You feel like camping a little.' camp_again_2 =\ /substitute %{*} ( $(/timer_show timer_camping) )%;\ /can_camp /def -i -Fp0 -aB -msimple -t'You stretch yourself and consider about camping.' camp_again_3 =\ /substitute %{*} ( $(/timer_show timer_camping) )%;\ /can_camp /def -i can_camp=/test 0 ;;### lounging ### /def -i -F -aB -msimple -t'You are done with your lounging for now, you feel better!' lounge_done /def -i -F -aB -msimple -t'You are in a mood for a bit of lounging again.' lounge_again ;;### heal all ### /def -i -F -aB -t"You feel like * healed you a bit." heal_all=/timer_start heal_all ;;### poison cast ### /def -i -F -aCblack,Cbggreen -t'* utters the magic words \'saugaiii\'' poison_cast ;; ### poison save ### /def -i -F -msimple -t"You SAVE against POISON." save_poison =\ /prot saved against poison ;; ### poisoned ### /def -i -F -P1BCgreen -aBCred -t"^You shiver and suffer from (POISON!!)$" poison_effect ;;### paralyze ### /def -i -F -aCred,Cbgcyan -P2BCred,Cbgblue -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) paralyzes ([A-Za-z '-]) with (her|its|his) mind.$" paralyze /def -i -F -P2u -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) paralyzes (you) with (her|its|his) mind.$" paralyze_me ;;### imprison ### /def -i -F -aCblack,Cbgwhite -msimple -t'The banded green forcefield prevents you from leaving.' field_imprison ;;### field spells, lite with timer ### /def -i -Fp10 -mregexp -t'An? [a-z]+ ([a-z]+) force field surrounds this area.' field_here=\ /eval /def -i -1 -Fp9 -P1BC$[replace("gray","black",{P1})] \ -t'An? ([a-z]+ [a-z]+) force field surrounds this area.' field_temp /def -i -Fp10 -mregexp -t'^This location is now surrounded in an? ([a-z]+) ([a-z]+) forcefield.$' field_up=\ /timer_start timer_field_%{P1}_%{P2}%;\ /eval /def -i -1 -Fp9 -P1BC$[replace("gray","black",{P2})] \ -t'^This location is now surrounded in an? ([a-z]+ [a-z]+) forcefield.$$$' field_temp /def -i -Fp10 -mregexp -t'^The ([a-z]+) ([a-z]+) forcefield vanishes.$' field_down=\ /let field_timer_var=$[strcat("timer_field_",{P1},"_",{P2})]%;\ /let field_time=$(/eval /timer_show %{field_timer_var})%;\ /eval /def -i -1 -Fp9 -P1BC$[replace("gray","black",{P2})] -t'^The ([a-z]+ [a-z]+) forcefield vanishes.$$$' field_temp=\ /if ("%{field_time}" !~ "") \ /substitute %%%{P0} (%{field_time})%%%;\ /endif ;; aquamarine blue = rain ;; electric blue = electric field ;; shimmering blue = shelter/force dome ;; light blue = field of light ;; banded green = imprison ;; shining green = anti magic field ;; miserably gray = field of fear ;; desert yellow = drying wind ;;### new disintegrate ### /def -i -F -aCred,Cbgwhite -t"* utters the magic word 'sahanpurua'" disintegrate /def -i -F -aCred,Cbgwhite -t"* 'se on sarki nyt'" dest_1 /def -i -F -aCred,Cbgwhite -t"* 'rikki ja poikki'" dest_2 ;;### energy vortex ### /def -i -F -aBCblue -t'* looks wobbly and starts shaking.' vortex_in ;;### curses ### ;; degenerate person /def -i -F -aCyellow -P1Cgreen -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) appears weakened!" degenerate_in /def -i -F -aCyellow -P1Cgreen -t"^You manipulate the lifeforce of ([a-z A-Z.,'-]+)!" degenerate_hit=\ /timer_start timer_degen%;\ /set degen_target %{P1} ;; spider touch /def -i -F -aCyellow -P1Cgreen -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) turns very pale and shivers as if .* had just been poisoned.$" spider_touch_hit=\ /timer_start timer_spidertouch%;\ /Set spidertouch_target %{P1} ;;curse of tarmalen ;/def -i -F -aCyellow -P1Cgreen -t"MISSING!" cot_hit ; /timer_start timer_cot%;\ ; /set cot_target %{P1} ;;### shapes ### /def -i -F -P2BCwhite -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) is (in excellent shape\.)$" shape_excellen /def -i -F -P2BCyellow -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) is (in a good shape\.)$" shape_good /def -i -F -P2Cyellow -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) is (slightly hurt\.)$" shape_slightly_hurt /def -i -F -P2BCgreen -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) is (noticeably hurt\.)$" shape_noticeably_hurt /def -i -F -P2Cgreen -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) is (not in a good shape\.)$" shape_not_good /def -i -F -P2Cmagenta -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) is (in bad shape\.)$" shape_bad /def -i -F -P2Cred -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) is (in very bad shape\.)$" shape_very_bad /def -i -F -P2BCred -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) is (near death\.)$" shape_near_death /def -i -F -P2BCred -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) is (DEAD, R\.I\.P\.)$" shape_dead_rip ;;### mage blast types ### /def -i -F -P1BCcyan -t"'(cah [a-z ]+)'" blastlite_cold /def -i -F -P1BCred -t"'(fah [a-z ]+)'" blastlite_fire /def -i -F -P1Cyellow -t"'(fzz [a-z ]+)'" blastlite_acid /def -i -F -P1BCyellow -t"'(zot [a-z ]+)'" blastlite_elec /def -i -F -P1Ccyan -t"'(omm [a-z ]+)'" blastlite_psio /def -i -F -P1BCblack -t"'(ghht [a-z ]+)'" blastlite_asph /def -i -F -P1Cmagenta -t"'(gtzt [a-z ]+)'" blastlite_mana /def -i -F -P1Cgreen -t"'(krkz [a-z ]+)'" blastlite_pois ;;### successful blasts and harms ### /def -i -F -P4xCred -aB -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) grins as (its|hers|his) (.*) hits ([a-z A-Z.,'-]+)\.$" blast_hit_others /def -i -F -P2xCgreen -aB -t"^You watch with selfpride as your (.*) hits ([a-z A-Z.,'-]+)\.$" blast_hit_my /def -i -F -P2xCred -aB -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) hits ([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) with (its|hers|his) ([a-z ]+)\.$" blast_hit_others_area /def -i -F -P1xCgreen -aB -t"^You hit ([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) with your ([a-z ]+)\.$" blast_hit_my_area /def -i -F -P2xCred -aB -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) crushes ([a-z A-Z.,'-]+'s) mind with a powerful psychic attack!$" blast_hit_others_psi /def -i -F -P1xCgreen -aB -t"^You crush ([a-z A-Z.,'-]+)'s mind with your psychic attack!$" blast_hit_my_psi /def -i -F -P2xCred -aB -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) casts a harming spell on ([a-z A-Z.,'-]+).$" blast_hit_others_harm /def -i -F -P2xCred -aB -t"^([a-z A-Z.,'-]+) harms (you)" blast_hit_others_harm_me /def -i -F -P1xCgreen -aB -t"^You cast harming spell on ([a-z A-Z.,'-]+)\.$" blast_hit_my_harm ;;### bless ### /def -Fp0 -i -msimple -t'You feel like you could see anything.' bless_1=/substitute -p %{*} (@{B}see invisible@{n}) /def -Fp0 -i -msimple -t'You feel like you could do anything.' bless_2=/substitute -p %{*} (@{B}+1 skills@{n}) /def -Fp0 -i -msimple -t'You feel fishy.' bless_3=/substitute -p %{*} (@{B}water walking@{n}) /def -Fp0 -i -msimple -t'You feel one with the soil.' bless_4=/substitute -p %{*} (@{B}one with soil@{n}) /def -Fp0 -i -msimple -t'You feel one with the magic.' bless_5=/substitute -p %{*} (@{B}+1 spells@{n}) /def -Fp0 -i -msimple -t'You feel one with the magic forces.' bless_6=/substitute -p %{*} (@{B}see magic@{n}) /def -Fp0 -i -msimple -t'You feel one with the darkness.' bless_7=/substitute -p %{*} (@{B}infravision@{n}) /def -Fp0 -i -msimple -t'Your heart seems to start working faster.' bless_8=/substitute -p %{*} (@{B}fast meta@{n}) ;;### gravedigging ### /def -F -i -t"You start digging a grave for the corpse of *, using your hands." digging_start=/timer_start gravedigging /def -F -i -aB -t"You finish digging the grave and toss the corpse of * in." digging_end=/substitute %{*} ( $(/timer_show gravedigging) ) ;;### unstun used (oldie) ### /def -i -F -aCcyan,Cbgblue -t'* is aided by the higher powers and resists the stun!' unstun_used ;;### luck improves (oldie) ### /def -i -F -aBCmagenta,Cbgcyan -msimple -t'You feel your luck changing.' improve_luck ;;### old disintegrate ### (it was better, why was it changed...:( ) ;/def -i -F -aCred,Cbgwhite -t'* utters the magic words \'sahanpurua, shampanjaa ja vaahtokarkkeja\'' disintegrate_old