;; do the move created with path_find ;; Antti Pietikäinen (heidel@operamail.com) /require -q pathfinder.tf /require -q help_list.tf /help_add /help_path_go follow a path created by the pathfinder /def -i help_path_go=\ /echo -aB % Help for speedwalker:%;\ /echo 1. Use /path_find to get the path.%;\ /echo 2. /path_go starts moving.%;\ /echo 3. If movement is broken, use /path_resume to start moving again.%;\ /echo /def -i path_go=\ /echo -aCgreen % Starting move...%;\ /path_mover $(/path_create_command %{linklist_route}) /def -i path_mover=\ /if (path_break_count > 0) \ /echo -aCred % Move broken, resume with /path_resume%;\ /path_setup_resume %{path_doing} %{*}%;\ /else \ /if ({#}==0) \ /echo -aCgreen % Move done!%;\ /return%;\ /endif%;\ /let path_split=$[strstr({*},";")]%;\ /if (path_split != -1) \ /let path_head=$[substr({*},0,path_split)]%;\ /let path_tail=$[substr({*},path_split+1)]%;\ /else \ /let path_head=%{*}%;\ /let path_tail=%;\ /endif%;\ /def -F -q -1 -hPROMPT path_continue=/path_mover %{path_tail}%;\ /set path_doing=%{path_head}%;\ /set path_break_count=0%;\ /send %{path_head}%;\ /endif /def -i path_setup_resume=\ /if (regmatch("[0-9]+",{1})) \ /let path_movecommand=$[strcat(path_break_count," ",{2})]%;\ /else \ /let path_movecommand=$[strcat({1}," ",{2})]%;\ /endif%;\ /def path_resume=\ /set path_break_count=0%%;\ /def -F -q -1 -hPROMPT path_continue=/path_mover %{-2}%%;\ /send %{path_movecommand} /def -i -F -au -msimple -t"You are so exhausted you fail to move." path_break_exhaust=\ /test ++path_break_count /def -i -F -au -msimple -t"You cannot leave, you have been AMBUSHED." path_break_ambush=\ /test ++path_break_count