;; my sc and prompt, made into tf commands in case of rebirth or other f*ckups ;; Antti Pietikäinen (heidel@batmud) 2004 ;; ** 16.11.2004 added status field thing, requires tf5+, and prompt handling for that ;; 8. 6.2005 fuckups now include suicide ;; ------ old settings ------ /def -i set_all_to_old=\ /set_sc_to_old%;\ /set_prompt_to_old%;\ /set_style_to_old%;\ /set_ansi_to_old%;\ /set_others_to_old /def -i set_sc_to_old=\ sc set ---- Hp: {colorhp} {diffhp} () Sp: {colorsp} {diffsp} () Ep: {colorep} {diffep} () ---- {diffexp} {diffcash} /def -i set_sc_to_old_hc=\ sc set ---- Hp: {colorhp} {diffhp} () Sp: {colorsp} {diffsp} () Ep: {colorep} {diffep} () ---- /def -i set_prompt_to_old=\ prompt Hp: / Sp: / Exp: > /def -i set_style_to_old=\ style set P_OVERFULL bold white%;\ style set P_FULL bold yellow%;\ style set P_HIGH bold green%;\ style set P_MID bold magenta%;\ style set P_LOW red%;\ style set P_VERYLOW bold red%;\ style set P_NEGATIVE bold blue%;\ style set D_NEGATIVE red%;\ style set D_POSITIVE bold white%;\ style set INFO bold%;\ style set BATTLE_STUN bold yellow /def -i set_ansi_to_old=\ ansi player light white%;\ ansi weapons light blue%;\ ansi armours cyan%;\ ansi items magenta%;\ ansi aggrmons light yellow on red%;\ ansi roomshort white%;\ ansi roomlong clear%;\ ansi regmons light green%;\ ansi woundedmons green%;\ ansi woundedaggrmons yellow on red /def -i set_others_to_old=\ cutter 999999%;\ lines 40%;\ set delim ;;