;; spider stuff ;; Antti Pietikäinen (Heidel@batmud) ;; purgevar and timers /require -q misc.tf ;; spider keys /require -q bat_keys.tf /def -i -b'½Q' = @use 'stab' /def -i -b'½T' = @cast spider wrath /def -i -b'§r' = @lord_chaos blood corpse /def -i -b'§q' = @use 'stab' %{off_target} /def -i -b'§e' = @cast 'hemorrhage' %{off_target} /def -i -b'§d' = @cast 'cause serious wounds' %{off_target} /def -i -b'§t' = @cast 'spider wrath' %{off_target} /def -i -b'§m' = @cast mellon collie at %{off_target} /def -i -b'§h' = @cast 'hunger of the spider' %{off_target} /def -i -b'§c' = @cast 'spider touch' %{off_target} /off_template § q use 'stab' /key_template ½ Q use 'stab' /off_template § e cast 'spider wrath' /key_template ½ E cast 'spider wrath' /key_template § r lord_chaos blood corpse|@get all corpse /def -i -b'§s' = @use ceremony /def -i -b'§f' = @use first aid at %{fa_target}%;/echo Reviving %fa_target /def -i -b'§a' = @cast cure light wounds at %{heal_target} /def -i -b'½A' = /cure 5 %{heal_target} /off_template § h cast hunger of the spider at ;; demonihelpperi /def -i call_demon = @cast 'spider demon conjuration' %{1} with %{2}%;\ /recordline -i @cast 'spider demon channeling' %{1} ;; whisperlite /def -i -F -mregexp -P1Cred -t'^[a-zA-Z ]+ the spider whispers \'(.*)\'$' whisperlite ;; venom blade works /def -i -P1Cgreen -F -mregexp \ -t'suffers as (poison from your blade) flows into (his|her|its) system!' venom_hit_stab ;; hunger of the spider special dams /def -i -F -aB -mglob -t'You twist your * inside *\'s belly!' hunger_twist /def -i -F -aB -mglob -t'* cringes from pain as your venomed blade bites into * flesh!' hunger_venom ;; venom blade improves /def -i -aCmagenta,Cbgwhite -mglob -t'You learn to channel more pure blood from Spider Queen.' venom_blade_imp /def -i process_count=\ /let count=$[$(/eval /_echo %%{%{*}})-$(/eval /_echo %%{%{*}_old})]%;\ /_echo %{count} ;; spider demon favour, 1 luku /def -i -F -t'A mystic number echoes in the dark corridors of your feeble mind \'*\'' count_demons =\ /set d_count_old=%{d_count}%;\ /set d_count=$[substr({13},1,-1)]%;\ /set d_change=$(/process_count d_count)%;\ /echo % Spider demon change : %{d_change} /def -i show_demons=/echo % Last Spider Demon count : %{d_count} ;; spider demon favour, 2 luku /def -i -F -t'Another number comes as an after echo of the first one \'*\'' count_wraths =\ /set w_count_old=%{w_count}%;\ /set w_count=$[substr({12},1,-1)]%;\ /set w_change=$(/process_count w_count)%;\ /echo % Spider wrath change : %{w_change} /def -i show_wraths=/echo % Last Spider Wrath count : %{w_count} /def -i -F -P1Cred -mregexp -t'^A wound opens on your palm and you guide the (.*) blood at (.*)!' wrath_hit=\ /def -i -F -mregexp -t'^A wound opens on your palm and you guide the (.*) blood at (.*)!' wrath_color = \ /set tmp_wrath wrath_colors_%{P1}%;\ /eval /set %{tmp_wrath} $$[%{tmp_wrath}+1]%;\ /unset tmp_wrath /def -i wrath_stats = \ /set tmp_total $[wrath_colors_red\ +wrath_colors_orange\ +wrath_colors_yellow\ +wrath_colors_green\ +wrath_colors_blue\ +wrath_colors_indigo\ +wrath_colors_violet\ +wrath_colors_brown\ +wrath_colors_black]%;\ /set tmp_wrath |$[pad(wrath_colors_red,3)]|\ $[pad(wrath_colors_orange,3)]|\ $[pad(wrath_colors_yellow,3)]|\ $[pad(wrath_colors_green,3)]|\ $[pad(wrath_colors_blue,3)]|\ $[pad(wrath_colors_indigo,3)]|\ $[pad(wrath_colors_violet,3)]|\ $[pad(wrath_colors_brown,3)]|\ $[pad(wrath_colors_black,3)]|%;\ /set tmp_wrath_prc |$[pad(wrath_colors_red*100/tmp_total,3)]|\ $[pad(wrath_colors_orange*100/tmp_total,3)]|\ $[pad(wrath_colors_yellow*100/tmp_total,3)]|\ $[pad(wrath_colors_green*100/tmp_total,3)]|\ $[pad(wrath_colors_blue*100/tmp_total,3)]|\ $[pad(wrath_colors_indigo*100/tmp_total,3)]|\ $[pad(wrath_colors_violet*100/tmp_total,3)]|\ $[pad(wrath_colors_brown*100/tmp_total,3)]|\ $[pad(wrath_colors_black*100/tmp_total,3)]|%;\ /echo - ,-----------------------------------.%;\ /echo |red|orn|yel|grn|blu|ind|vio|bro|blk|%;\ /echo %{tmp_wrath}%;\ /echo %{tmp_wrath_prc}%;\ /echo - `-----------------------------------´%;\ /unset tmp_wrath%;\ /unset tmp_wrath_prc%;\ /unset tmp_total /def -i clear_wrath_stats = \ /wrath_stats%;\ /purgevar wrath_colors_*%;\ /echo % Wrath stats cleared! /def -i -Fp0 -mregexp -t"^([A-Z][a-z]+)\'s spider demon draws power from you.$" demon_sucksucks=\ /eval /if (demon_suck_%{P1}_time>0) \ /substitute %{*} ($(/timer_show demon_suck_%{P1}))%%;\ /endif%;\ /eval /timer_start demon_suck_%{P1} /def -i -F -mregexp -t"^You feed ([A-Z][a-z]+)\'s spider demon\'s hunger with your ritual.$" demon_fed=\ /eval /timer_start demon_suck_%{P1} ;;Heidel's spider demon draws power from you. ;;You feed Heidel's spider demon's hunger with your ritual. ;;Lung's demon feels easier to control than usual. ;;Lung's spider demon draws power from you. ;;wrath resists /def -i -F -t'* screams in pain.' monster_resist_0 = /note_resist --- 0% resist --- /def -i -F -t'* writhes in agony.' monster_resist_20 = /note_resist --- 20% resist --- /def -i -F -t'* shudders as the acidic blood burns * flesh.' monster_resist_40 = /note_resist --- 40% resist --- /def -i -F -t'* grunts in pain.' monster_resist_60 = /note_resist --- 60% resist --- /def -i -F -t'* winces a little from the pain.' monster_resist_80 = /note_resist --- 80% resist --- /def -i -F -t'* shrugs off the wrath!' monster_resist_100 = /note_resist --- 100% resist ---