/loaded help_list.tf ;; Manage a list of help-commands for different modules ;; The point is, if you forget a macro's name, you still ;; remember /helplist, and thus easily find the missing name ;; Antti Pietikäinen (heidel@operamail.com) ;; 2005 /def -i help_helplist=\ /echo -aB Help for help-list:%;\ /echo /help_add Add a command to be shown on help-list%;\ /echo /help_list%;\ /echo /helplist%;\ /echo /help-list Show added help-commands. /def -i help_add=\ /if (strstr(help_list,textencode({*})) == -1) \ /test help_list := strcat(help_list," ",textencode({*}))%;\ /endif /def -i help-list=\ /if ({#}==0) \ /if (help_list !~ "") \ /help-list %{help_list}%;\ /else \ /echo -aB % No help commands set%;\ /endif%;\ /else \ /echo -aB % List of help commands:%;\ /while ({#}) \ /let help_string=$[textdecode({1})]%;\ /let help_command=$[substr(help_string,0,strstr(help_string," "))]%;\ /let help_desc=$[substr(help_string,strstr(help_string," "))]%;\ /echo -aCgreen -p - $[pad(help_command,-20)] @{Cyellow}%{help_desc}%;\ /shift%;\ /done%;\ /endif /def -i help_list=/help-list /def -i helplist=/help-list /help_add /help_helplist maintain a list of help-commands /if (!loaded_help_list_file) \ /echo -p @{Cgreen}% Help list loaded, @{xBCyellow}/help-list@{xnCgreen} to show helps available%;\ /endif /set loaded_help_list_file 1