I Wish
I Wish I Could Stop Thinking of you
I Wish I Never Fell 4 You
I Wish I Never Kissed You
I Wish I Never Hugged you
I Wish We Never Met,
I Wish I Never Had 2 Make This Wish
Koz My Wishes Never Come True
Well Except 4 You
But Then Again Im Not Sure
I'm Happy You Came True
Nothing 2 Live For
i have nothing to live for
i have no one to love
and i feel as if no one loves me
each night i go to sleep
hoping not to wake up
koz theres nuffing to look forward to
my days start alone
and they end in tears
i always cry at night
before i fall asleep
i wish i could take a knife
and cut out my heart
and all the feelings that come with it
so i wouldnt go 2 sleep crying....
Once Again
You Came Into My Life
And All of a Sudden
I was Happy
4 Once in My Life
I Was Truly Happy
But Then U Told Me
That You Didnt want 2 Be With Me
And Shattered My Heart
And Made Me Feel Like A Fool
4 Once Again
I Got My Hopes Up
And Fallen
But This Time I Hit
The Floor Harder
Than Ever Before
And Once Again
I'm Alone
My Corner
i sit in my corner
alone & by myself
blocking the world out
getting lost in my thoughts
some making me want to cry
others makin me wish i would die
making me realize
how alone i am
with tears in my eyes,
staring at the stars
wishing on falling stars
falling like my tears
knowing the wishes are foolish
koz there impossible
they just fill my mind
with foolish hope,
and thoughts of happiness
but i will never be happy
koz i am alone....
with no one to call my love
I Must Know
Was I Anything 2 You?
Did The Nights In The Van,
Have Any Meaning?
Did The Kisses Mean Nothing?
Can You Just 4et About me,
Like I Never Existed?
I Kno I Cant.
I Cant 4get You,
No Matter How Hard I Try
I Cant 4get The Taste of Your Kisses
I Cant 4get The Warmth I Felt
When Ever I Hugged you.
I Won't Be Able 2 4get You,
But I Must Kno...........
Was i Anything 2 You?
U want me 2 smile
But Im not Happy
I Have No reason 2 be
I'm All Alone
But If it'll make u happy
Here's a smile :)
It's a fake one
But u Can't tell
i'll smile for you
so u think im happy
but im not
I feel like im dying inside
Slowly Fallin apart
Wanting to rip my heart out
So I won't get hurt
and i wont shed anymore tears
I've been alone all these years
I need to let go of my fears
And shed no more tears
Happy 4 You
At First I Was Happy
Hapy Koz U Were Happy
But Now Im Sad Coz Ur Happy
Its Not That i dont Want you To Be Happy
I Just Wanted You 2 Be Happy
With Me...
Foolish Isn't It.
But Like Everything Else I've Wanted
I Just Can't HaveYou
But Dont Get Me Wrong
I'm Happy Koz Ur Happy
You Smile Now,
And That Makes Me Smile
Its Just That I'd Be Happier
If You Were With Me.
So I'll Just Be As happy
As I Can Be Coz Ur Happy
So Tired
Im so tired of this world
and its foolish games
tired of always being alone
tired of fucking with my heart
take my heart,
i have no need for it
been been fucked over
2 many times
been shattered,
ripped apart,
then put back together
only to get fucked over again
so take it
i dont need it
i dont want it
tired of the pain it brings
and the tears it causes
while ur at it
take my mind,
it just fucks with me even more,
filling me up with foolish thoughts
and hope of happiness
only to wake up
everymorning the same as i fell asleep
alone, with no one
and nuthin 2 live for
Fuck It All
Fuck you, Fuck me
Fuck him, Fuck her
Fuck this life
and its pointless meaning
Fuck you
for making me happy
only to leave me in tears
Fuck me for thinking we could be
Fuck this foolish heart of mine
and the s-hit i put myself through
Fuck the world
and all who plot against me
Fuck the love i had for you
abd the pain i have now
Fuck this mind of mine
and all the thoughts that pass through it
Fuck the dreams i had of us
and thats all i have, dreams
Fuck you,
there knightmares
haunting me with foolish hope
Fuck the plans i had
and the stupidity i feel now
Fuck you koz i loved you
Fuck You!!!
Want 2 Die
Have you ever wanted 2 Die?
2 just cut ur wrist
koz u kno the blood will calm u
knowing that soon it'll all be over with
all the shit u go thru all the pain,
the heart ache it'll all be over....
have you ever wanted 2 quit and just give up?
and just be the loser you are
koz god knows u never won not a dam thing
and when u thought u won
u didn't just took longer to lose....
Many Nightz
do you kno how many nights
i lay awake with you on my mind?
Do you kno how many hours of sleep
Ive lost Thinking of you?
Do you kno how hard it is
For me 2 act like I've moved on?
Do you kno how hard i fell 4 you,
And how much i regret it now?