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7/21/07: Ok so theres a bunch of new shit out for y'all. If you go to or some of the myspaces pages you'll be able to witness the fresh ass "Take it to the Grave" video featuring Gineral Havok & Killa-B.
The new album is DONE and is on it's way. It'll be out sometime next month. You'll be able to get it at Galaxy CD's in Hamilton Ohio on Main St. and eventually more CD retailers. We're working on getting a mail order system set up and getting the album on iTunes, Napster, and some other digital music stores. We'll keep you updated and have all the info ready for the release of "The Riddle of Godhead".

6/25/07: Pretty soon a ton of new shit will be added to the site. The video for "Take it to the Grave" featuring Killa-B and Gineral Havok will be posted on here, possibly as a download. The latest info on the return of K.O.H. and who/what the Sons of Entropy & Dead Pool Crew are. There are a lot of new pictures coming too, which is much needed because all the ones on here now are old. Hopefully I can get all of this on here pretty soon. I'll keep you updated.
2/11/07: Don KraZy recently did another song with DArkFLow called "Not to pretend". Supposedly the song will be released on DK's debut album. It was also decided that the DK version of "Misery Loves Company" will be on the record too.
There have been a few rumors floating around about KOH. With J-Reapa's and Don KraZy's solo albums almost complete everyone has been wondering what happens next. One rumor is that Kings of Havoc will start working on their next album immediately after DK and Reapa's albums are released. The other rumor is that they will wait until Killa-B makes a solo EP before they start on a new KOH album, and that would give DK and Reapa more time to promote their albums. The third rumor is that DArkFLow may be joining KOH as the bands guitarist. Would that mean just for live or would he be writing guitars too? My guess would be both since that's what he's been doing with J-Reapa and Don KraZy for awhile now, having written plenty of guitar tracks with both artists. As for what rumors are true and which are false, nobody is certain just yet, but at least one of them has to be true.
9/29/06: Some of you may remember halloween two years ago when DK's group Kings of Havoc played their set that night at that big ass party. Well it's halloween again and now it time for a return. Don KraZy will be playing a venue in Indiana with past-pitchfork artist shank aka Kidd Nastie (IEE), among others. He will have special appearances by J-Reapa and Freak(DArkFLow). Other than that I don't know what the fuck their doing, probably writing or practicing i dunno. But I DO know that V-Sinizter, Concusion, Stray, Hastyle, Nap-J, and maniaxe will all be there. Theres a couple fliers going around that i got ahold of.
The Horror Show
The Horror Show
8/22/06: I guess it's time to update this news page a little. I haven't bee ndoing it much because it's just better to wait until the CD comes out or some shows are being played. I've said things like when the CD would be out and like what the tracklist will be and then it never happens so i'll just keep the posts to a minimum for awhile. So far DK has managed to build a new home studio and has recorded a new DArkFLow song called "Choose My Own Path". It sounds great. KraZy has made a few new songs: UnFazeable, Anesthetic (Don't Wanna Feel This), Beat Wit a Bat (Feat. Cap & Freak), and the long awaited "It Rainz". There was another song called "Scandalous" feat. Cap & J-Reapa but it was scrapped.
Aparently they all met the booking agent of Sudsey's (a bar with live music in Cincinatti) and he can play shows there sometime in the future. We'll have to wait and see how that goes. I think thats all the news I have for now. Check back in a month or so.

1/12/06: Whats going on now? Well DK has been doing alot of insturmental work on a couple songs, getting them ready for vocals. That means playing guitar and bass alot to get ready. The next song expected to be recorded should be "Dissappear" because it is supposedely finished. The CD should be finished by this summer and expected to be released sometime in September of this year.
The other thing that some of you might want to know is that KraZy's birthday is this saturday (Jan.14th) and he'll be 22 this year. Happy b-day fucker.

12/01/05: DK just finished up the studio versions of "Synergy" and "Grey (Then I get Gone)" today. The recording came from the Pitchblack Studio equipment. I think he might put them on but i don't know. Maybe i'll put them on here if he does.

11/29/05: Ok, it's time for an unofficial tracklist for the upcoming Don KraZy album. The songs listed are only the songs that are finished and there is sure to be more and the list is in no real order, but it's just to give an idea of what to expect, especially if you are keeping up with your DK shit because many of these songs have been out for some time in different places. Enough chat, here it is:
2.Roll With the Punches
3.Gonna Fall Apart
5.Shown You Everything (insturmental interlude)
6.Take it to the Grave (Feat. Gineral Havok and Killa-B)
7.Green Song
9.5th After 5th (Feat. Gineral Havok)
10.Drain Me (Feat. DArkFLow)
Other songs may include:
"Sunday", "Face in the Mirror", "Knock Down Drag Out", "Still Here", "Offensive", "It Rainz", and a few tracks that havent even been named yet.
Speculation says there may be a bonus track or two with Don KraZy solo remixes of KOH songs like "Welcome to the Darkness", "Misery Loves Company", or "Insomniac Killa". With 12 tracks already named and pretty much finished for the album, and more still to come, this just goes to show how close to completion this project really is. If you have heard any of these then you can guess how diverse of a sound is coming from the project with rap tracks like "Take it to the Grave, all the was to the rock sounds of "Sleepless" and "Synergy", with everything inbetween. Just take some time to soak it all up and i'll keep you updated on what happens next.

11/28/05: Apparently DK has just been bursting out with new shit. There is a new song that was just finished this past weekend that I just found out about. The song's called "Drain Me" and it features DArkFLow. The song has been compared to Don KaZy's old old Kings of Havoc days before even Killa-B and J-Reapa were involved. has sait this is like DK going back to his roots on this track and bringing out that dark sound like heard on "Welcome to the Darkness" back in '02-'03. The song is amazing and DArkFLow did ana mazing job on the mucic, guitar, chorus, and the last verse. With every new song I hear it just means the album is closer to being finished. It's still not certain if the album is going to be "Synergy" or "The Riddle of Godhead" but I guess he'll let us know when the album is done, or closer to it. Thats all the newz for now, l8r.

11/17/05: If you know the history of Don KraZy, then you probly know the band he was in back in 2000 or so called "PsietA", where he and other PFrecords artist Jeff Locker (DArkFLow) were the guitarists. Well a few months ago DK started working on an old PsietA song called "Face in the Mirror", well last night he had the idea to remake another classic PsietA song entitled "Sunday". The first verse and chorus music has already been laid down and is sounding sooo fukking great. The song may not be called "Sunday" on the upcoming album, but he wants to try and keep the name so that he remains true to the original. Now here is the cool part: There was an original live recording of the song that was recorded on a standard cassette tape and DK is working on a way to use the original live recording of the bridge and incorporate it into the new version. So it'll be some new and old shit all in one. DK also made another blazing new rap/rock track called "Sleepless". This is one of the best rock tracks i've heard, even from pros. If you ever heard the original PsietA shit, this is like that on crack. This album is turning out to be one of the most devastating projects this area has seen in years. If it all works out, the DArkFLow and Don KraZy albums should be out around the same time, if so then this areas music scene will never be the same again. God I can't wait...

11/15/05: I haven been on here to update in a couple weeks but at least now there is news. First: Don KraZy is scheduled to appear in court ONCE AGAIN for some bull. Don't worry though everything should go smoothly. As far as his debut album is going, he has busted out with some new shit. The song "Dissappear" is almost completed with guitar and bad ass lyrics, "Synergy" is done it just needs recorded (see the end of Don KraZy show: episode 1 for a preview). There is a new song in the works called "Drain Me". The song features DArkFLow (Freak) who made the dark ass beat and he is gonna be singing some cool shit on the chorus for us. DK also has a couple other songs still in the works and his album is nowwell over half finished so it shouldn't be too much longer til its done and it's time to get live! So hell yeah.

10/27/05: NEW SHIT! There is a new section on the site, the video section. Videos take up alot of room but i'll add as much as i can. Right now you can download the newest show, "The Don KraZy Show: Episode 1". Right now Don KraZy just records himself and other Pitchfork members doing whatever. In episode 1 KraZy, SID, and brian are just drinking at KraZy's home bar acting like its a nightclub or something. The end credits are a preview of one of the new Don KraZy songs, "Synergy". The video is definately worth watching if you are a DK/PF fan.

10/17/05: (Don KraZy) Damn things are gettin rough around here. First of all the label has no fucking money at all right now, it takes money to get our shit out there to everyone. So many people love the Pitchfork shit and keep asking when they can buy it and I hate the fact I can't get it to them. That brings me to the next problem, I think we may be losing one of the best artists I've ever heard. Darkflow's album hasn't come out and he still doesn't have a live band. This is shitty because he really has something great here with the sound he made. I feel like its all just going to waste and I hate that so fucking much. The next thing is J-Reapa, I've been teaching him for some time now, since he was in KOH, and he is doing well but I just don't have the time anymore to support him. The thing there is J-Reapa has such a bad ass story all planned out and he knows what he wants and every song he does he gets better and beter. Now what I'm afraid of is that if shit doesn't get popping soon for them I'm going to lose my top 2 artists and I don't want that. I don't mean lose them to another lable or some shit, then I wouldn't mind, I mean they just won't be around. If that happens I think the world is going to miss out on something awesome. Havok is still gonna be around i guess but I don't know what to do with him just yet. There may be a techno artist on the lable soon tho if he wants. Look out for some downloads fromkSID (satan in disgiuse) if your into techno music. He is damn good and getting better so I told him if he gets me an album worth I'll put him on this stale ass 'waiting list' of albums to be released when someone gets some fucking money around here.
Basically all hope isn't gone but we are definately having some bumps in the road. When I can turn things around I'll get back on here and tell you personally.
10/4/05: A couple new things to post. First up, there is a good chance that Pitchfork Records Inc. is about to come across something very rare that could fund the lable for just about anything. The details at this point are very top secret and only a few people at PFI know what the hell is going on, but if things go the way they should, be expecting a national tour and some major CD releases when it does.
The next bit of news isn't really confirmed, more of a rumor really, but a fairly reliable one. Last year KOH played a free show at a halloween party for Don KraZy's old band member Brett Anderson. If you were there you know how big and bad ass this shit was. Well the thing I have heard is that there is going to be another big halloween bash again this year and Don KraZy MIGHT do a small 3 or 4 song show that night, along with Brett's group Facelift later on in the same night. Now if I find out this is true, then I just might post it on here and get DK to post it on so if you are in the area you could possibly get in on this. There will be plenty of "party supplies" but you probly won't be able to get in without your own shit. Last year there were just random people coming in off the street to see the show and join the party. Hopefully this year is just as good.
The last thing is that supposedly "Psycho" Ryan Black has been back around lately and may be returning to help out with PF but who the hell knows nowadays. Thats all for now, later.
9/28/05: ---- Now you can talk to Don KraZy at his new sites. The links are in the links page.
If you were wondering what the hell the site test thing was it was because someone cracked into the DArkFLow website and put some virus on it so we went through the Pitchfork websites and made sure they were virus free so they are safe for y'all to look at.
Don KraZy finished a new song called "Gonna Fall Apart". It will be on MySpace along with some demo versions of three other songs. I don't know what songs will be on there but i'll tell you when they go up.
*==#1---- SiteTest==-+=1 9/13/05: ---- Well the song "Take It To The Grave" is pretty much done except the last verse because Killa-B never came back to write/record, he's pretty much gonna get cut with all the problems we've been having with him musically. He's a good friend to all of us so we will try to keep him around.
Don KraZy produced a new J-Reapa song called "Death 101" and is the title track to his upcoming album. Freak and KraZy both put down some heavy ass guitar tracks for the song.
Assuming everything gets done in time the top 3 Pitchfork Inc. artists will be going to Canada in may to promote our new music at a music festival. All the details haven't been worked out yet so as soon as i figure out what festival it is, what city it's in and at what time, I'll get on here and tell you. The hard part is going to be having the money ready by then since we are all having money problems (Most of which is because of our wonderful government). One thing I am 99% sure of is that if they go to Canada when they get back their CD's will be out for you to go get. So it seems there is going to be a triple release or something with DK, J-Reapa, and DArkFLow all putting it down. If you are reading this and you want those CD's in a store near you e-mail Don KraZy and tell him what city and he'll most likely get them to you.
8/28/05: ---- Yesterday KraZy continued to work on a new track called "Take It to the Grave". The song features brand new shit from Gin. Havok and Killa-B. (It's basically a KOH song on the DK album). Even Freak of DArkFLow can be heard in th background of the chorus. it's turning out to be pretty bad ass. In the mean time DK is working in the heavy ass rock track "Synergy". DK and Freak are both playing guitar on it. If you like heavy rock shit like "J-Reapa - Fuck This" or DArkFLow then this will be a track for you.
Sadly though, DK returns to cout in three days (Aug, 31) and may do some jail time. He recently got kicked out of community service for not taking any shit and is stuck paying hella fines once again. He said that the fucking court is the biggest setback for all projects on Pitchfork Records Inc. including the upcoming DArkFLow album "Deep Inside My Mind". "See we were supposed to have had themoney raised to have Deep Inside My Mind printed and released on the 31st but thanks to the damn system i may have to sit in a cell instead of throwing the release party everyone here desperately needs. When that disc drops for the first time, I think it's going to raise th spirits of everyone on the label and that means better songs sooner. I think we are all getting sick and fucking tired of the system holding us back, I know I am. The first KOH album would have been out last year if it wasn't for the bastards picking on Killa-B and Gin. Havok woulda been on Demo 2004 but they had him in a cage too, it's just ridiculous. -KraZy" There you have it from the President of PFR himself, fuck the system!
8/19/05: ---- My computer is all better now so I can update from home. There really isn't any new DK news except there was a song that didn't work out and got scrapped. It was supposed to be DK, Killa-B, J-Reapa, Cye, and Freak, but having that many ppl work on one song while they are all drunk just doesn't work lol.
8/10/05: ---- My computer is fucked up so these news updates won't be coming as much anymore until i get it fixed. There really isn't any new news to report right now so when something happens i'll do my best to get on here and let you all know what's up
8/7/05: ---- Don KraZy just co-produced the new J-Reapa song "Blackout". It turned out great.
KraZy just submitted an application to so he should be on there soon. DArkFLow was approved, but there isn't a picture or a song to download, Freak if you are reading this you should put some stuff up and i'll help you out if you need help. Fostex FINALLY approved Don KraZy's submission so go to the site (it's in the links section) and make us proud.
8/6/05: ---- New pics in the photo section.
Today DK, Reapa, and Freak should be hitting up the ol' studio B again to work on some miscellaneous music stuff. It looks like the two are going every saturday till all the shit gets done. I tell you i can't wait till these albums are out, i've been hearing so much good shit about them and it's just been taking so long. o well, it's not good to rush these things.
8/4/05: ---- DK finished the song ""When I Get Gone (Grey)" today. It's a trippy kinda slow song type sound, you'd have to hear it to know what I mean.
Apparently DArkFLow's new album "Deep Inside My Mind" has leaked. Thats what is good about being underground, instead of hurting album sales on the release, it has just hyped it up through word of mouth. Hopefully those people will go buy the real one when it gets released on August 30th or shortly after. I know I can't wait to get a copy.
8/2/05: ---- Of course things had to get fucked up. Killa-B went to the studio with DK and Reapa last night and nothing got done, once again. Saturday DK and Reapa will try again.
8/1/05: ---- August... wow, now I can fry eggs on my head when I go outside... I hate summer. Anyway, from what I know DK is going to attempt to hit up the old Studio B tonight if J-Reapa lends a ride since DK lost his ride (hint, hint). The goal is to catch up a bit on the new album and get Reapa caught up as well. The songs we're lookin at are "When I Get Gone", "Gonna Fall Apart", and maybe "Still Here". I think J-Reapa is working on a song called "Blackout", but since he has his own site I can be a slacker when it comes to news about reapa.
7/31/05: ---- Now there is a brand new photo section in the main menu,You can leave comments and stuff. Go look at it, it's actually pretty cool.
J-Reapa has a site now. It's still new so there isn't much there, go see it @ There is a link for it in the links section.
7/25/05: ---- New site address. The new one is "" Same site, just a simpler address. Obviously the old site address still works too.
J-Reapa just finished a song yesterday called "Fuck This". The song features Freak of DArkFLow and Don KraZy. The song was originally going to be a KOH song back when J-Reapa was in KOH and they were working on the "Welcome To The Darkness" album. This is the second song on Reapa's upcoming solo project to feature DK on guitar, the other being "I Thought I Saw Her Fly".
As some of you already know the new DArkFLow album is done and Freak really needs people to be in a live band so we can get him some shows scheduled. If you can play any kind of industrial rock insturment (Drums, Guitar, bass, keyboards, turntables, anything) then go to his site in the links section and e-mail him asap.
7/21/05: ---- Ok there are some new songs wrote. One is the Gineral Havok song i've been telling you all about called "Empty Clip (We Don't Play)", the other is a new Don KraZy song called "Gonna Fall Apart". DK and Havok went to record these songs and re-record "5th After 5th" but weren't able to finish.
Remember J-Reapa? Don't feel bad if you don't... it's ok. Well Freak is taking over as his new producer and will help him with his album. No one has any real clue what it's gonna sound like or when it'll be done so I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
7/18/05: ---- Damn a credit card! We would have had a better site but I don't use credit cards and you can't buy a damn thing online without one so f*uck it I'll keep this one for awhile longer.
Don KraZy and Gin. Havok went and started the diss back song last night. It is pretty much done from what I hear. It should be recorded at PitchBlack wednesday. The song "5th After 5th" will be re-recorded then too. DK said he wants to record "Still Here" then too but he doesn't know if it'll be ready or not. He goes back to court tomorrow so wish him luck.
7/11/05: ---- Today Don KraZy appeared in court over the car accident he was involved in a few weeks ago. The case is not looking too good, I'll let you know how it goes. As far as Gineral Havok, they couldn't prove anything so he will remain a free man.
Apparently Brian Bear (K.O. of G-21) paid some of the local wannabe gangstas (007) $80 to make a diss song trashing Gin. Havok and record it at Tech 9 studio in Hamilton. I don't get it... I really don't. If he's such a great rapper why didn't he do it? Why would they waste their time on that instead of actually being musicians and paying for a real album? Anyway I hear they're selling the song for $5 a copy. I just think it's funny that the only way they can sell songs is to diss one of us. Well Pitchfork says your welcome, spend it wisely.(I know they won't).
NEW ALBUM DROPPING IN AUGUST!!! Yes, finally, for the first time since the KOH Halloween Giveaway Pitchfork Records is dropping a new bomb! The new shit is the Industrial rock masterpiece "Deep Inside My Mind" composed by the one and only DArkFLow! I just got word that the album is done and is waiting to be printed. The blazing new CD will be avaliable at Galaxy CD's and some underground spots. I was recently able to hear the full album and I think everyone is going to be shocked and very impressed. This will be THE must own album of the summer. Can't wait.
6/21/05: ---- Jeff Frost, the ex-artist formerly known as J-Reapa, was removed from any and all Pitchfork Records happenings. Frost was booted from Pitchfork late last night for not responding to an emergency situation regarding Don KraZy, Psycho, and Freak. He also has been way too busy with his hoebag girl to be a musician anyway. Also Psycho has announced that he is no longer dealing in the music industry anymore. He was the Pitchfork audio engineer and will be missed, unlike Frost.
Tonight may be the night KraZy and Killa-B put down a track with Freak. I don't know what album the song will appear on or what it'll be about or anything like that but trust me I'll tell you when it happens
The Gineral Havok song may not happen as soon as we expected, if it happens at all. I'll keep you posted.
6/17/05: ---- The news... ok... Some of you may know that the rap group "Glock-21" has pretty much split up. Once Havok re-joined Pitchfork there were some arguments about production styles and some other personal beefs. Well K.O. (I think is still in G-21, not sure) has made some kind of diss song about Gin. Havok. I haven't heard it yet but from what I've heard it mentions KOH or something. Basically what all this means is that Havok is gonna shoot back and i'll release it in the rare audio section because Havok isn't working on any kind of album yet so it's going to be an Internet/Underground track. If the song from K.O. does diss KOH then maybe, just maybe, KOH will make their first new song since the Demo 2004 EP was released. If that's the case it'll still be in the rare audio section.
In other PF news Gin. Havok has been accused of breaking into a house in the village and stealing a shotgun, a pellet gun, knives, and some bullets. Basically B&E, and theft of a firearm. So far there is no incriminating evidence but the fingerprint results haven't came back yet. The shotgun and the pellet gun were found late last night in the owners yard. The knives and bullets have yet to be found.
Still more news... DarkFlow is back to a solo act. From what I read on the official site, Crow just doesn't have his heart in the music and that is crucial to creating quality music. It also seems there is a bit of personal tension but I don't know for sure.
Now for the Don KraZy news... (save the best for last I guess) DK is getting ready to produce Gin. Havok's solo song in which Havok retaliates to the G-21 diss but I already told you that. As far as the Album goes he is working on some off the hook ass KraZy shit. This album is gonna be so damn great, he just needs to get it done faster. KraZy sez: "I been busy as fuck lately with work, school, and not having a car BUT I have still made time to write. I think the extra time I am taking will be worth it. So much has happened to me lately and it is just giving me more to write about. Keep an eye/ear out for this new Gin. Havok track. It should be done soon as long as that lil' fuck don't get locked up." And thats all the news for now so go do something else... later
6/9/05: ---- Last night Don KraZy, Killa-B, Psycho, and a couple girls were at Freaks house. They were going to make a song called "Zoned Out". The track had some bad ass heavy guitar tracks. So what happened you ask? Basically everyone was intoxicated and Killa-B started fighting with his sister (he needs to stay sober) and there was no time. KraZy accidentally deleted the guitar tracks like a dumb ass.
Freak took the insulting news update off his site and appologized.
6/7/05: ---- Well as some of you may have already heard Don KraZy, Killa-B, and Gin. Havok were all involved in a car accident. Thanfully there were no major injuries but DK went to jail overnight and was released with 7 new charges. The main vehicle used to travel back and forth to the "studio" is totalled so the song "5th after 5th" hasn't been re-recorded and this puts a serious delay in many current Pitchfork projects.
In other news Shank Tha BTK has announced he may be giving up rapping to persue producing. Good luck Shank but I think its in your blood to rap and you'll be making songs before you know it.
Some of you probly have seen the "D-Flow" site lately... Some harsh things were said about KOH frontman Don KraZy. If you read the "News" section (which reads more like a diary) you can tell that Freak, fuck that, Jeff Locker has some emotional problems. So we interviewed DK:"DK, so what is your take on the Darkflow situation?" "Well... I hate to hear him talk like that publically. Basically he is putting personal problems out where everyone can see them. All that does is force me to respond publically rather than just settling it privately the way it should be. I have no hard feelings toward him, he is a good friend and I hate fighting with my friends. What I don't get is why does he put all this personal shit online? I thought it was a place for music news but o well Jeff has always been an odd one and i guess in a way all of us musicians have our odd quirks so I can overlook this conflict so long as it ends here. It's funny how I get in a wreck and go to jail and get out to find things like this are taking place. I called him earlier so this whole thing is squashed. Personally I can't wait to hear his album. What I've heard so far has been good. If he continues to work with Pitchfork this could be a very successful local album." So there it is... now you know.
7.007600.6 --- Pretty soon...
5/19/05: ---- Plenty of news today, yep, yep. First off the new star wars movie was good go see it. Today DK finished another song for the upcoming album. As promised, Gineral Havok did some shit on it. The song is called "5th After 5th" and is basically about drinking and stuff. Wednesday they are supposed to do the studio scratch track at PitchBlack.
In other news J-Reapa has a new song in the works, it's called "Blackout" and features Freak on the chorus. This is the second song he has made for his "Death 101" album.
Finally the audio section has been updated to include a track from DArkFLow's "Deep Inside My Mind" album. The song is called "My Little World". I think it sounds like The Doors meets NIN and I've been diggin' the shit out of it so I got permission from Freak and put it up for your listening pleasure.
5/17/05: ---- Gineral Havok is about to lay some shit down TOMORROW for the Don KraZy album. It's gonna be the first song the two have done since the first version of Insomniac Killa 3 or 4 years ago. I have no clue how it will sound BUT I do know one thing... it's a beer/drinking song. The beat has a 40oz. bottle of King Cobra as one of the drums. Sounds cool but I gotta hear it before I can say anything.
13/76/84: ~~~~ Does anyone remember Shank? Well he was the guy who is on Pitchfork and puts it down midwest style in Indiana. Well I was given a website and I went. Tha BTK has been doin well and so have I. The link is now in the link part of the site. I guess shank found a label down in indiana that helped him promote us all. Shank might join us on the tour, who knows? Anyway thats all I got right now so go and check that out cuz it's cool and i said so... yup.
-DK DonKraZy-
5/16/05: ---- The latest news is about a member of G-21. The other original member of Kings Of Havoc is back with pitchfork records. Now known as Gineral Havok (Gin like the drink) he is rumored to be rejoining KOH but it's too soon to tell. Havok is still in G-21 at the moment.
KraZy is still working on his solo album and is working on a few new songs. He said last week that he is taking his time and doing it right. It is supposed to be a very diverse album with various sounds and topics. I heard The Green Song and it's great. I compare it to Roll With The Punches or Welcome To The Darkness and I see what he means by diverse. Can't wait.
5/8/05: ---- Don KraZy just finished writing a song called "The Green Song" and recorded a studio scratch track at Psycho's home studio. This song is a great new song about smokin the gonja. It's a less serious more upbeat side of DK. It contains a sample of the old Mario game from Nintendo. Sorry though, I can't put it on the site you'll have to wait for the album to drop.
5/02/05: ---- First, lets update on DK. He hasn't told me anything since he went to columbus except that planning a tour and writing an album is very difficult. That is it. I dunno if he meant anything by it or not but i'm sure it is difficult. In Pitchfork news, Is Darkflow (Freak) on pitchfork or not? The answer is no. At least not at the moment. Why? Not too sure. What I hear is that Freak said he won't do it without a live band and he doesn't have one. He won't even do a live show. He's shy or something I dunno. Will he be on Pitchfork in the future? From what KraZy says I doubt it. Basically he just said Freak don't really know what he wants at the moment and Pitchfork isn't right for him. As for J-Reapa, he recently found out that he is going to be a father. Congratulations on that J. He told DK that he is working on the title track for the album entitled "Death 101" and a couple other songs. One of which is "Fuck This". It was originally going to be a KOH song, but when he left KOH KraZy said it would be a good song for his solo project. DK is supposed to be on it.
Saving the best news for last, fun fun. As some of you may already know Killa-B of the Kings Of Havoc has been out of jail for a little while now. Him and KraZy have secretly been working on a new KOH song for this site. They have also been talking (partying, whatever) with G-21 (Glock 21) and were writing a song with them. DK is doing the chorus of "the weed song", and the song "Village Most Wanted" will feature both members of KOH (DK and B) and the four main members of G-21 (K.O., Lock Down, Kraze, and Havoc [former KOH]). I heard the two G-21 songs last saturday and their actually pretty good. I never knew KOH would be on a gangsta rap album but I can't wait for it to drop.
4/21/05: ---- They went to columbus
4/12/05: ---- DK just did a track with Freak called "My Litle World" for his upcoming album "Deep Inside My Mind". It will be the next album to be released on Pitchfork Records so be prepared. In other news DK has a court date on the 15th for a probation violation and some other shit. Hopefully he won't get locked up because he is still working on his big solo project. I'll keep you informed as it takes place.
4/4/05: ---- The newest thing going on in the world of DK? It's not really DK but an artist he is working with. To the shock of many skeptics Freak (ex-Psieta/Darkflow guitarist) has been working on his newest DarkFlow project. KraZy has been teaching him the ways of the Pitchfork Productions and he has already made around 4 songs. What does it sound like? Hard to say, Freak is a singer and a guitar player so it is like an opposite mix of some of the DK songs. It has heavy guitars on some songs, and one kinda sounds like the cure (except the cure sucks). Supposedly if Freak makes an album worth of material he will go on the mini-tour and get signed to the ol' Pitchfork if he wants. (Technically he is already a Pitchfork employee as a co-producer, photographer, and live guitar player. I meant a recording deal, you know.)
So what about J-Reapa? Hmmmm.... good question, what did happen to him? Since he has gone solo no one has really heard anything from Mr. Reapa. Last anyone heard he was trying to schedule a photo shoot. KraZy ok'd it out of curiosity. Why is he wanting a photo shoot so soon? No one knows. All KraZy had to say was: "Reapa, if you want to be on an underground label like PF Recs then you can't just dissappear and not hang out with the crew. Everyone at the label have become close like a family and you act like your too scared to roll wit us. Dissappearing won't get you off the label, but if your never around then you just might miss out on important opportunities that I may offer other artists I work with. I don't even think Reapa knows about this mini-tour, and I'm not gonna tell him. It's posted here on the site and everyone has been talking about it. Basically if he doesn't be more serious he won't go. He can stay in Hamilton an I'll promote his shit here until he's ready to go on tour. Can you imagine being on the road that long with someone like that? No hard feelings J, we still friends but this is business and things are rolling."
Wow, sounds like Reapa may be in a bit of trouble. Anyway I'll keep you updated.
3/31/05: ---- Pitchfork records has announced that they are planning a Mini-tour throughout the tri-state area. The people at Pitchfork are asking for your feedback. If you want the mini-tour to come to a venue near you then e-mail us at So far the line-up includes Don KraZy, J-Reapa, Freak (of DarkFlow), and 2 non-Pitchfork acts Facelift and Glock-21. Supposedly the tour wil begin this summer or in fall. So if you want to bring us your way hit up the e-mail and let us know. For fans of metal and alternative rap this mini-tour is a must. Thats all for now.
3/21/05: ---- Well the new site is basically up now. I'm sure there's some bugs but I'll get em' later. I got the .mp3 of "Roll With The Punches" up. You have DEFINATELY gotta hear it. It's DK's first professional song. I love it to be honest but you should check it out for yourself. As far as DK news goes, he's got 2 songs almost wrote out and ready to record. Sorry, if you like Roll With The Punches, you gotta get the CD when it's done to hear the new songs. I am suprised I could put RWTP up but he let me. Just look through the site, it's mostly the same shit but who cares, maybe you missed something or you will find something new.
3/??/05: ---- Don KraZy has a song up now. It's in the audio section. It's a .cda file so you gotta burn it to a cd to play it right now. If I can i'll get the .mp3 file. This site is now the DK site. I'll still still keep updating on KOH until things get rollin. Reapa is gonna have his own site soon too so if I don't mention anything here just check out his site. By the time it's up the link page here should be back.
3/15/05: ---- Well... KOH won't be doing anything for awhile. Problems with Killa-B and the court system have forced the group to be delayed for up to a year! Damn, I know... that's shitty. J-Reapa is no longer a member of KOH. Instead he is now a solo pitchfork artist. He'll have his own website soon so if you're a J-Reapa fan there will be a link here. Basically this site is going to be devoted to Don KraZy and his career here. He is the only remaining member of KOH who can do anything. He is 3 songs deep into his new album. No title for it yet. So far it is expected to have guest appearances from J-Reapa, Young Havok (Glock-21, early KOH), and another member of Glock-21. Who knows, but I heard a demo version of "Roll With The Punches" and it's not like any KOH song. It's more of al alternative rap style. I will definately post a song off the album as soon as he'll let me. In other news, Pitch Black Studios (the studio KOH was using) is gone. The faggot emo/punk band down the hall managed to get us all evicted. If you ever hear of Via-Fiction, talk helly shit to em. So with that said, long live KOH and good luck to KraZy and Reapa.
2/7/05: ---- So much has happened... Killa-B got locked up for 90 days, the newest group "Caine & Ill-Able" fell through because Ill-Able (AKA G-Wayne, Gary) got locked up for 8 years. J-Reapa is still working on his solo album "Death 101" and is doing well on that. KraZy is still making his solo debut as well.
12/26/04: ---- If any of you know KOH personally then you have probly heard the news. There have been alot of problems in recent days in the lives of KraZy and Killa-B. KraZy has had the worst of it and has decided to use his spare time to make a solo album called "The Riddle Of Godhead". From what I gather it's about his life and is a way to get out the shit he needs to get out. With the new KOH album being almost done there isn't enough room on the CD to get out all this new shit. He said it's not gonna be a big studio album like the KOH Cd but the song he is working on now gives him chills. Keep an eye out for that. J-Reapa says he is making a solo album too and when I told KraZy he just laughed and said it's true but Reapa doesn't even know how to do that and tells everyone not to get their hopes up, but wishes him luck anyway. The group is considering playing a show on new years but it's not for sure just yet. I just wanna hear the Welcome To The Darkness LP damn it... and the KraZy LP sounds fresh too. What about Killa-B? Well Killa-B is just Killa-B, he's still helping to finish up the album and I hear is doing well. Thats all the news for now you fucks. L8r
12/15/04: ---- In case you didn't notice the ad on the home page, the new album is "welcome to the darkness" like the song. We got almost all the new album art in today so I posted that sweet little flyer. The kings are done with yet another new song called "Fuck This". It hasn't been recorded yet though. The song "Un-Eternal" is almost done too. remember that manson song I said the kings did? Well it was for this site. The song was called "BTK" and it featured an upcoming Pitchfork artist Shank the BTK strangla. But somehow, someway the studio engineer (Ryan "Psycho" Black) and KraZys drunken asses lost Shanks verse. I guess it was on the mastering console and they thought it had been copied to the PC but guess again. Shank lives in indiana so it'll be hard to re-record it. In other news, KraZy and J-Reapa were on 89.5 last monday promoting the demo 2004 ep that is out. They didn't play Misery Loves Company, but who cares. KraZy sent a shout out to Sondra (Aeris from Runnin This Bitch) and Glock 21 (Young Havok of G21 was in KOH back in the day before Voodoo, bet you didn't know that). Thats all the news for now so go do something constructive like play video games or sleep... damn internet junkies.
12/10/04: ---- (Post By KraZy) Long time, no see y'all. We've been so fuckin busy in the new studio getting shit wrote for the album we haven't had a chance to update this site. What is going down is we are re-recording the demo songs so they'll be all proffessional quality & shit. It's been hektic learning to use all this high-tech equipment we got here in the studio. We are building this shit from the ground up. This album is gonna change the Hamilton music scene for years to come. I'll update some more later, I just wanted to let y'all know we haven't gave up or anything, just workin. Peace.
11/01/04: ---- Well i'm here to give you some news. First I started site updates. The halloween giveaway is in the albums section. I also started to put the lyrics to Insomniac Killa and Devils Night up. Couldn't finish... too tired. The haloween show was sweet. It almost didn't happen for some reason but i'm glad it did. They started off with the intro and went into Welcome To The Darkness. KraZy played the guitar on that and part of Runnin This Bitch. After the show their was mad love for KOH. Facelift did a small 3 song acoustic set. After the Facelift set the crowd started chanting "Kings Of Havoc" so they would do an encore but Reapa had left the party already. The giveaways went pretty fast. They have like an Enhanced CD thing on the giveaway woth flyers and pictures and shit, it's pretty fresh. Devils Night isn't exactly one of their best, it was rushed and you can tell but Insomniac Killa is the shit! It was a great party with great music and everyone had a blast. Thats all the news my tired ass can think of so I'm out til next time.
10/26/04:---- Fuck 89.5 and fuck Tiffany Moody's stuck up ass. They have been saying they will play Misery Loves Company but they never do, so fuck them... anyway, KOH has just finished Insomniac Killa and Devils Night. Hopefully i'll be able to get the lyrics up soon. Insomniac Killa will be on the new album, but Devil's Night is only for the Halloween special giveaway. (It used to be the other way around but they changed their minds). KOH is being set up on It's an artist site to promote bands and stuff. I'm not sure if it'll help any or not but it's worth a try. Thats all for now.
10/8/04:---- Listen to 89.5 moday from 2:30pm to about 5:00pm because they will be playing Misery Loves Company, which will mark the first time KOH has been on the radio and hopefully not the last. I am about to update the bios because I finally got J-Reapa, Killa-B, and KraZy away from their busy schedule to get some info. By the time you read this they should be finished. I also added the finished lyrics to The Pit Recap: 89.5 monday 2:30-5pm, Kings Of Havoc section, Lyrics to The Pit.
10/06/04:---- For about a week or two the PF Records marketing dept. has been trying to get some radio play for Misery Loves Company. 97.3 has a copy but aren't responding to any calls or E-Mails. Another station in the works is 97.7x. They are an independent station that are usually good to the unsigned groups in the Cincinnatti area. They just E-Mailed Bryan Jay Miller, the general manager of WOXY (97.7). Good news though, 89.5 will be playing Misery Loves Company sometime Monday afternoon or Monday evening. Much luv to Lanette, Brett, and Tiff for that. In other news KraZy had a meeting with the audio engineer from the last show that bombed. Apparently the halloween party is a go for him. This time they are using different equipment and are setting up way in advance. So if Brett is down to let KOH party at his crib again, we could expect to se the full KOH set on Halloween with a couple new songs (Devils Night and Insomniac Killa). Fresh... yea, really fresh. Oh, yeah, I also updated the audio section to include the rare/special audio, but there aren't any songs there yet. You can still look if you want.
10/05/04:---- There is going to be a new audio section sometime soon. Basically KraZy and Killa-B want to do shit they can't sell, like covers and using samples of other songs. It's just something for fun. Since copyright laws prevent them from using these songs, they gotta give them away. Right here on the KOH website! The first song they are doing like this involves some Marilyn Manson samples from "This is the New Shit", "Disposable Teens", and maybe some others. As soon as it's done it'll be right here for your listening pleasure.---- In other news the KOH are looking for a place to throw a Halloween party and they'll perform all their shit live, including the ultra-rare ass song "Insomniac Killa" from the "Devil's Night" halloween giveaway disc they are working on now. The "Devil's Night" song is from the upcoming self-titled album and the "Insomniac Killa" song is an old-school song KraZy used to do before Reapa and B were in the group (even before Voodoo was in the group, but he did try to write to it.). Killa-B is filling in the open verse and a half as a present for finishing his part in Devil's Night. (I know this isn't all news, it's history. If you don't like it fuck you, some people think it's interesting... bitch.) So on halloween keep an eye out for that if you live in Hamilton, on the knob, or in New Miami cuz thats where KOH is probly gonna drop of free shit. If they have the halloween party they'll be there too. Thats all for now. Peace.
10/01/04:---- News... wow. Alot of news today. First of all the KOH have finished writing "Welcome To The Darkness". The final recording isn't done tho. Tonight was supposed to be the first live show ever from the KOH to support thr "Demo 2004 EP". It was at a party for them and there was a sound crew and shit. They did the song "Welcome To The Darkness" live and it was off the chain. Strobes and fog and blacklights and the song was the shit. Freak made it even more bad ass by playing guitar live with it. When it came time to do the whole set something happened to the sound system. It was fucked so they tried running it all thru to guitar amps and rapping without microphones. When the guitar didn't even come in on the chorus of "Runnin This Bitch" KraZy walked out of the room. The whole show was fucked. So sadly all anyone heard was a great show of "Welcome To The Darkness". The group sends its appologies to all the dissappointed fans. This just goes to show that if you want something done right you have to do it yourself. No new shows are scheduled until the release of the self-titled full length album "Kings Of Havoc". Due to issues with former rapper Voodoo the Wicked Indulgence CD is now self-titled. Lyrics to the pit should be up soon (i hope). And thats all the news for now, peace.
9/21/04:---- Three new things in the news today. First, the KOH have finished the new song "The Pit" and will be re-making the song "Welcome To The Darkness" within a couple weeks. The re-made version will feature all 3 current members of KOH. Second, I've changed the home page design for the release of the Demo 2004 EP. And third, I've mentioned an audio section a few times and I finally made one. Right now the single off the 'Demo2004 EP' "Misery Loves Company" is up for download. Go ahead and check that shit out. I may put more up later but for now i'll stick with the singles. Enjoy.
9/18/04:---- What up guess what... our newest demo EP is out at Galaxy CDs today. If you want to buy it go there or go to the link in the links section. The CD is also up in the Albums section so check that shit out. 9/9/04:---- Runnin This Bitch was finished last thursday and the lyrics are in the section for that kind of shit... you know where its at. Here's the REAL news: Some of you may have heard KraZy was the guitar player for Darkflow as was Freak, well KraZy and B went to Freaks crib to hang out and Maggot (their lead singer) was there with the old facelift guitarist. BLAAAM!! they were going to practice cuz now their "Facelift" which is the exact same band except Adam plays in KraZy's place. Thats bullshit, no one even told him about it... revenge will be sweet. No hard feelings to Freak but the rest will rot in hell or something. Freak still shoulda said something. FUCK DEM!!
8/26/04:---- Misrey Loves Company is up on the lyrics page. KraZy is trying to make a beat for "Shadow Kasta", which is a remake of KraZy feat. Fred. The problem is the OG song was on an ICP beat and it's hard to make a beat that good. Most likely the song will seem darker since his mind is a dark place and thats how alot of his beats come out sounding, but either way it's gonna be phat and blow some minds like always. Thats all the news for now so come back later at the same bat time and the same bat channel(site...) for the freshest bat shit (guano...)
8/21/04:---- Misery Loves Company is finished. Freak did some keyboard tracks on it. Mad thanx to Freak for that, it turned out fresh.
8/19/04:---- The KOH found a place to practice on stage performance. It's this abandoned building on the east side of Hamilton. There is an outdoor stage (well it looks like a stage) and they are probly tresspassing, but I doubt they care. It's ghetto as hell, they pull a car up to it and play the songs on the stereo. Freak was practicing and may not want to do a live song. He's used to playing guitar for Darkflow. If he can't do it then he'll be taken off the song, but thats how it works. I might post the song in an audio section but I don't know if I can get an audio section or not.
8/16/04:---- I just updated the lyrics section to include Killas Coming For You (Boom!). 8/14/04:---- Today was the shit. KOH wrote and recorded the song "Killas Comin For You (Boom!)". Freak of Darkflow laid down a verse on the song. Freak also recorded a solo song called "Ways Of Deceit" with KOH doing backup.
8/7/04:---- The kings have been in the studio writing and are currently remaking "Welcome To The Darkness" and "Greenery". The idea of remaking them is to add Killa-B and J to the old songs. It kinda sucks that Voodoo won't be rapping with the kings anymore but is has to be done. It is possible he may want a solo album on the label in the future but who knows. Hopefully this long overdue album will be finished in the near future.
8/1/04:---- Well the island thing was a flop, wan't even island, it was noctournal illusions records. That would have been fine but Killa-B and J The Reaper (a new member) weren't ready to go. Killa-B and J have been working together to prepare recording an album. KraZy has taken a break to persue another possible Pitchfork Records act: Darkflow. KraZy plays guitar in the band. As far as KOH goes KraZy has two verses written and pre-recorded to "Misery Loves Company". Not much has been said about Voodoo's position in all this is. Apparently he is still in. KraZy says: "Making this album has been so difficult because we are all learning as we go along how this all works. Getting the members together has been the toughest part of KOH and Darkflow. Kila-B is the only other "official" member as of right now, but he hasn't recorded yet." Voodoo, Pyro, J The Reaper, and Aeris may still be candidates.
5/21/04:---- I've got a fucking headache but imma drop some news because it's important. Killa-B has a meeting set up with Island records saturday to try and get a record deal. Voodoo is back with the Kings now and will be at the meeting along side a brand new member to the group. Right now all i know him by is jeff but he had alot to do with the Island records thing. The downside is Killa-B is slacking a bit, he works at Taco Bell and is having trouble deciding to call off work that day. Am i the only one that sees the humor in that. Taco Bell... Island Records... Taco Bell... Island Records... Tough choice.
In other news Darkflow is a complete band now but is still seperate from Pitchfork Records. KraZy isn't in the band anymore so he can focus on the Kings Of Havoc. So they will be doing their own thing for awhile and may return to the pitchfork later on down the road.
4/30/04:---- Since nothing has been getting done around here at Pitchfork Records things are about to change. Instead of Kings Of Havoc being a whole group thing I can just do it myself and feature the rest of the members and other people. People who may be featured on the Krazy KoH thing are Voodoo, Killa - B, Aeris, G-Wayne a.k.a. FatboyChunk, and possibly Pyro & the local Shadow. I think I'm going to remix Welcome to the Darkness a bit to make it sound better and replace the chorous guitar with something else.
I finished the Intro for the Wicked Indulgence album. "Kings Of Havoc: Wicked Indulgence" is going to be pushed back to the second release. Next will be"KraZy: The Kings Of Havoc" as kind of an Introdouction to the group and give people a taste of what Wicked Indulgence would be like, if we make it. So keep an eye out for that shit.---
4/7/04:---- Only 2 more verses and a chorus left and 'Runnin this bitch' will be done. The lyrics for it will be up soon. Rumor has it that Voodoo won't be making any more songs on the CD but it's just a rumor. It seems possible cuz he hasn't been to the studio in a while and hasn't wrote anything since his verse for 'Runnin this bitch' needed to be redone. So far the CD has about 12 tracks in the works:(in no paticular order) *intro *welcome to the darkness *greenery *vodka kings *It rainz *mysery loves company *runnin this bitch *the pit *outtro *and 2 or 3 untitled beats. There will probly be a secret track but who knows.
3/27/04:---- The Wicked Indulgence CD is still coming along. A new beat was made and vocals on the 'runnun this bitch' song were laid down by a special guest 'Aris'. It's her first rap and only half a verse long but it's fresh no doubt so keep an ear out for that. The fat guy himself, our very own Killa-B should be hitting up the studio in the near future and laying down vocals on almost everything. Spring break is coming up and it would be great to finish this shit then.(can you say studio party?) We have a couple new production tools in the studio so hopefully this album won't take forever to finish. If you or anyone you know may be interested in buying the CD just e-mail me at It may not be out for awhile but when it does you'd be guranteed a reserved copy. peace out & keep it wicked.
3/1/04:---- Our demo we put out seems to have made a local impact. We only made 10 of them and people are coming up to me and Voodoo telling us how phat it is. We have been motivated to really step up production and finish Wicked Indulgence as fast as we possibly can. Hopefully by this summer people will be able to buy the album and go to a Kings Of Havoc show. That would be the shit. We have 3 songs in production now, Runnin' This Bitch, The Pit, and Misery Loves Company. I've laid down a verse for 2 of em and already have more written. Things are looking good around here @ Pitchfork Records so keep a look out cuz we're creepin up motha fuckas!----
2/20/04:---- The Wicked Indulgence CD cover is up in the Albums section. Check it out.----
2/17/04:---- The movie won't be made now because Dwight pawned the camera because he lost his job. Anyway Voodoo and Krazy have been working on Runnin This Bitch and Misery Loves Company, two of the new tracks for the upcoming album Wicked Indulgence. Pyro will not be in Kings Of Havoc.----
1/20/04:---- The camera works and hooks up to the computer. I don't know how i'm going to get the people because no one really gets along anymore.----
1/16/04:---- I got the camera for the movie but for some reason I can't drop the video because I need a driver for something. I'll figure out something to still be able to make the movie. Last night me(KraZy), Freak, my little bro Fred, and Psycho went to the oit. I was gonna tape it but the battery died. Psycho lost it later that night and started alot of shit between himself and us. He is gone and we all hope it stays that way now. I also put up some pics in the Pit section of the site.----
1/11/04: ---- What up y'all KraZy here. We got a new song started called "runnin this bitch" but i don't know if it'll be any good or not but if it turns out to be fresh then it'll go on the album. Me Gary and Freak visited a place we call the pit recently to get pictures for the Pitchfork movie we are going to make and the pictures turned out to be more than what we asked for. I swear to god I took pictures of ghosts. Most of them are just little orbs of dim light that were following us but one of them looks like a big ass smoke cloud with a face and shit. No one was smokin down there when i took that pic cuz Freak got Freaked out like usual and he wasn't even down there for that pic. The place is creepy. it used to be part of the underground railroad, then it became a dungeon for the house by it, then finally it was someones basement. Its been around since the 1800's and the house by it burned down so it's just sitting there. We are crazy or something cuz we're still gonna try to put it in the movie. Well i'm out like bin laden's style. Peace----
12/19/03:---- KOH has made a new beat to add a new song to the EP. it's KraZy's firs beat he made using Acid Pro. Normally the beats are made in other ways but this one is great. The local CD store Galaxy Cd's has some kind of deal where we may be able to get our cd in a cd store! All we have to do is make like 30 copy's and fill out the paperwork and then we can put Pitchfork Records into full motion. Whhop Whoop! I'm not trying to count my chickens before they hatch so we are just trying to finish the damn CD first. It was supposed to be released in November and it's damn near January now, but it's turning out so much better than anyone at Pitchfork Records ever thought. It will be well worth the wait. Here pretty soon I'll put some demo songs up for download so more people can get an idea of what to expect. Keep an eye out for the "Welcome To The Darkness" rare demo and the unfinished secret song (Feat. Fred) to be put up in the near future. Both are off the ultra rare Pitchfork Records Demo that only a select few have had the privelage to hear. They are inrough unfinished forms and at the moment have no chorus vocals but it's still fresh.----
12/16/03:---- The secret track with Fred has a new verse from KraZy and the chorus of "Greenery" was just written like 5 minutes ago and will be recorded as soon as Killa-B gets out. Yes thats right, Killa-B will make an appearance on the chorus of "Greenery". Psychopathics From Outerspace Part 2 is out 2day so run out and get it.----
12/11/03:---- I'm here with some more production news about the K.O.H. EP. KraZy is mixing a secret track that will feature his 12yr. old brother Fred rapping with K.O.H. on a new mix of an old ICP beat. It's a secret track due to copywrite laws and all that shit. The song "It Rainz" has begun production. This may sound funny to some people but i don't think so; Killa-B is GROUNDED and it's supposed to be his time to shine in the studio. So he's going to have to wait and that will set the EP back even more. That sucks. Oh yea, and Darkflow is still around but not on the label.(like anyone cares)----
12/8/03:---- Darkflow was booted from Pitchfork Records last night after a conflict between KraZy and Freak. Reportedly Freak was trippin cuz KraZy likes to hang out with