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Caught In The Dark (Yes, Because of Peter, Again)

James eyed the room, watching the steady rise and fall of his classmates chests. 
Sleeping sound, no doubt. He smirked, signaling for Peter, Sirius, and Remus 
to get up. He stood, throwing on clothing over his pajamas. Quietly rushing 
down the stairs behind his commrads, he spied Lily wating for them in front 
of the near-dead fire. She smiled, and the five exited, stage right. 

Sleeping students fill the dorm
While I exit with my friends
Taking paths in daylight known
Nighttime making them dead ends

“Damn it!” Sirius cursed as they nearly ran into a wall. 

“You said you knew where we were going!” Peter cried nervously.

“I do! I just...well...Lily was leading! She got us lost!”

“I was not!”

“You know,” Remus said, his eyes far away; you could practically see the 
gears churning in his head. “We ought to make a map of the school.”

Sirius snorted. “Yeah, thanks for the input, Rem.”

“Shut up! Someone’s coming!” James hissed, throwing his invisiblity cloak 
over the group and praying it would cover them all.

Turning round fast, at the sound of steps
‘Tis the cat, to snitch for sure
A teacher follows in it’s wake
I curse to hell adventure’s lure!

The group froze as Mrs. Norris stepped into the corridor, her eyes 
scanning the area. Seeing nothing, she slowly, almost reluctantly, turned to leave.

“That damn annoying cat.” Sirius cursed under his breath. 

His curse was quiet, but it was still enough to stop Mrs. Norris in her 
tracks. Her ears pricked up, and she turned towards the wall again. She 
was most certainly calling to Flitch in that strange manner she used so often.

Sirius’ next thought was voiced so quietly that only Lily, who was so close 
that she was almost on top of him (not that way, you sickos!), heard it: 
“We’re screwed.”

Catching breath in all our throats
A cloak may hide us, but we still freeze
It looks as if we’re home free
That is, up until Peter sneezed

“Peter!” Four voices hissed at once.

"Again?" Remus groaned, remembering all the times the were caught because 
of Peter's nervousness or clutziness. 

“Peter,” Flitch said, almost savoring the name. He laughed, rushing towards 
the wall. After a few moments, he managed to find the group by smacking Remus 
in the head, completely derailing the boy’s train of thought. Yanking off the 
invisiblity cloak, he grinned with glee. 

“Told ya.” Sirius muttered to Lily.

Scowling faces, dreary looks
Caught out in the halls again
And the punishment? Well, it’s always the same
Yet another afternoon in detention

So, that afternoon, the five sat in a classroom manned by professor Binns. 
Lily tried to do her homework, Remus started working on his ‘magic map’, 
and Peter alternately studied for the make-up charms test (he failed the 
first time), and rubbed the back of his head (which was being bombarded with 
Sirius’ magically propelled paper airplanes.). 

James smiled to himself and leaned in closer to his friends, making sure 
professer Binns had his back turned. 

“You guys wanna sneak out tonight?”