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One Last Time

The normally quiet room was adorned as though it expected little 
activity.  Leather chairs and furnished bookshelves lined the walls, 
though several of the lower shelves and tables had been 'baby proofed', 
which is the activity of moving everything smaller than your fist to 
a higher shelf, therefore inspiring young children to learn to climb at 
an early age motivated by the soul purpose of being able to stick dangerous 
objects in their mouths.  Or so thereoized Sirius.  A large potted fern 
stood next to the chair currently occupied by Peter and was being the 
subject of many cruel jokes involving Remus 'marking his territory'.      	
	Lily and James took that moment to announce their news involving 
the newborn Potter child.   
	"You're naming him what?"  Sirius asked incrediously.
	Peter looked at his friends with disbelief.  
"Hairy?  The poor kid." 
	Sirius' look of disgust turned into a grin.  "Hey Remus!  
They're naming him after you!"  
	Remus punched Sirius as Lily and James scowled.  "Not 
hairy, Harry.  Harry James Potter."  James clarified with narrowed eyes.
	The other three men groaned.
	"What?  What's wrong with Harry?"  Lily asked, looking up from 
the bundle of fluffy cloth (and possibly a child).
	"A lot."  Peter said distastefully.    
	"I'm assuming the kid is buried somewhere in there?"  Remus 
asked, peering at the bundle curiously.  
	"Why all the padding?"
	"It's in case you idiots want to hold him."  James said with 
the utmost seriousness.
	"You wouldn't believe how hard it is to Sirius-proof a baby."  Lily added.
	"So I get to hold him?"  Sirius asked eagerly.
	"You're not going to try and feed him any sharp objects, are you?"  
Lily asked with some suspicion.  
	"Of course not,"  Sirius grumbled, pocketing his jacks.        	
	"Then yes."  Lily carefully handed him Harry.  Sirius grinned a mushy 
smile and immediatly starting making the standard crooning and 
nonsensical gibberish baby-noises.
	"And to think we just got him out of that stage."  Remus complained.  
	James grinned at his friends, then cleared his throat "So why 
is Harry James such a bad name?" 
	The other guys snickered.
	Sirius, without looking away from the baby, replied.  "You don't 
name a kid something that can be transformed into 'Hairy Jimmy' 
by future schoolmates.
	Lily carefully took Harry from Sirius' arms and kicked him in the shins.  
	"Erm...that's a point."  James mumbled.
	"And we made that sick bastard godfather."  Lily muttered.
	"Careful, Lil.  Don't want little Jimmy picking up on that lang-"  
Sirius' mind seemed to catch up with the rest of the sentence.  
"Me? Godfather?  Hell yeah!"
	Peter sputtered and Remus scowled.  "Him?  No way!"
	James bit his lip in thought for a minute.  "Wormtail, 
you can be the honorary Godfather.  Whenever Padfoot does something possibly 
traumatic, you can beat him with a stick."
	"Can the stick be pointy?"  Peter asked eagerly.
	"Use your best judgement." 
	Sirius giggled.  "Hairy Jimmy and pointy sticks."  
Lily kicked him again.  
	Remus chuckled.  "And me?"
	"Screw you."   
	No one made a move to correct Sirius. 
	"I hate you all."  Remus grumbled.
	James smiled.  "That whole nickname thing...will have to 
be taken into consideration.  I think that maybe Harry Remus would be a bit 
better than Harry James.  What do you think, Lil?"
	Lily smiled.  "I like it."  Remus looked delighted.
	"It's certainly descriptive."  Sirius added, doging Remus' backhand.
	Sirius took Harry from Lily's arms once again.  "Hiya Harry.  
You're a handsome little bugger, aren't you?  You look just like your uncle Sirius.  
I wonder why that is?"  He grinned at Lily, who snorted.  
	"Dream on, you drooling vagabond."    
	Sirius ignored her and continued his monalouge.  "When 
you get old enough, I'm going to teach you to ride a motercycle, and pick 
up chicks, and become an illegal animagus..."  
	"No, you're not."  James added.

	"Yes, I am."  Sirius insisted.  "And when you grow up, you'll be exactly 
like me!"
	Peter smacked Sirius with the fern.

	Noticing his friends stares, he added, "Well I don't know about 
Harry, but he was certainly tramuatizing me."
	Remus nodded.  "Good call."  

	Sirius recovered quickly and danced out of Lily's reach before 
she could once again remove Harry from his arms.
	"Harry Remus Potter,"  He said with a slight amount of awe.  The 
atmosphere of humor and giddiness had changed frighteningly 
quickly to an air of solomness.  "I wonder what fate has in store for you?"  

	And as Sirius began to imitate Sybill Trelawney to his 
friends great amusment, Peter couldn't help but cast an uneasy glance towards 
the sleeping bundle.  The burning on his arm would have to be dealt with 
soon, but there was no way to get away from his 'friends' right now.  
He sighed as he eyed the child, now sleeping in his mother's arms.  
	It would be a short, tramuatic childhood for young Harry.  
	Wormtail almost felt sorry.