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Justin- A scrawny, loud-mouthed punk who likes cracking jokes and writing songs, poetry, or spoken word.
Favorite Bands- Charles Bronson, Every Song Is A Revolution, Occam's Razor, Page 99, Capitalist Casualties, Lack Of Interest, and Holy Molar.
Favorite Activities- Skates and bugs the Starrs constantly.

Kasey- Funny, smart, and fat... Likes to eat.
Favorite Bands- Against Me, City of Caterpillars, Majority Rule.
Favorite Activities- Skates and eats.

Kourtney- A 19-year-old loser who does nothing but play guitar and skate.
Favorite Bands- Against Me, Hot Water Music, Alkaline Trio, Brother Inferior, and Page 99.
Favorite Activities- Plays guitar, skates, and sleeps.

Michael- Street fighter who does nothing in his spare time.
Favorite Bands- Page 99, Metallica, System of A Down, Planes Mistaken for Stars.
Favorite Activities- Skates, street-fights, and makes up metal riffs.

Joe- Chubby white kid who kills on the skins and is a lady's man.
Favorite Bands- Slayer, (early) Metallica, Pantera, and Slipknot.
Favorite Activities- Sleeps, makes fun of kids, and goes after chicks.

Band Pic

From left to right: Mike, Justin, Joe, Kourtney
Not pictured: Kasey

Brief History

After countless disasters, break-ups, and break-downs, ODD MAN OUT came out of the ashes with their unique brand of Screamo Thrash, and it was 2 years in the making. From the band's misled, anti-everything strong hand, came a group of violent individuals, with countless line-up changes (some taking place even during the start of our web site) and a band-name change (from SCUZZLEBUTT to ODD MAN OUT). They came up with a final line-up of Justin, Kourtney, Michael, Kasey, and Joe.

ODD MAN OUT will make you want to go insane. They are soon to be a force in the music of today.

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