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Process of Elimination

When you look inside- you’re nothing but an empty shell
Your tears have no salt- your veins have no blood
your shadow is afraid of you- you don’t care what it thinks
trying to embrace the fall- but it will hurt more than you think

it will hurt more than you think
it will hurt more than you think

truth becomes lies
lies become myth
myth becomes legend
legends were based on truth
like all of your thoughts they’ve all betrayed you
they’ve all betrayed you

when you look inside- you’re nothing but an empty shell
you mummified even if you were alive
Even if you were alive
even if you were alive

Finding Contentness In The Bottom Of A Hole (Reyna’s Song)

Break away
Climbing out
Flying free
I am free.

Staring death in the face
Waiting for its cold embrace
Strapped down to this cross
One day I’ll be free
From what I call my life

Break away
Climbing out
Flying free
I am free.

I will lay waste to the wars
I will bring a new era
One day I’ll set myself free
I will fly.

I will fly
I will fly away.

How One Movie Can Change the World

She put the world to sleep tonight
She couldn’t tolerate the human cries
As she choked on a fume not from the cigarette she smoked
The example of the earth is a toxin far worse.

And she puts on a movie every Friday night
And for two ours she lives in a dream
A girl seeks a place where true beauty lies
A person of substance needs not even try.

The movie had a villain only a human could stop
Just like reality but just a bit off
‘Cause we are the heroes and we are the villains
We hold the world at our finger tips
But we grasp at it with closed fists
So what will it be?

A two our epiphany for a well aged era
A one-chord revolution for change around the corner

So will we raise our glass and give thanks to the rights?
Or will we start right now and try to change the wrongs?

This Hypocrite Shit Has Got To Stop

If you are really who you say you are
Then why is every day Halloween?
Denying who you are to be something else
Saying you’re real but you live in a dream

Are you real have you gotten far
‘Cause you know everything but who you are

You’re so fucking depressed, you’re so fucking miserable
No one even loves you you’ve always been hated
Then go into a corner, and never talk again
There’s a knife right in front of you - jam it in your head.


Father said don’t drink it, it’ll fuck you up for life
His alcoholism got so bad that he’s on his third wife
Not only his third wife, he’s on his fifth kid
Wish about what he could have did.

Like some love or some crank
to take away the pain
like the one he isn’t feeling
while he’s running away.


A Song To Scream Away The Sorrow

The sweetest song is screamed - It’s screamed from the soul
No other way can a heart feel vibrations than by letting go of its fears
I hum all of the shitty songs in my head - next to a useless brain
And store all of the ones worth a damn in my chest - next to my heart

Soon after all the sense is smoked out of my head and my time is done
And after the toxins fill up liver and my time is done on the earth
And cancer begins to take over all other organs - that I will let go gladly
My heart will remain pure with all that matters - A song to scream away the sorrow

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