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I was born on a small island just off the Jamaican coast to Roberta and Douglas Macenessy. Ever since I was a child, I felt different because I didn't have dark skin like most of the other children. They called me names and taunted me everyday. I begged my parents to let me move to a place where I would fit in, and on my 6th birthday they sent me to Canada to live with Tom and Joan Candy. Tom and Joan adopted me, and I did change my name over. At first, I was afraid of my name change, because in Canada there was a popular comedic actor with the same name, but the kids at school actually thought it was cool, and I began to really fit in. As I entered adolence my body started to delevop to most boys' interest. I had millions of boyfriends, was the most popular girl in school and was Prom Queen of Western Canadian Highschool. Then, on my 18th birthday my friends and I went to see the band Pusch at a local club. Thats when I met Paul, thats when the hate really began...