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I'm CeCe

I love everyone but, Bush, Gray Davis, and any racist retards, yeah.
I'm pretty sweet if you get to know me.

What I do in my spare time

Photography [duh]
Rock out at various clubs in West Hollywood, Hollywood, OC. Singing, plaYing my guitar, and bass .Going to parties, having parties, skinning dippin', going out on dates, being free to do what I please. And I love 80's/Modern rock/Trance/rave/Metal..AC/DC stuff :)
Fav bands

Coldplay, Oingo Boingo, Violent Femmes, AC/DC, Nirvana, No use for a name, NoFX, Rx bandits, Reel big fish, YYY's, Finch, metallica, Pink floyd, Aerosmith, The cure, The clash, the melvins, Metric, The cardigans, Trance and stuff..
How I make some cash

I'm a college student, filmmaker, guitarist for a band, and last but not least,  Digital photographer...

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Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Time: 1:23:45 AM PDT
Author: Cece Sinister

A rose so full of grace, the disgrace put to rest.
As I hold this rose against my chest.
The windows to my soul are drenched in pain.
The tears fall like rain.
The insane silent screams
And this is the rose within me.
My fear has consumed my ever changing mind,
My fear has made me go completely blind.
I can't hear the sob stories you tell.
I can't feel you, I can't see you fail.
Maybe you're not the one for me in any instance,
I'm confused with contentment.
I'm no longer sane,
Sorrow and Rain,
I feel, As if its summer, no rain in sight, when I'm with you.
This pain, sooo much of it, So many tears.
I feel as if I'm being drained slowly to death.
Maybe it's for the best, maybe the rain will drown me.
Once again, for my sins have casted a thin cloud over....
My eyes and I cry, cry to the ones that have done the worst.
The one's I feel have cursed me.. The one's I love.

Photo of the month
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Things that make you go.. "Hmm"
I don't know what I was quite thinking at the moment I took this photo.
I happened to be visiting my old high school and I had some friends there.
Next thing I know, someone is getting
dry butt raped, before my very eyes.

Instantly, "SNAP, FLASH" and the
rest is history...

In modern day photography,
theres always something that
catches your eye. I guess two
sweaty 11th graders did the trick.

HEY HEY HEY, you're thinking dirty!
I'm not a pedophile I SWEAR!...
:::: does moonwalk :::: HEHE!

Oh yes I know its wrong, but its so