latvian jackass ( exalent says my mates )
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WELCOME to my site its long boring and i dont know why your looking at it but while your here i will show you. I like weird stuff which i buy from puffedz take there virtual tour
skatin is cool as you see above but i like falling off more
This is the vampire section where i have to talk about vampires and the fact i think they exist we will start whith the sacriment of caine, caine was the first vampire, the first to hold the curse of caine which is to wonder the world at night andnot to be able to eat only drink, only drink the essence of man BLOOD.
this is 2 vampire rituals just to give you a taster :
Brujah´s Commandments
Thow off the Elder´s shackles
of the mind, reach into thyself
and see the truth revealed.
The Truth, as truth is seen,
will illuminate your soul and
heal your wounds.
Know who you are, first,
and be true to your self.
You are my children, all,
but I would sooner shatter you like
flawed pottery than have your weakness
be that you are but a flawed copy
out of my mold.
A Valediction, Forbidding Diablerie
And the enemies of Caine were great,
and fell to fighting over his trail
like hounds, the scent would not abate
through flood and moon, and much travail
The hunter´s skill was great,
as they looked for their Father, and they did see
...ancient Discipline used they to find
the road to Shal-ka-mense
They came at last to that secret place
where Caine hid, amongst the waters
Showing himself, Caine called them under,
"Gentle sons, gentle daughters,
Why do you distrub my slumber?"
And they tried to embrace their Father
with steely things
and things of wood,
but lightning Caine, fast-moving Caine,
would not be stopped by such as them.
Under the curling, blasting waters,
beyond the pool of Veyd-sah-me,
in the grotto of Shal-ka-mense
did they gather, did they gather,
to embrace their sleeping Father´s form.
Found him sleeping? Found him wakeful,
battle-ready, eyes abright,
smiling at his ancient Childer
waging war in the waxing light.
Now the stars they one by one
blot their ways into lightinin sky
Now the fires burn hell and cinder
Now the heat reveals the Pyre.
Too long! the hunters waited further,
Too long! They did by Veyd-sah-me,
tarry long enough to see the
light of Dawn upon their Father´s Face.
And in the turning, burning Mark,
they saw the Finger of God´s own hate
twisting, curling, God´s own Word it
Set apart Caine´s lonely fate
And as they burned in hell-bright fires,
as they saw the melted flesh
as they burned with their own Kindred
Caine blessed more funeral pyres
Taking in his bloody Sacrament.
Seek not the blood of thine own Elder
Seek not the blood of thy Sire´s Sire
Seek not the blood that made thee Kin
For thou will feel the funeral pyre
When thou dost pay for thy immortal sin
Falling to the ground at 200 km/h from a height of less than 1,000 feet is when the average person would question one's sanity…Adrenaline is what it is about and BASE jumping is the purest form.
BASE is broken down like this… B is for Buildings, A is for Antennas, S is for Spans and E is for Earth. All involve jumping from heights between 100 to 6,000 feet.
BASE jumpers usually jump with only one parachute, no reserve. Quite often there is not enough time to deploy the second chute, even if required. This form of jumping is about risk management. And there is a lot to manage.
The tallest man made structures are television towers for example the KDUH tower in Nebraska, USA that is 1,965 feet high. The highest bridge is Colorado's Royal Gorge bridge at 1,053 feet. Trespassing can create a few difficulties for the BASE jumper as these places are quite often patrolled by people who wish to deter the avid jumper.
Earth jumps come highly recommended and have many advantages such as the spectacular scenery, lack of authorities and most importantly, height. Places like Venezuela's Angel Falls is 3,212 feet high and 6,000 feet at Canada's Baffin Bay. These places for not for the faint hearted as some are particularly difficult to get to ie. Norway's Kjerag takes nearly three hours to hike to the exit point. Height extends the options available for increasing the experience. Some people have been known to jump facing the sky and not the ground. Eventually one has to turn around so to allow the parachute to deploy correctly.
Height, also allows for talented jumpers to 'track'. Tracking is achieving horizontal velocity by positioning the body with arms tucked along side the torso with the legs together and flying on a 45 degree angle. With the correct technique some jumpers can track 100 metres horizontal distance for every 200 metres vertical.
Tracking and the whole experience can be improved with equipment like the BirdMan suit. This skydiving suit is webbing between the arms and torso, and legs. This suit provides wind resistance so to allow the jumper to 'glide'.
The unfortunate thing though is that its mostly illegal but most people die to.
fun stuff
The Bad Inventions series is written and animated by Kirkflip. Follow the life of a stick as he invents crazy contraptions to hopefully make his life easier, but usually they end up killing him!
this i now drag racer v2 create and race your own dragster racer
this may not work if not go onto
i was asked to do this by my mate, kill all bloody burbery it deservs to die kill it kill it all it should never have been invented i sum up burbery in one word 'SHIT'
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