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Alternative Medicine

How to relieve labour pains

There are many ailments that respond positively to alternative medicine. Though there are some that just cannot be helped. For example, I've been trying to grow a beard for the last 6 months, but it's just not happening. I've even tried using alternative medicine to increase my testosterone levels, but it didn't work. Nothing worked.. ANYWAY.. alternative medicine is especially useful in treating WATER- RETENTION, PRE-MENSTRUAL TENSION, PREGNANCY and MENOPAUSE.

In the past 6 years, the number of people using alternative medicine in Britain has doubled. This correlates with the decrease in their trust in doctors. The medical establishment has also increased their acceptance of alternative medicine. Take me for example. I am a Doctor and I love alternative medicine.

Herbal remedy is my favourite, and you will find that there is a remedy for virtually all minor conditions. I personally find that it is a safe an effective way to relieve painful symptoms, especially those of menopause.