The Interaction Library

   Interactive resources are very relevant when it comes to learning languages. At school, I'm in a program called Academic Decathlon, and it's just hundreds of hours of reading and reading and testing and memorizing and working. To have a goal, that is motivation. But to enjoy it more fully and not have to do the same thing over and over, we need a variety of resources. Language is about interaction... This is my personal library of interactive resources. It will largely contain resources for the languages I study, but I look at many languages, so I may add some others here if I find them to be very useful. Feel free to drop a feather in my box.

Site Type Best Interaction Rating
UniLang Community Active forums, wiki, and chatroom; exercises by user creation; too much to say 10
Phrasebase Community Forum-based and highly active with active chatroom 9
Flashcard Exchange Non-Language An extensive section of language flashcards that can be shared and are created by users 6

Site Language Type Best Interaction Rating
French at French Lessons Active forums 9
Bonjour de France French Activities Games, Exercises 6
Radio France Internationale French News Radio A section on the French language, with some exercises 6
Learn Romanian Online Romanian Yahoo! Groups A forum 3

Note: Ratings are based solely on the interaction aspect. The sites themselves may be, as a whole, better or worse.

Daily Fyren

Sang real - Hálig Blód
Best way to say blood...
heolfor (n) (Englisc)
sânge (n) (româneşte)
sang (m) (français)
bloed (n) (Nederlands)
krew (f) (Polish)
veri (suomi, Estonian)
кровь (русский)
gwad (m) (Breton)
Blut (n) (Deutsch)
darah (Indonesian)
fuil (Irish)
ketsueki (Japanese)
xiě (Chinese)
sanguis (Latin)
kan (Turkish)

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Created and Copyright 2005 by la fantôme.