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The Sweet Valley High cheerleaders are going to the nationals! Although Jessica Wakefield and Heather Mallone have declared a truce as cocaptains, Jessica is determined that this time the spotlight will be hers alone. But Jessica soon learns that Heather is the least of her problems. Sweet Valley High's biggest rival is Heather's old squad, and even Jessica is shocked by their low-down tricks. When Heather flubs her routine, Jessica suspects that there's more behind it than nerves. Does someone have a secret hold on Heather?
Jessica and her twin sister, Elizabeth, are locked in a battle of wills, and Ken Matthews and Todd Wilkins are desperate to make peace. Will the boys' meddling help them make up - or will love for the same guy tear Elizabeth and Jessica apart forever?

"OK, guys, let's get psyched!" Jessica said on Tuesday afternoon practice. "We've got three days to get in shape for nationals. We looked great at state, and we're oing to look even better in Yosemite."
Jessica was determined to get the squad back on track. She and Heather had called for double practice all week, and the practice session that morning had been disastrous. The girls had wasted the entire morning trying to imitate Heather's combination jump - at Heather's suggestion, of course. Heather knew perfectly well that the other girls wouldn't be able to do it. It was just another opportunity for her to show off. but Jessica was determined not to waste any more time. She wan't going to let Heather undermine her authority an further.

Do you know where you mother is? Murder in Paradise where Alice Wakefield takes the twins to a luxurious spa and then mysteriously disappears!