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Roger strikes it rich . . .

No one would have guessed that Roger Barrett, the poorest boy in Sweet Valley, was really one of the Patman's, the wealthiest family in town. But when Roger's mother dies, the secret of his birth is revealed, and overnight he becomes a millionaire!
Immediately Jessica Wakefield sets her sights on Roger and his newfound wealth. Only one thing stands in her way - Olivia Davidson, Roger's long-time girlfriend. But not for long. Jessica has a surefire plan to take care of her!

"We'll need a fourth for tennis," Jessica reminded Bruce. "Why don't we ask Olivia to play, too?"
Bruce looked at Jessica suspiciously. "I don't know what you're up to, Jess, but it sure sounds like you don't want much competition," he drawled.
Jessica grinned. "We'll go easy on them, won't we, Bruce?"
Bruce shook his head. "I don't go easy on anyone."
Jessica shrugged. "Have it your way," she said lightly. "When shall we play?"
"Tuesday," Bruce said. "You'd better give Olivia a few pointers before then," he added.
Oh, you can be sure of that, Jessica thought to herself, nodding. She pushed past Bruce into the pool house.
Jessica Wakefield, she told herself, catching a glimpse of her reflection in the full-length mirror inside, you've got this one in the bag. Olivia isn't even going to know what hit her!

What is Caroline afraid of? Love Letter's