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Backstabber . . .

It's pledge season for Pi Beta Alpha, and everyone in the exclusive Sweet Valley High sorority expects Sandra Bacon to nominate her best friend, Jean West. But Sandra's always tired of hearing about Jean's perfect figure, terrific grades, and fantastic cheerleading. The sorority is the only thing Sandra has that Jean doesn't, and even though Jean is her best friend, Sandra wants to keep Pi Beta Alpha for herself.
When Sandra unwillingly becomes Jean's pledge sponser, she's determined to do everything she can to insure Jean doesn't make it through the pledge period. But how far will Sandra go and still remain friends with Jean?

Sandra raised her hand. "I nominate Jean West," she said. Scattered applause broke out across the room, and three or four girls seconded Jean at the same time.
Sandra barely heard the rest of the meeting. She knew they would all be meeting again the next day after school to plan the first big event of the pledge season. Since she had nominated Jean, Sandra would be appointed her "sponsor". It would be up to Sandra to keep Jean up to date on all plradge - season events and help her out in any way she could.
But Sandra had other plans. She was going to be Jean's sponser, all right. But she was going to be doing everything she could to make sure that Jean didn't last through the pledge period. She was going to keep Jean out of Pi Beta Alpha - no matter what it took.

Enid has stiff competition for Jeffery French's attention - none other than Lila Fowler. Jessica and Elizabeth enter thehottest matchmaking duel ever, in SVH #31: Taking Sides