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Predictions . . .

Slam books are the newest craze at Sweet Valley High. They're do-it-yourself books of lists and predictions about everyone in school. They start out as fun but soon stir up big trouble.
First, Jeffery French, Elizabeth Wakefields boyfriend, gets paired up with another girl under the category, "Couple of the Future." The Elizabeth gets matched with the new boy at school, A.J Morgan - and her twin, Jessica, is furious, because she's the one who's fallen hard for A.J.
Will the mysterious slam book entries spell the end of happiness for both Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield?

"Biggest Flirt," A.J. read aloud from a slam book. His eyes ran down the page. Jessica felt her stomach doing flip-flops. "Wow," he said. "Ten votes for Jessica Wakefield." Everyone at the table laughed, except for Jessica, who felt her cheeks burning. A.J. looke at her curiously. "That sure doesn't seem right to me," he said warmly, staring straight into her eyes.
Jessica couldn't believe how happy it made her to hear him say that. Did that mean he liked her? She hoped so! Jessica knew no one in the world would believe it, but she was in love. She was so much in love that she felt like a totally new person, and all she wanted to think about was A.J.
"Hey, look at this," Aaron said, taking the slam book from A.J. and flipping ahead to the Crystal Ball category. "Future Couples . . . Olivia Davidson and Jeffery French."
"Oh," Ken Matthew moaned. "Watch out, Liz!"
Everyone laughed. Everyone, that is, except Elizabeth.
"And look what's right under it! Elizabeth - and A.J. Morgan!"
This exclamation was greeted with a suprised silence. Everyone look nervously from Elizabeth to A.J. to see what their response would be.
"That's pretty flattering," A.J. said with a grin, and the tension broke. Everyone laughed again, including Elizabeth.
Everyone but Jeffery - and Jessica, who stared at her sister with a look of abject horro in her eyes.

Will Jessica convince A.J. that she's the girl for him? Playing for Keeps