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Split personality . . .

Jessica Wakefield is head over heels in love with handsome A.J. Morgan. She knows he likes her, but Jessica's convince he'd really fall in love with her if she were studious and reserved, like her twin, Elizabeth. So Jessica sets out to change her personality completely.
But her plans are threatened when she hears about a fashion contest she just knows she could win. How can she compete and still be the shy, sweet girl that A.J. thinks she is? When the contest turns into a battle to keep A.J. as well as a competition for a desighner wardrobe, Jessica has to make some difficult decisions. Will the old Jessica reappear - and risk losing A.J. - or is the quiet, serious new Jessica here to stay?

The only person in the whole group at the Dairi Burger who didn't know the real Jessica was A.J. Morgan. And every time she looked at him she felt an surge of conflicting emotions: panic, confusion, frustration, and head-over-heels love. She couldn't do anything to jeopardize the good opinion he had o her. He liked the quiet, concerned type, so she had to be the quiet, concerned type.
"You're looking pretty serious." A.J.'s voice broke gently into her reverie. He was smiling at her in a way that made her heart race.
She blushed. "Oh, I was thinking about - about nuclear war," she fibbed lamely. "You know - how terrible it would be if there was one and everything."
The smile vanished from his face. Nodding slowly, he picked up his soda, then took a long swallow. "You're right," he agreed softly, his eyes clouding over.
As Jessica turned to talk to Lila, she felt a twinge of anxiety. Hadn't A.J. looked suprised, maybe even confused?
She hoped she hadn't said something wrong. Or stupid. She didn't want to do anything that would ruin her chances with A.J. He was too important to her.

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