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A dangerous game . . .

Ronnie Edwards is having the time of his life. By betting successfully on high school sports, he's made more money than he knows what to do with. He's even offered Jessica Wakefield a loan. Unfortunately, he hasn't been keeping up with regular payments to his bookie, Big Al. When Big Al decides to collect, Ronnie's out of cash. So Big Al offers him another option: if Ronnie can fix the state championship soccer game, Big Al will forget about Ronnie's debt.
Ronnie turns to the only friend he has - Elizabeth Wakefield's boyfriend, Jeffery French, star soccor player for Sweet Valley High. A college scout is coming to see the game, and if Jeffrey doesn't play his best, he'll jeopardize his future. but if he doesn't help Ronnie out, his friend may not have a furture.

For a moment Elizabeth couldn't move. If she screamed, no one would hear her. If she went inside to try to save Ronnie, Max would take her captive.
I've got to call the police! she realized. As she backed away from the window, she looked around for a phone booth. There wasn't one in sight. Elizabeth ran around to the back of the building, wincing as her feet noisily hit the gravel.
She found an abandoned gas station on the other side of the building, and there, on the wall, was an old rusty phone booth.
Elizabeth sprinted up to it and picked up the reciever. Her heart jumped when she heard a faint dial tone. She struggled to keep her fingers steady as she dialed 911.
"Emergency," a voice at the other end answered.
"Hello, I'm-"
But those were the only words she could get out before a large hand clamped down over her mouth.
A choked scream was all Elizabeth could manage as she felt herself being dragged backward toward the building.

What's come over John Pfierfer? White Lies