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Hiding the facts . . .

John Pfeifer, popular sports reporter for the Sweet Valley High Oracle, is worried that his good friend Jennifer Mitchell is becoming to involved with dropout Rick Andover. When he finds out that Jennifer plans to run away with Rick, he enlists Elizabeth Wakefield's help to stop them.
Then Rick is arrested. Jennifer is convinced that her father turned him in. Furious, she refuses to speak to her father. John is the one responsible for Rick's arrest, but there's no way he can admit it now that Jennifer has turned to him for comfort. Then Mr. Mitchell becomes seriously ill, and John is faced with a terrible dilemma.
Should her tell Jennifer the truth and risk losing her friendship, or let her go on thinking her father is to blame?

John started the engine and backed up, keeping Rick Andover's Camaro in sight.
In the glare of the streetlights, Elizabeth studied John's face. His jaw was set, and he looked fiercely determined. Feeling disturbed, she stared through the windshield at Rick Andover's taillights. She couldn't help wishing she and John weren't doing this.
"He's pulling over," she spoke up moments later.
John nodded and slowed. Then he carefully pulled up to the curb behind another car. He and Elizabeth watched as Rick casually looked left and right, then sauntered across the street. His dark hair cast a shadow on his face and made him look sinister and furtive.
With a jolt Elizabeth realized Rick was heading for the Mello Music Shop, where he worked. A streetlight illuminated the front of the shop, spotlighting a drum set, amplifier, and a gleaming electric guitar. Rick dissapeared into the alley beside the shop. John and Elizabeth waited in tense silence.
Suddenly, a fleeting, stealthy movement in the darkness caught Elizabeth's eye.
"John!" Elizabeth grabbed his arm. While they watched, the electric guitar rose up and dissapeared into the black emptiness of the shop. A patch of light outlined a hand gripping the neck of the guitar before it vanished.
"He's stealing it," she breathed, her heart pounding. She turned to John. "He's robbing the store!"

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