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Reunion . . .

Todd Wilkins and Elizabeth Wakefield are back together! After living in Vermont for several months, the Wilkins family has returned to Sweet Valley. Now it's just like old times between Elizabeth and Todd - only better. In fact, they've never been so much in love.
But before long Elizabeth notices that Todd is drifferent now. His family has a lot more money. Todd lives in a mansion, attends an elite privat school, and drives an expensive car. He even has a whole new set of friends, and some of them don't like Elizabeth. Can Todd and Elizabeth's love really survive the changes in Todd's life?

"You have no idea how much pressure I'm under," Todd yelled at Elizabeth. "everyone expects me to just magically adjust to a whole new life-style. It happens to be pretty tough, Liz, especially with all this grief you keep giving me!"
Elizabeth felt tears spring to her eyes. "Why are you feeling sorry for yourself?" she cried. "Because you have to get used to having your own screening room and a mansion to live in and a brand-new BMW?"
Todd gripped the edge of the table, his knuckles turning white. She had never seen him this angry before. "Cut it out, Liz. Cut it out right now."
"I have to tell you how I feel," she said weakly.
"Well I'm sick of you judging me," Todd snapped. "You know what? Maybe we should stop seeing each other," he said. "At least till we've figured out what we both want. Since all I seem to do lately is disappoint you."
"Stop seeing each other?" Elizabeth repeated. She felt a queasy sensation in her stomach. This wasn't what she wanted at all. But if Todd wanted to break up with her, she wasn't going to beg him not to. After all, she had her pride. And at the moment it felt as if that was all she had.

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