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Family problems . . .

There's trouble in the usually happy Wakefield household, and Jessica, Elizabeth, and their brother, Steven, are caught in the middle.
Mrs. Wakefield is so busy at work that she's hardly ever hom. When she is home, all she and Mr. Wakefield do is fight. Tensions increase when Mr. Wakefield decides to run for mayor of Sweet Valley and Mrs. Wakefield doesn't like the people backing him. They have a huge argument that just might end their marriage. Elizabeth, Jessica, and Steven can't do anything to help. Could this be the end of the perfect Wakefield family?

"I love you, yoo," Todd whispered, bending over to press a tiny, gentle kiss on each of Elizabeth's cheeks. "Now, promise me you won't worry about a thing. Go straight upstairs, hop into bed, and have sweet dreams till I see you again in the morning."
Elizabeth laughed. "I promise," she said softly.
Sheopened the door and stepped into the foyer. Immediately she heard angry voices coming from the den.
"I'm sick and tired of this, Alice. We haven't had dinner together as a family in ages. You're never home, and when you are home, you're working! What kind of life is this?"
Her father sounded furious. And Mrs. Wakefield's retorts were just as sharp, just as angry.
Elizabeth felt all the joy from her evening with Todd rush out of her. Her eyes filled with tears. It was a rude shock, coming home from a wonderful time . . . to this.
She didn't even bother telling her parents she was home. She just ran straight upstairs to her bedroom. Closing the door behind her, she burst into tears.

What's going to happen to the Wakefield family? Who's to Blame?