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Lila Fowler finally has the family that she always wanted: a father and a mother who love her. And she can tell that despite their years apart, her parents still love each other. Now all Lila wants is to get them back together - and what Lila wants, Lila gets!
Todd Wilkins can't keep pretending he's interested in Jessica Wakefield - especially when he's still in love with Elizabeth. But can Elizabeth ever forgive his betrayal?
. . . and Margo has seen the Wakefield twins - and the new life that could be hers. The only thing standing between Margo and her dream is murder!

Lila examined herself in the mirror. "What's going to happen when Grace goes back to Paris?" she whispered to the image whose face was lined with new tears. Her mother had been such a comfort and source of strength to her over these past weeks. Lila hadn't felt this sure of herself since before the incident with John on Miller's Point.
Will I feel this good about mysel when Grace is gone? Lila wondered. She squinted her eyes, trying to stop the tears.
Lila knew her mother had built a very successful life for herself in France. "But her life should be with me," Lila affirmed to the mirror.
A loud burst of laughter outside the door snapped Lila back to reality. There was a senseational party going on in her house and she was the hostess. She grabbed a tissue and patted the drops clinging to her eyelashes, the wiped away a smudged line os mascara that formed below one eye.
She gave one last look at the reflection in the mirror. I just have to make Grace understand that she can't just leave me alone again, she silently told the image. I won't let her go,.

Book five in this explosive six-part miniseries . . . Sweet Valley will never be the same! Beware the Baby-Sitter