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Jessica Wakefield and Lila Fowler are headed for the Big Apple! They're psyched for a week of Broadway shows, superstretch limos, major shopping...and New York guys.
Jessica's fun begins the moment she steps on the plane--and finds she's sitting next to rock star Ryder Mitchell. There's an immediate spark between Jessica and Ryder--in fact, things are so hot, they promise to meet for an ultraromantic date at the top of the Empire State Building in three days. Flying first class has definite advantages.
But things don't go as planned. The staff at their ritzy hotel mistakes Lila for Princess Charlotte, a visiting royal. Lila and Jessica don't mind the VIP treatment...until a gang of kidnappers also mistakes Lila for the princess--and holds the girls for ransom.
It's New York City...and anything can happen!

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Jessica exhaled with a sigh of relief when the out-of-control plane landed safely. Surprising herself, she threw her arms around Ryan and gave him a big hug. "We did it," she exclaimed.
"Yeah, we did," he replied softly.
Jessica rested her head on his shoulder and smiled. He didn't seem like a weirdo anymore. She also noticed he had a muscular chest and strong arms. Ryan had taken off his dark sunglasses too. Jessica realized he had sexy blue eyes that made her feel warm and tingly right down to her toes. His nose and forehead weren't bad either. Without that horrible beard and mustache he might be kind of cute, she thought.
Ryan smiled at her, and Jessica noticed that his mustache was sagging over his lips. On impulse she tugged on it. She gasped as it came off in her hand, along with the beard.
Jessica stared at the black hairy thing she was holding and laughed. "It looks like roadkill," she teased. "I'm sorry, Ryan, but really---" Jessica looked up at him and her jaw dropped. The rest of her sentence died on her lips as she found herself staring into the eyes of famous rock star Ryder Mitchell.

Mystery Date