Your little girls will never be safe again . . .

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When Ned Wakefield learns that John Marin, the man he sent to jail for murder, is out, he's gripped by fear. He'll never forget Marin's last words: "I'll get you, Wakefield. Your precious little girls will never be safe again."
Ned hires a private detective to keep an eye on Jessica and Elizabeth, and cautions his daughters to be alert to strangers. But then Elizabeth meets Ben, a young novelist, and Jessica meets Scott, a gorgeous television intern. Forgetting their father's warning, they fall right into the Marin's deadly trap. Can Ned rescue the twins - or will they be John's next victims?

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I really have found my soul mate, Elizabeth thought as Ben Morgan leaned foward, his warm lips sending shivers up her spine.
Suddenly the moon and stars were swallowed up in a flood of light that washed over the deck. Elizabeth staggered backward, almost blinded by the white-hot llights from just off the starboard.
"What the-" Ben began in a suprisenly harsh voice.
"Drop your weapon and put your hands up!" a voice boomed through a loudspeaker.
Elizabeth shook her head. "You've made a mistake!" she screamed toward the boat that had pulled alongside. Then Ben pulled her toward him, and Elizabeth's mouth dropped open.
A huge knife glited in his hand.
Elizabeth looked up into the eyes of her soul mate, and all she saw was hatred.

Now that John Marin has been caught, the Wakefields think they're safe. But Marin is out for blood - and no jail cell is going to hold him . . . A Killer on Board